The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 308: The Emergence of Kings

Chapter 308: The Emergence of Kings
There were seven balls of light among them that were especially dazzling. They came from seven supreme giants and were far more powerful than the fruits of the Tao of other immortal kings.

Apart from the supreme giants, the Dao fruits of those Immortal King giants were equally brilliant and numerous. There were almost a dozen Dao fruits, all from the Immortal King giants.

The remaining top and ordinary Immortal Kings number in the hundreds.

These were all killed just now. Jiang Li did not waste them, but refined their Tao and refined them into Tao fruits.

This thing is an absolute treasure for those at the Immortal King level, and it can help them improve their cultivation. For those below the Immortal King level, it is definitely the most heaven-defying fortune, and it can increase the time and probability for a quasi-Immortal King to break through to the Immortal King level.

For all the gods today, this is definitely the best thing to improve their strength. With these Dao fruits, the immortal kings in the gods will explode in strength.

The name of Emperor Jiang Tian shook the world, and everyone knew him. Such a record of battle was truly brilliant, like ten suns across the sky, illuminating the entire world.

The entire heavens were praising the emperor because he was an emperor. Over the endless years, only the Emperor Huangtian seemed to have reached this level.

This is the supreme existence. No one can blaspheme, and no one dares to blaspheme. Because of the level of Quasi-Immortal Emperor, as long as you silently recite his name in your heart, he will sense it and shocking visions will appear.

A quasi-Immortal Emperor can sense everything in a single thought. His body can follow whatever his heart desires. This realm is extremely high, far surpassing that of an Immortal King. He has stepped half a foot into the realm of Immortal Emperor and possesses some of its characteristics.

He handed the Dao Fruit in his hand to Jiang Taixu and asked him to deal with it and screen out those creatures who were very close to becoming Quasi-Immortal Kings, but were still one step away from becoming Immortal Kings.

Then, Jiang Li helped some Immortal King-level fighters recover from their injuries, because there are still Immortal Kings on the run. Although the heavens have returned to peace, there may be more accidents in the future, and Immortal King-level fighters are needed to guard.

Of course, this is only limited to ordinary Immortal Kings and those with the Ten Evil Level combat power. If Ye Fan and others are injured, even with the power of the Thunder Tribulation Liquid, they cannot recover in a short time.

This time he transformed too quickly, and the Hengyu Furnace was unable to keep up with his pace. It had to be slowly refined by him in the following years before it could reach his level.

After restoring the combat power of the remaining dozen Immortal Kings, including Duan De, the Immortal Emperor, Hun Tiantuo and others, and instructing them to take good care of the heavens, Jiang Li began to retreat and prepare to recuperate his injuries. He wanted to recover and completely stand firm in the realm of quasi-Immortal Emperor.

The injuries on his body were so horrific that if he hadn't broken through to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor level, even if he didn't die in this battle, he would have fallen into a permanent sleep and might never wake up.

At this time, Jiang Li became more and more curious about the fairy light in his body. It was too mysterious. It lingered in the center of his soul and helped him resist the deep darkness.

With such pollution, he should have fallen long ago, but because the immortal light protected his soul, he was able to maintain his original nature.

But even if he broke through to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor level, he still could not figure out anything. The status of this thing was so terrifyingly high, far beyond the Quasi-Immortal Emperor level. Perhaps only when he truly stepped into the Immortal Emperor realm could he gain something.

Although he felt that this unknown power controlling his soul was very dangerous, Jiang Li had no choice now and had to rely on its power to protect his soul.

While slowly healing his injuries, he also began to slowly clear the darkness in his body.

The speed of recovery from injuries is very ideal, and it will take at most 100,000 years for him to recover to his original state, but the speed of expelling darkness cannot be fast, because his current realm is all due to dark matter.

If he removed all the dark matter at once, his realm would inevitably fall, so while clearing out the dark matter, he also had to slowly fill in the gaps in the dark matter.

Fortunately, he had finally broken through to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor level, and now he just needed to replace the dark power, which would take at most a million years to accomplish.

It’s only a million years, which is not considered long for a quasi-Immortal Emperor.


After Jiang Li went into seclusion, the heavens really began to change dramatically. Jiang Taixu first supplied Tao fruits to the ten evil-level fighters to ensure that they could successfully break through to the Immortal King realm. These people were actually already very close to the Immortal King realm, and now with unlimited Immortal King Tao fruits, in just tens of thousands of years, they all transformed into kings.

Jiang Li's third son, Ye Fan's fourth son, the chaotic body Wang Bo, the second son of the Emperor of Heaven, and two of the Ten Evils from the fairyland all seized this opportunity and truly stepped over that hurdle.

