Chapter 32 Seal
  After the breakthrough, when I looked at the old man's condition, his intuition was naturally calm, and he seemed to be integrating with the mountain.

Jiang Li knew that Li Ruoyu had understood the way of nature, and there was only one key left to start the inheritance.

Obtaining the natural method of Zhuofeng is the fundamental method of Zhuofeng. Practitioners can blend in with nature and obtain great magic power.

"Well, I can feel Zhuofeng responding to me recently. It's just that wedge, and I still have no clue." Li Ruoyu didn't hide it.

With the other party's cultivation level, it was enough for him to discuss Taoism and call him a Taoist friend. Even if he didn't say anything, Jiang Li could see it.

"I came to Zhuofeng just for the legendary Dharma. I hope my trip will be worthwhile." Jiang Li was free and easy and did not hide his purpose.

Jiang Li will not deceive those who are interested in him with lies. This is his conduct in the world. Living between heaven and earth, he should be upright and aboveboard.

Of course, Jiang Li would not be pedantic when it comes to people with ulterior motives. His sincerity is only for sincere people.

"I know that the only thing that can attract people like you to this Clumsy Peak is its legendary method." Li Ruoyu said.

"But I have a request. If the inheritance is really opened, after fellow Taoists learn it, I hope it won't be spread to outsiders."

"Okay, after I learn it, I will never spread it to others." Jiang Li readily agreed. After all, this is what it should be.

For the next few days, Jiang Li sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain to practice without ever getting up. He was like a rock, and there seemed to be some traces of truth and truth caught by him.

A kind of ancient Tao Yun circulates in the mountains, but no matter what Jiang Li does, he can't understand it clearly. This feeling is like someone scratching his heart.

Suddenly, the Shennong's reincarnation seal in his body trembled slightly, and actually forcibly locked that feeling, allowing Jiang Li to comprehend it.

When he opened his eyes, a divine light flashed through his eyes. Jiang Li's heart was filled with horror, but it was not joy, but worry.

"What is the reason for the trembling of the Samsara Seal? Is it simply because of feeling the Tao Aggregate, an autonomous act, or..."

Jiang Li did not dare to continue thinking and chose to escape. His mood was extremely complicated and he lost interest in even comprehending the insights in his mind.

What should he do if it really happened as he thought? When Jiang Li came to this wonderful world, of course he wanted to go to the top of the mountain to see it.

Complex emotions filled his mind, almost falling into a demonic barrier. In fact, Jiang Li had felt this way for a long time, but he was avoiding it subconsciously.

He really wanted to like this feeling of constant evolution, be obsessed with the beauty of this world, and reluctant to leave like this.

But this body belongs to someone else. If it is a heinous person, he can take possession of it.

But if it is Shen Nong, that person who could obviously escape the world and live a good life for thousands of years, but chooses to sacrifice for all living beings.

Divine power surged through his body, and the essence of heaven and earth in Zhuofeng was turned upside down, like the center of a storm.

Hengyu Furnace felt that its master was in a different state, and automatically flew out of the body, exuding the ultimate imperial power, suppressing Jiang Li's body.

On the mountain peak, Li Ruoyu, who had just arrived, was frozen in place by this coercion, not daring to move, as if there was a terrifying wave in his heart.

"The Jiang family's ultimate imperial weapon, the Sun God Furnace"

Li Ruoyu looked at this extremely powerful imperial weapon forged from the legendary red gold of phoenix blood. It exuded a magnificent light like a ruby. It was a solar furnace that had not been born for four thousand years.

But what is more worrying is Jiang Li's current state. This person in charge of the Jiang family's imperial army has no need for others to explain his importance to the Jiang family.

If something happens to such a person in Zhuofeng, what Taixuanmen will have to face is the Jiang family's undying anger.

Li Ruoyu could only wait anxiously, hoping that someone would come quickly and notify the Jiang family, hoping that they would have a solution.

But a quarter of an hour later, no one came. It was as if what happened here could not be felt by other main peaks except Zhuofeng.

