The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 289 Emperor Huang Tian is missing?

Chapter 289 Emperor Huang Tian is missing?
Xukong looked at the starry sky littered with corpses. He realized that his side no longer had the strength to resist. Unlike others, he actually always believed that Jiang Li could kill him, but he might not be able to hold on until that day.

This is the catastrophe that is sweeping across the heavens. Brother Yan Di is right. In this situation, only one person who can truly turn the situation around will appear. Otherwise, even if there are hundreds of people like him, it will be completely useless!

"I have spent my whole life in battles. It is worth living again if I can live in such loneliness!" Void's eyes were firm. Above his head, a Void Mirror made of Void Immortal Gold was flowing with chaotic energy. It was interwoven with the blood of countless supreme beings and had long since turned into a half-step immortal weapon!

"But before that, I will kill all these bastards!" Void roared, and the Void Mirror on his head exploded with endless chaotic mist. His whole body merged into the void in an instant. When he reappeared, he used one hand of the void to directly tear apart a Supreme Being. The Void Mirror shook and directly shattered the opponent's soul.


But the next moment, he was also injured, with a spear piercing his shoulder. Another strange supreme came and launched a sneak attack while Xukong was attacking other supremes.

The terrifying imperial laws invaded his body, but Xukong remained calm. He had suffered such injuries too many times and was already accustomed to it.

Void stretched out his hand to grasp the halberd to prevent him from shattering his body, and then the Void Mirror Law erupted, and a beam of light shot out into the sky, breaking the sneak attacking Supreme in half.


There was a loud roar in the void, and the innate Taixu Gangqi brewed in his hands, and then he directly crushed the supreme being to pieces.

In just a short moment, he killed two supreme beings. He was very powerful. But unfortunately, there were too many people on the side of the weird clan. He had no chance to rest at all. The next moment, a supreme being came to kill him.

The void was constantly bleeding. Even though his origin was now strong and he had almost reached the threshold of becoming an immortal, he was just one step away from facing so many Dark Supremes.

The starry sky was dim. Countless people died almost every moment. The blood dyed the starry sky red, turning it into a sea of ​​blood.

What was even worse was the defeat of the quasi-immortal king. He was outnumbered two, and ultimately he could not hold on any longer. His body was cut into pieces, and he fell onto an ancient star.

"Senior!" Pan Wu roared, and rushed over directly, trying to resist the pressure of the Quasi-Immortal King with his True Immortal body! But the gap was too big, and before he got close, his body was cracking, and he could not resist the murderous intent of the Quasi-Immortal King.

"Is there no one left to support us? Is the end of the universe turning into ruins inevitable?" a True Immortal said sadly.

He is not from the Fairyland. He is just a strong man who came here from his own ancient world to fight after he learned about the war in the Fairyland. It is because of many people like him that the Fairyland has been able to hold on for so long.

“Catch him, and when we return to the ancient land, transform his soul into darkness and integrate it into our arms.” said a powerful being from the weird side.

Every quasi-immortal king is very precious, and Hun Tiantuo’s combat power is very strong. He is the strongest among the three leaders of the immortal realm. It would be a waste to kill him.

"Haha, I am the biological son of Immortal King Hunyuan, and I once followed him in the expedition. How can I allow myself to fall into darkness!" Hun Tiantuo laughed sadly.

After the end of the chaotic ancient era, he was sealed by his father, who said that the world would undergo great changes, and he thus escaped the disaster. However, when he woke up after a long time, the fairyland was completely shattered. Not only that, but darkness once again swept across the heavens.

For the past tens of millions of years, Hun Tiantuo has been searching for Emperor Huang Tian, ​​but he has only found some superficial information and has no idea where he has gone!
But he knew that Emperor Huang Tian would not die, because he was the one who was born to meet the calamity. Now that he disappeared, it was most likely that he was involved in something.

"Emperor of Heaven, I originally wanted to guard the rear for you, but Hun Tiantuo is incompetent!" He said to himself, and then his forehead bone began to glow, and the terrifying aura of a quasi-immortal king swept across the entire void.

