The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 37 Indestructible Heavenly Art

Chapter 37 Indestructible Heavenly Art
  Jiang Li returned to the empty Hengyu Hall and was about to start practicing, but suddenly thought of something and said to the guard outside the hall.

"Ask Jiang Yifei to come see me."

Jiang Yifei is a person with extremely high bloodline. He is a genius who has achieved enlightenment in a different way on his own. Under the starry sky, he is definitely the first-tier genius.

In the original work, he is extremely low-key. Apart from defeating his own divine body, he has almost no other achievements, resulting in the outside world not knowing much about Jiang Yifei.

However, Jiang Li met him not because of these things, but because of the Immortal Heavenly Kung Fu in him, although it was a bit of a loss for him to ask for the Kung Fu from his descendants.

However, Jiang Li was still too curious about the Immortal Heavenly Art, a scripture created by the second ruthless emperor. You must know that the second ruthless emperor was a true emperor of chaos and a master of the Heavenly Emperor level.

This kind of cultivation can create scriptures, even if you don't practice it, but just learn from it, you can get a lot of benefits, not to mention those supreme immortal arts that are comparable to the Nine Secrets.

"Give him the dragon-marked black gold sword later! Otherwise, I'll be really embarrassed." Jiang Li thought to himself.

Ever since he knew his identity, he had long regarded the Jiang family as his descendants, and he was a little embarrassed to ask for anything from his descendants.

The guard's announcement sounded outside the hall: "My lord, Jiang Yifei is here."

"Let him in."

Jiang Li sat down on the high stone platform. The place where the Hengyu furnace was originally placed was indeed occupied by him now.

At the entrance of the hall, a figure in white, a young man who looked somewhat similar to Jiang Li, walked in.

The moment he came in, Jiang Li felt that the blood in Dao's body began to react. The two seemed to be of the same origin, which showed the concentration of Jiang Yifei's blood.

Jiang Li's feeling wasn't that strong yet. Although he felt it, he just felt it.

But the feeling on Jiang Yifei's side was very strong. The power of his blood was emitting joy to the person in front of him. It was extremely strong and not comparable to other members of the Jiang family.

Jiang Yifei looked excited. As the most talented disciple of the Jiang family, although his cultivation level is not high now, he knows Jiang Li's true identity and has always wanted to meet him.

But Jiang Li has been wandering outside and spending his time in seclusion at the Jiang family, so he has never had a chance. Now that he has seen it, it feels like his dream has come true.

"Little Master."

Jiang Li looked at Jiang Yifei, who was looking excited below, with a strange expression on his face. He really didn't expect that the other party's bloodline was so high at first, and he was not much worse than the emperor's son.

After suppressing his thoughts and hypnotizing himself, he said shamelessly: "You have a scripture about ruthless people. I wonder if you can borrow it from me."

"In exchange for this."

Jiang Li took out the black gold sword with dragon patterns. The black light flashed, and the dragon patterns were densely covered on it. It was very mysterious, like a divine dragon carving Tao and reason in the fairy gold.

But who would have thought that Jiang Yifei's face suddenly changed and he said urgently: "Young master, you can't be like this. The Immortal Heavenly Art is only because of the protection of my family, so I was not raised by a ruthless person. I will dedicate the Immortal Heavenly Art to you now." you."

Jiang Yifei looked extremely anxious. It was Jiang Li who originally brought up this matter, but he acted like a child who had done something wrong.

Looking at Jiang Yifei's performance like this, it is in line with the description in the original work. From the beginning to the end, he only wanted to protect the family.

Jiang Li said warmly: "No, it is the right thing for the family to protect you, and the Immortal Heavenly Art itself is your opportunity. If I want to watch it, I have to pay whatever it takes."

This is Jiang Li's way of doing things. He doesn't bother to snatch other people's things. He can just exchange what he wants, except of course for his enemies. "But everything in the Jiang family belongs to you. It is because of your protection that I have obtained the immortal power. Even my bloodline comes from you."

Jiang Yifei was very persistent about this matter, insisting that his family had protected him, so it was natural for him to devote everything to him.

This is also Jiang Yifei's way of doing things, pure dedication.

Seeing Jiang Yifei arguing hard, this was extremely rare in the Jiang family. Until now, the Jiang family members treated his casual words as oracles and did not dare to refute them.

Jiang Yifei, however, chose to stick to his own opinion. Jiang Li didn't know whether to be worried or relieved at the moment.

But if he just watched it like this, Jiang Li always felt guilty about robbing his own children, and thought about it.

"Then this dragon-patterned black gold sword is my gift to you."

Jiang Yifei was speechless, but he still accepted it, bowed and said, "Thank you, little master, for the reward."

Jiang Li looked at Jiang Yifei who finally stopped refusing, smiled softly, and the dragon-patterned black gold sword in his hand turned into a streak of black light and fell into Jiang Yifei's hand.

Next, Jiang Yifei told all the scriptures and secret techniques of the Immortal Heavenly Art. Because the Hengyu Palace here has the aura of the ancient emperor, there are no strange phenomena.

After Jiang Li heard this, he couldn't help but be amazed by the talent of the empress. She could actually come up with such a method. It was truly a miracle to conquer the world. It was definitely not an exaggeration to call it a miraculous craftsmanship.

This scripture was mainly created by the ruthless emperor to break the demon fetus and shed the divine fetus, but it is not said to have this kind of effect.

Even without the Heaven Swallowing Demon Technique, it was still extremely terrifying, and the explanation of cultivation in it was even more refreshing to Jiang Li.

Then there are the secret techniques at the back, the flower blossoms in one thought, the rule of the world, the Phoenix Tribulation Rebirth Technique, the Killing My Ming Dao Technique, the Flying Immortal Technique, the Ten Thousand Transformations Holy Technique, and the Sovereignty of All Techniques.

"She is truly a woman whose talents surpass those of ancient and modern times. Not all of the secret techniques here have opened my eyes."

Although Jiang Li is now Hengyu's fourth incarnation, his background is still far behind compared with that of ruthless people.

Hengyu's method of immortality was actually broken, and Emperor Yan, who was born from the emperor's corpse, could not make the leap to become the great emperor.

However, Jiang Li didn't think he was any worse than a ruthless person. Although Hengyu failed, his background was fully accepted by Emperor Yan, and the background of Hengyu and Emperor Yan was accepted by him.

As long as Jiang Li can leap to the extreme and become the Great Emperor in this life, he can integrate the heritage left by Hengyu and Shennong and directly transform into a supreme Emperor of Heaven.

Jiang Yifei looked at the meditating person above, not daring to disturb or leave directly. He could only stand there and wait silently.

For him, it was great to be able to get along with the Emperor at such a close distance.

Since he was a child, he has known that his bloodline has returned to his ancestors and is equivalent to the emperor's biological son and grandson. This has always made him yearn for Emperor Hengyu.

Unlike the people in his family who only had respect and belief in Emperor Hengyu, he also had a feeling of admiration.

When he knew that his ancestor had returned to the world, no one could understand his joy, and all his blood was excited and cheering.

Therefore, Jiang Yifei felt closer to Jiang Li than respected him. He was like his elder, and he could clearly sense the source of his bloodline.

(End of this chapter)

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