In fact, Li Ruoyu didn't know that when Jiang Li lost his mind, the Hengyu Furnace had revived, exploded with supreme divine power, laid out a powerful magic circle, shrouded the Clumsy Peak, and stripped away the world.

This was the choice Hengyu Lu made to ensure that Jiang Li would not be harmed by the outside world.

The God of Hengyu Furnace revived and after forcibly controlling Jiang Li's state, relied on his connection with Jiang Li to enter Jiang Li's sea of ​​consciousness.

Just like what happened in Ye Fan's sixth life, the Black Emperor drafted the note, Huangta signed it, and the Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things took the blame. To a certain extent, the weapon is another self, which can influence the military leader. Jiang Li's body belongs to Emperor Hengyu, and the Hengyu furnace is originally his weapon.

Jiang Li was in chaos at the moment, forgetting who he was and not having to think about anything, as if he had returned to the beginning.

But suddenly, a divine phoenix cry resounded through the chaos, and Jiang Li woke up in a daze, feeling that he had a splitting headache.

It was as if a seal was broken in my mind, and huge memories appeared, chaotic and complex.

In a chaotic and hazy space, two people stood opposite each other, exuding an aura that was overwhelming and full of majesty.

One of the men, who had an ordinary but majestic look, said, "Brother Taoist, are you sure you want to do that?"

Another calm middle-aged man looked serious and said: "The future is too dark. I have spent a thousand years, but I still can't break the shackles of Emperor Hengyu, but I have to do something for all living beings."

The majestic middle-aged man was silent for a long time and said, "Such a price, don't you think it's too heavy for Taoist brother?"

"Is it heavy?" The calm middle-aged man continued in silence.

"Since a thousand years ago, a soul suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​my consciousness, exuding the breath of time."

"I wanted to destroy this soul at first, but I couldn't help but investigate it. The memories inside made me panic, not for myself, but for all living beings."

"I have been trying to break through the Great Emperor for a thousand years, but as recorded in that memory, I am the corpse channeler of the Great Emperor Hengyu."

"I have the shackles of Emperor Hengyu on me. If I can't break them, I will never be able to reach the next step."

"But I'm afraid that the future is too dark. Since I can't get there, why not let this soul try."

"In the past thousand years, he has been sleeping in my sea of ​​consciousness, and his wounds have been repaired by my Tao. He has already recovered and can wake up."

"If those three do not succeed in the future, my choice now may leave a glimmer of hope for all sentient beings."

The calm middle-aged man said a lot, if you can choose, who wants to die?

"The future you are talking about is too dark. What exactly is it, darkness and turmoil?" the dignified middle-aged man asked doubtfully.

"No, that is a crisis for the entire world. I actually can't understand it. The level is too high and I can't say it rashly, otherwise there will be big changes that will affect everyone's layout." The calm middle-aged man said.

"How can you be sure that the future in your mind is right?" The dignified middle-aged man was trying to persuade him. He really didn't want Emperor Yan to make such a major decision hastily.

"After I learned these things, I searched around the universe based on my memory, and some of the eternal secrets all matched up." Emperor Yan said.

This also convinced Emperor Yan that the memory in that soul was correct.

"Then how can you be sure that soul can do those things?" Huang Di said.

Emperor Yan was silent for a long time before saying: "He is too special and does not belong to this world. If there are variables, it can only be him."

Emperor Yan didn't know the outcome, but it was the final battle in which the Emperor of Immortals could barely affect the outcome of the battle.

"Brother Dao, let me ask again, have you really made your decision?" Huang Di said in a heavy tone.

"I am Shennong. I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid of losing hope."

"Even in my memory, I won in the end, but if anything happens, I have to leave a guarantee for all living beings."

Huang Di sighed, knowing that he could no longer change his friend's decision, and asked, "What can I do."

"Next, I will seal my body, self-destruct most of my soul, and break away the shackles of Hengyu in my body. The remaining soul will be used to nourish the soul until he can perfectly master this body." In fact, Emperor Yan had already thought up all his plans and was just waiting for them to be executed.

"I will seal my memory and my understanding of the Tao, and wait for him to become stronger step by step, and then slowly unlock the seal."

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(End of this chapter)

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