Hun Tiantuo knew that at the moment he couldn't even destroy his own soul, so he chose a more domineering way, transformation!

The brilliant immortal light was extremely dazzling, and around him, the terrifying power of transformation began to decompose everything about him.

"Damn it!" The quasi-immortal king of the weird clan was furious, but no one stepped forward to stop him, because this light of transformation was very powerful, even the strong ones at the same level did not want to provoke it.

When the Immortal Realm camp saw this scene, everyone looked ashen, but they were also prepared to die heroically. If a quasi-Immortal King chose to become a Taoist, then what was there for them to hesitate about?

But just when everyone thought that Hun Tiantuo was dead, a ray of fairy light descended, and except for the starry sky, all other places became dim.

A man appeared beside Hun Tiantuo, sitting cross-legged on a fairy phoenix, his whole body shrouded in fairy light, the avenue wrapped around his waist, order and rules constantly emerging and evolving on his body.

"The light of the Immortal King illuminates the past and present!"

"How is it possible? How could an immortal king appear under heaven?"

On the strange side, a strange person with an aura almost like that of an Immortal King sent out a huge divine thought that resounded throughout the heavens.

He also had this faint immortal light on his body, which was different from that of a true immortal, but it was entangled in his soul. It was much stronger than that of the Emperor, but obviously still some distance away from the Immortal King.

“Fellow Daoist, you finally made it to my doorstep. It’s really a loss for you to die like this.” Vast magical power burst out from Jiang Li’s palm, also emitting the laws of the Immortal King.

"Who are you?" Hun Tiantuo was very surprised. He was very familiar with this aura. It was indeed the Immortal King, but he gave people the feeling of being imperfect. However, his body and magic power had transformed to the Immortal King level.

"People who support you." Jiang Li said no more. His powerful magic power directly dispersed the light of the Tao. Then he gathered the rain of light into his palm and then sprinkled it out.

"You can also experience the taste of the Tao."

The light of the Dao of Transformation was like raindrops, dripping on the bodies of the strange clan. They wanted to hide, but found that no matter how they hid, it was useless, and the rain of light fell directly on them.

In an instant, all the weird things below the level of quasi-immortal king in this world were drawn in, attracting their own light of transformation.

Everyone on the Fairyland side was horrified, but they all knew that this adult was here to support the Fairyland, and might be a true Fairy King!

Just one strike was enough to allow nearly half of the strange monks to achieve their own transformation.

"Brother Daoist!" Xukong was covered in wounds and blood everywhere, but he did not feel any pain. Instead, he felt a sense of relief, as if the heavy stone in his heart had instantly fallen to the ground.

"I'm not a king yet. Only my physical body has become a king, but my soul is still a little short!" The man on the weird side exhaled lightly. When he saw the light of the Immortal King just now, he was indeed shocked.

But this is only relative. When one's physical body becomes a king, it is also very powerful and can crush all beings below the king realm. However, compared to a real Immortal King, becoming a king with a physical body makes this person much easier.

If it is the former, then they can just wait to be killed, and there is no need for them to resist, unless they are some races born with powerful talents. Otherwise, the King Realm is an insurmountable mountain, and those below the King Realm cannot pose any threat to them at all.

As for the latter, although powerful, it is not so powerful that makes people despair, at least it is not completely irresistible.

"Senior! Where are you from?" Hun Tiantuo asked curiously.

In the heavens, a powerful master who had become a king in the flesh suddenly appeared. It seemed that no news about him had been heard before.

"Senior, he is the master of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths that I mentioned." Pan Wu came to Hun Tiantuo and introduced him, but the look he gave Jiang Li was still very difficult to accept.

It has only been 200,000 years, and he has reached this level from the True Immortal realm. Isn’t the speed a bit too fast?
There was a flash of disbelief in Hun Tiantuo's eyes. Pan Wu had mentioned that person to him. At first he didn't care much about it. Two true immortals would not have much effect on the situation in the fairyland at that time.