For a time, the strength of the heavens increased greatly, and more than a dozen true immortal kings made the strength of the heavens unprecedentedly powerful.

And behind these people are the quasi-immortal kings. Jiang Taixu is very fair. He held a big collision to compete for the ten most powerful quasi-immortal kings. The winners can enjoy the immortal king fruits unlimitedly until they break through the immortal king realm.

In the end, Jiang Yifei, Yu Huang and his son, Void Emperor, God-killing Emperor, Qilin Ancient Emperor, Immortal Realm Pan Wu, Jiang Taixu, Jiang Tingting, Immortal Realm Hunyuan, and Daode Tianzun competed to become the ten strongest people.

All the quasi-immortal kings participated in this battle, which was completed in front of everyone's witness. It was completely fair and everyone was convinced.

The three most outstanding members of the Jiang family have each secured a spot in this quasi-immortal king battle.

Their bloodlines all originated from Jiang Li. After Jiang Li's realm was constantly improving, the Jiang family, an imperial clan, naturally became unprecedentedly powerful. Especially after the bloodlines in their bodies transformed into the bloodlines of quasi-immortal emperors, almost everyone became a top genius in the world.

Now the time is still short and they have not had time to digest this bloodline. Once they have fully adapted, many invincible people will emerge from the Jiang clan. This is completely foreseeable.

After obtaining the Dao Fruit, the ten quasi-immortal kings all began to retreat in order to strive for a higher realm.

But when everyone was expecting who among these ten people would be the first to break through to the Immortal King level, a beam of light illuminating the heavens suddenly rose from the Heavenly Emperor's Dojo.

In the beam of light, a woman with long blue hair and the aura of a unicorn was transformed.

Symbols appeared all over the sky, brilliant light rain fell, and the aura of the Immortal King filled the air.

"This is Emperor and Empress Huo Lin'er." When everyone saw who it was, their surprise disappeared.

As the empress of Emperor Jiang Tian, ​​they should naturally enjoy the fruits of the Immortal King. No one thinks there is anything wrong with this. The Emperor is supreme in the heavens and is an existence revered and worshipped by all. He has made great contributions to the heavens, and the people around him should enjoy this treatment.

This was not because they were intimidated by Jiang Li's great power, but because everyone really thought so. In fact, not only the emperor and empress of Emperor Jiang Tian, ​​but also the emperor and empress of Emperor Ye Tian thought the same.

As for the Four Heavenly Emperors in the heavens, no one has the slightest blasphemous intention towards them. They are too high up, sitting alone above the clouds.

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of years had passed. After Huolin'er, Immortal Kings appeared one after another. This speed was terrifying. Every ten thousand years, at least one or even several Immortal Kings were born.

Such a feat has never happened before even in the history of the fairyland. It is truly amazing.

After those ten quasi-immortal kings broke through to the Immortal King level, Jiang Taixu once again held a quasi-immortal king battle to continue to compete for ten quasi-immortal kings and provide them with Immortal King Dao Fruits.

By analogy, the foundation of hundreds of immortal kings' Dao fruits was quickly transformed into the strength of the heavens. In this creation, at least dozens of immortal kings were born. After Ye Fan and the other two came out of retreat, they saw that the strength of the heavens had greatly increased, and they could not hold back and rushed directly into the sea of ​​boundaries.

The Immortal King Dao Fruit is a good thing. It would be a waste to leave it in the Sea of ​​Boundary.

Now, more than 100,000 years have passed, and not only have they recovered from their injuries, but their cultivation has also reached a higher level. The series of horrific battles are also turning into their foundation, bringing them one step closer to defeating the king and becoming the emperor.

This time, the Immortal Emperor, Duan De, Hun Tiantuo and Yu Huang followed the three and charged into the Sea of ​​Boundary. They were all top giants. After the last war, and with the accumulation of more than 100,000 years, they were very close to the Immortal King giants.

This time, they also want to take this opportunity to break into the realm of giants. Only when they reach this level can they dominate the realm of Immortal King.

After the seven people entered the sea boundary, they began to look for the whereabouts of the strange Immortal King.

In the battle tens of thousands of years ago, the strange party was killed by Jiang Li and fled in all directions. Now they are just scattered soldiers. Those who are close to Duan De and his three companions in realm, such as Henren and others, did not intervene, and let the four of them experience the great battle.

The four of them also got a good opportunity. After a series of battles and absorbing the fruits of the defeated Immortal Kings, their Taoism was slowly improving, and they soon reached the pinnacle of the supreme Immortal Kings.

There is no doubt that war is always the fastest way to improve one's cultivation. Wandering in the grind of life and death can unleash infinite potential, and one's own path can be sublimated.