It took 200,000 years to reach this level. Emperor Huang Tian was probably no more than that in the beginning!
Just as the two were still in a daze, a huge change occurred.

In the distance, the laws of immortality were pervasive. Henren, Ye Fan, Wu Shi and others arrived with a large army, and their aura overwhelmed the heavens.

"Another five Quasi-Immortal Kings!"

The sudden change shocked everyone again. Such strength has completely surpassed the peak of the fairyland.

"Don't be nervous, they came here with me." Jiang Li explained, which made Hun Tiantuo and Pan Wu feel relieved.

"Thank you, sir, for coming to the aid of the fairyland!" said Hun Tiantuo.

Originally, they thought that today would be the day when the fairyland would be destroyed and the heavens would fall apart. They were already in despair, but with the appearance of Jiang Li, despair turned into surprise.

A master who has achieved the king level in the flesh is definitely the number one master in the world today. It should be no problem for him to repel the strange clan.

Jiang Li nodded, then turned his eyes to the other side. The powerful aura of the Immortal King burst out completely, pressing forward like an overwhelming force.

“Puff!”, “Puff”…

The strange quasi-immortal king felt a sudden chill in his heart, as if he was under extreme oppression. His body was cracking apart, and blood emitting the laws of immortality was flowing out.

This is the Immortal King. Even if Jiang Li has not actually taken action now, his aura alone is enough to pose a considerable threat to cultivators below the King Realm.

"Although I really want to ask you where you are from and how you got here, I know that you won't tell me even if you die, so let me see it myself!" Jiang Li said casually while looking at the strange quasi-immortal king in front of him.

There was nothing to say. Both sides knew that there could be no room for easing the situation between them. The seven strange quasi-immortal kings attacked together. The terrifying aura was vast and the aura of the seven people connected into one and gathered into a huge hand.


The pale hand swung across, blasting countless stars along the way, and headed towards Jiang Li.

This attack was very powerful. Anyone below the Immortal King would suffer a great loss if faced with it, and might even pay the price with his life. The pale palm seemed to be holding a universe, containing endless stars. In the blink of an eye, he was going to grab Jiang Li in, suppress him inside, and refine him alive.

In response, Jiang Li simply stretched out his hand and pointed. A beam of light flew out, destroying eternity. The stars in the big hand exploded and turned into powder. The universe in the palm of his hand was torn apart and pierced.

call out!
After the beam pierced through the giant hand, it did not dim at all and continued to strike forward, as if the collision just now had no effect on it at all. It was too condensed. In addition to Jiang Li's physical body becoming a king, his magic power also reached the realm of a king. This is why he is confident that he can rival the Immortal King. Magic power is his innate magical power, just like the innate magic of the Ten Evils.

The beam of light was brilliant and eternal, as if it had passed through endless time. The strange quasi-immortal kings wanted to, but found that no matter what they did, they could not escape the bombardment of the immortal light.

Finally, the immortal light came in front of a strange quasi-immortal king and shattered his defensive immortal light. The immortal gold armor covering his body also exploded, and then the body was also pierced without any hindrance.

After the immortal light broke into the body of the strange quasi-immortal king, it exploded instantly, destroying his body and soul.

The complete demise of a quasi-immortal king, his blood spilled all over the starry sky, turning the universe, which was already filled with blood, into a sea of ​​blood.

Jiang Li stretched out his hand and wiped away all the murderous intent in the blood essence, leaving only the vast and pure energy.

Blood rain began to fall, dripping behind the immortal realm warriors who were exhausted after all the battles. In an instant, their injuries healed, and they seemed to have received a tonic. They were full of energy, and even the dying monks recovered. What's more, some even broke through their original realm.

The blood that was supposed to be filled with endless murderous intent has now become everyone's fortune. The Immortal King who only exists in legends seems to have become concrete at this moment.

With a wave of his hand, everything is overturned, and murderous intent is turned into good fortune, but if the murderous intent comes out, it will be boundless divine punishment!

Jiang Li raised his palm, still casually, but the starry sky was shaking, as if the world was about to be created. The surging chaotic energy also gathered into a palm and blasted downwards.

With a scream, a strange quasi-immortal king was hit by a giant palm and his body and soul were directly blasted to pieces.

The strange quasi-immortal king didn't even have the ability to resist, and was directly annihilated both physically and spiritually. After killing one person, the Chaos Hand continued to press forward.

Soon, another quasi-immortal king died, his body and soul were both destroyed. The people in the Immortal Realm were all excited. They had been fighting with these monsters for too long and had been suppressed for too long.

Today's victory was the greatest since the battle began. In a blink of an eye, three quasi-immortal kings from the strange clan fell.

And this is not the end yet. Three of the remaining quasi-immortal kings of the strange clan died soon, leaving only the most powerful one alive.

The last quasi-immortal king was obviously the most powerful. Although he was injured after blocking a palm strike, he was much more relaxed than the other six and was not seriously injured.

"Hmm!" Jiang Li was a little surprised, but soon realized the difference and whispered to himself, "Immortal King Armor, so that's it."

The quasi-immortal king's body was covered with an ancient armor. After being hit by Jiang Li's palm, there was no damage at all. The armor provided comprehensive protection, and both the body and the soul were well protected.

The strange quasi-immortal king formed a seal, used the armor of the immortal king to increase his strength, and blasted towards Jiang Li.

A quasi-immortal king whose strength is taking a step towards the realm of immortal king. There is even a ray of immortal king light wrapped around his soul. Now that he is blessed with the immortal king weapon, one can imagine how powerful he is.

The four directions and the up and down are called Yu, and the past and the present are called Zhou. They are all in turmoil, and the long river of time is reflected on the armor. The quasi-immortal king used this to expand the heaven and earth and gathered a huge Dharma image.

There, it seemed as if all the power was concentrated, and all the forces were rising and falling within it!

"If you are really the Immortal King, then I might be a little afraid of you, but unfortunately, it is not perfect after all. Die!" The huge Dharma image in armor roared angrily and punched down to kill.

"The king cannot be insulted! Do you think you can compete with me with just a piece of armor?" Jiang Li raised his tremendous magic power, and the body of the Immortal King was also glowing. This time he was serious and punched out as well.

A strange phenomenon appeared between heaven and earth, the breath of life and death flowed, and two huge forces collided in this starry sky. Countless chains of order intertwined and entangled together, and billions of beams of light bloomed, each of which could cut through the universe and become eternal!

Along with a huge roar, blood was spilled everywhere. The huge Dharmakaya's palm was bleeding and his body was shaking violently. Even the Immortal King's armor could not completely contain Jiang Li's power.

"If the owner of this armor was here, I might still feel a little pressure, but not you. You are far from it!" Jiang Li said calmly.

Even though this quasi-immortal king used the power of armor and his combat power had initially reached that of the flawed immortal king, it was obvious that he was still some distance away from Jiang Li.

"Humph! Do you think you won? That Huang is missing, and no one in your world can resist the power of our clan.

Just wait for the seal of the sea boundary to weaken. Even when our army arrives, you will die sooner or later. Not to mention that you have not become a king yet, even if you become a king, you will die!" The strange quasi-immortal king shouted angrily.

Jiang Li's mind was slightly shaken. That was Emperor Huang Tian. He was no longer in the heavens? Go and intercept the strange source and postpone the time of their grand ceremony.

It seems that the timeline is consistent. In the next millions of years, because of the disappearance of Emperor Huang Tian, ​​Ye Fan and his two companions quickly became the leaders of the heavens.

But at that time, their cultivation level was only that of Quasi-Immortal Emperors, and they were simply unable to resist the power of the plateau. They couldn't even defeat the super soldiers, so they collapsed and went upstream against the long river of time and space to seek help!

Jiang Li understood what the weird Quasi-Immortal Emperor said, so there was no ripple in his heart, but at this moment others were not calm, especially Duan De, who almost jumped up and pointed at the weird Quasi-Immortal King.