The sea boundary is slowly being cleared, and the weird immortal kings are like social animals in a fence, being hunted by the trio and four top-notch masters. Everything they have will become nourishment for the heavens.

It's cruel, but that's what war is like. Either you die or I die.

As the initiators and invaders of this war, the heavens have no mercy on them.


In the Heavenly Emperor's Taoist temple, Jiang Li was sitting cross-legged in the chaos. Beside him, the Hengyu Furnace was merging with his avenue and was slowly transforming into a supreme imperial weapon.

Over the past hundreds of thousands of years, Jiang Li's injuries have been healed, and the dark matter that was entangled in his body has gradually been expelled from his body.

There is no dark matter on his body now, but the dark matter entangled in his soul and Dao Fruit is very slow to expel, and it may take some time.

This is a long and arduous process, so Jiang Li was not in a hurry. Instead, he shifted his focus to the transformation of the Hengyu Furnace.

Now that he has achieved the status of a quasi-immortal emperor, the current Hengyu furnace is definitely not enough for his needs. Only if it is transformed into an imperial weapon can it bring help to him.

This process is very fast, because the master has already made a breakthrough, so the transformation of the device will also be very fast.

Just as Jiang Li was activating the Primal Chaos Divine Fire and tempering the Hengyu Furnace, he suddenly felt a terrifying wave erupting in the Sea of ​​Boundary.

The rune between his eyebrows was shining, as if there was an eye there, and his gaze turned towards the sea of ​​​​boundary.

In the sea of ​​boundaries, the seven people kept searching for the strange Immortal King. Over hundreds of thousands of years, they had killed no less than a hundred of them. Duan De and the other four also took this opportunity to break through to the giant realm.

And just recently, they finally met heavyweight opponents, the remaining three supreme giants and a dozen remaining immortal king giants.

They were dispersed at first, but after hundreds of thousands of years of joining together, they have now become something of a force to be reckoned with. Except for those who were killed, almost all the rest have gathered here.

When the two sides met, there was nothing to say and they just started fighting.

However, compared to the past, the current strange army's lethality is far less, and now there are four more giants on our side.

Although they undoubtedly had the advantage in numbers, the battle was over as Wu Shi took the lead in killing the supreme giant.

Without the restraint of a supreme giant, Wu Shi really went crazy and killed like crazy. He shook the Chaos Bell, clapped his hands and punched continuously.

Those ordinary Immortal Kings would die if they were hit, and the top Immortal Kings would be injured if they were touched. Even the giant Immortal Kings would vomit blood and retreat if they were hit hard.

Looking around the whole place, there was no one who could match him. He was like a lamb to be slaughtered, constantly being eliminated.

For a time, the strange immortal king suffered heavy losses. They seemed to have returned to hundreds of thousands of years ago, but the speed of death was much slower.

Soon, the ruthless man's white hand slapped horizontally, and the supreme giant who was fighting with her was also injured, his body was torn into pieces, and his soul was directly wiped out.

As she joined in the slaughter, the strange Immortal King dissipated faster and faster, and was almost killed to collapse.

“Even when I have the advantage, I will lose. I really shouldn’t have let that person break through. Everything is because of him.” The last supreme giant laughed miserably and kept coughing up blood.

"Go to reincarnation, you can't change anything in this life." Ye Fan roared and swung the Emperor Fist, knocking the supreme giant to pieces.


Seeing this, Jiang Li withdrew his gaze. He knew it was over. This time, Weird ended in a miserable defeat against Zhutian.

He continued to expel the dark matter in his body and speed up the evolution of the Hengyu Furnace.

Tens of thousands of years later, Ye Fan and his companions returned and brought back another 300 Immortal King Dao Fruits. Among them, the three supreme giant Dao Fruits were used by themselves, the giant Dao Fruits were used by Duan De and others, and the supreme and ordinary Immortal King Dao Fruits were given to Jiang Taixu again.

The arms race in the heavens has begun again, and the heavens have once again embarked on a leap forward in progress. Countless powerful people will rise up like mushrooms after a spring rain.

All of this was under Jiang Li's watchful eyes. With his current level of cultivation, even if he didn't actively pay attention, his powerful divine sense could see through everything.

He did not care too much about the changes in the heavens, but left it all to time. Now, because of the Immortal King Dao Fruit, the strength of the heavens is almost at its peak since the chaotic ancient era. What's more exaggerated is that such changes have been achieved in less than a million years. Obviously, even he felt it was a bit exaggerated.

Therefore, the heavens should also take some time to digest what they have gained during this period.

(End of this chapter)

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