"What did you say? You've seen Huang. Where is he? Tell me quickly." He was very excited. This was the first time he was so excited since he remembered everything.

He knew that Huang could not die and no one could end Huang.

The others were also in a trance at this moment. Emperor Huang Tian was not dead and had been active somewhere. He was just missing now, so the strange clan came to the fairyland.

But at this moment Jiang Li's attention was not on Emperor Huang Tian, ​​because he already knew what Emperor Huang Tian was going to do. In order to delay the strange clan's grand sacrifice to the heavens, gambling on the spring water was inevitable.

He is now more concerned about the seal of the sea boundary. The words of the strange quasi-immortal king have revealed some things. He came from the other side of the sea.

Among the seven quasi-immortal kings, perhaps he was the only one who came from there, and the others might have been transformed by him coming here.

After figuring it out, Jiang Li no longer held back and burst out with all his strength. He was eager to confirm his guess.


Jiang Li let out a long roar, flew up, left his mount, and in an instant came to the side of the quasi-immortal king, reaching out to pull off the armor on his body.

The sudden action did not frighten this strange man. His armor glowed and he slashed out with terrifying sword energy, trying to force Jiang Li to retreat.

But unfortunately, his plan failed without a doubt. Jiang Li is now in the body of an Immortal King. If an Immortal King activated an Immortal King weapon, then he might have to dodge. But if a quasi-Immortal King activated the weapon, he would not take it seriously at all.


A terrifying force erupted, and the armor on the quasi-immortal king was forcibly stripped off, tearing off a large piece of flesh and a section of the spine.

Obviously, in order to better use the power of the armor, he actually refined it into his own flesh and blood.

"Ah..." He screamed in strange pain. The agony of being tortured to death made him suffer unbearable pain. Not only his physical body, but also a part of his soul was connected to the armor of the Immortal King.

This person is also a ruthless person, at least Jiang Li thought so, but that did not stop him from smashing the opponent's body with one palm.

Guiyi wanted to reorganize himself, but Jiang Li did not give him any chance. A vast amount of magic power surged out, directly imprisoning his soul and containing all his Taoist fruits.

"You guys handle things here, I'll go investigate his soul." After leaving these words, Jiang Li tore open a piece of void, opened up a small world, and entered it.

"Take me with you!" Duan De called out hurriedly. He finally got Huang's information. He was very anxious and wanted to know the whole story.

"Be patient, we will know the answer once you understand it clearly." Ye Fan patted Duan De on the shoulder.

"Damn it, the waiting is so unbearable. No, I have to find some big tombs to vent my anger." Duan De cursed, but he also knew that he was acting too hastily.

Everyone fainted. Those who knew Duan De knew that he was not a joke.

Hei Huang looked at the Wu Shi Emperor in front of him and was eager to team up with Duan De, but he was afraid of damaging the prestige of Wu Shi Emperor, so he was hesitant.

In contrast, Long Ma, whose master was not around at the moment, was very straightforward and walked directly to Duan De: "Master Duan, let's go together!"

Zixia and the other girls looked at each other without saying anything. Jiang Li himself had been an archaeologist for a period of time, so he would never restrict this matter.

On the other hand, the people in the Immortal Realm were all hesitant to speak, but when they thought of Duan De's cultivation level and that they were friendly forces, they could only secretly think about taking good care of their ancestral tombs when they returned.

"Who are you?" Hun Tiantuo looked at Duan De in surprise. He was not sure at first, but when he heard Duan De's familiar painting style and that he knew Emperor Huang Tian, ​​he had some guesses.

According to the legend of the chaotic ancient era, when Emperor Huang Tian was trying to overcome the calamity of the Immortal King, a fat man carried his body across the heavens.

Later, after the rise and fall of Emperor Huangtian, Cao Yusheng's deeds became known to many people, and Hun Tiantuo was one of them.

"What, you know my story?" Seeing Hun Tiantuo's doubtful look, Duan De asked curiously.

"Are you Cao Yusheng?"

(End of this chapter)

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