The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 80 Duan De goes crazy

Chapter 80 Duan De goes crazy
  Jiang Li looked at this piece of remains with an incomprehensible expression. This should have been shed by the Immortal Emperor after he was bathed in the royal blood and reborn in Nirvana. He was actually very familiar with the Immortal Emperor, not because of the memory of his previous life, but because Jiang Hengyu was very familiar with it.

After Jiang Hengyu became enlightened in the past, he discovered some differences while studying the elixir. Through the Divine Phoenix elixir that accompanied him, he found some of the whereabouts of the Immortal Emperor, and found many of the footprints he left behind, as well as the Immortal Emperor's attacks. In his later years, the emperor and the emperor used the emperor's blood to help him achieve nirvana. In the end, all the clues stayed in Beidou.

For this reason, Jiang Hengyu hurriedly returned to Ziwei. After handling some matters, he took Si Qingyi to Beidou to create the Jiang family. He also found the phoenix-blood red gold suitable for the Immortal Emperor's forging, and refined it in the Taichu ancient mine, Tuori Ridge. Bing, massacred the ethnic groups in Fallen Sun Ridge, with great momentum, trying to lure them out and eradicate the mastermind behind the scenes.

But the Immortal Emperor was very cautious. At that time, Jiang Hengyu was at his peak. He was truly invincible in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. For his own eternal plan, he did not choose to take action. On the contrary, the Supreme of Taichu Ancient Mine couldn't bear it. He was born to attack Jiang Hengyu, but was killed. The powerful kill gave Emperor Hengyu his invincible reputation.

Later, even after many attempts without success, Jiang Hengyu gave up and the matter fell into disuse.

Jiang Li would not say whether the Immortal Emperor's actions were right or wrong. This was his way, but he would definitely not allow others to secretly covet his blood and bones.

Thinking about it, Emperor Wushi must also have this reason why he keeps fighting against the Immortal Emperor. After all, a poisonous snake keeps staring at you. Just thinking about it makes you shudder.

"I think it's better for everyone to rely on their own abilities!"

After all, the negotiation over the distribution of the tree trunks of Enlightenment collapsed, and everyone began to confront each other again. The atmosphere became extremely tense, a powerful aura began to permeate the air, a faint holy power began to flow, and if one did not go well, there would be a fight.

In this atmosphere, the grand master of Anping Kingdom and the ancestor of the Xiao family looked at Ye Fan and others with evil intentions, and said with evil intentions: "Everyone, before that, should we put some Clean up the trash fish."

These words were extremely insidious, and he wanted to take the opportunity to clear out Ye Fan and others. A big man dressed as a savage was furious, dancing with a big stick in his hand, and his muscles and bones were like a wild dragon. He shouted angrily: "You old man, who are you calling a bastard? Be careful that your grandpa Dongfang’s big stick will not show mercy.”

Ye Fan's face was very calm. He just had a pair of eyes, looking at the ancestor of the Xiao family with ill intentions, thinking about how to destroy him. When Jiang Li saw this scene, he knew that there would be something good to watch, so he didn't interrupt. Instead, he walked directly to Zixia.

"You have become stronger again." Zixia, who was dressed in purple and stood tall and graceful, looked at Jiang Li lovingly with a pair of autumn-filled eyes.

"I won't be strong enough to protect you like this." Jiang Li said "seriously" as he looked at the overwhelming family in front of him.

He really wanted to see Zixia look shy, but this time it was the same as before, except for those starry eyes that seemed to be able to talk expressing love, there was still just a faint smile on her little face.

"I will also work hard to become stronger. I don't need you to protect me all the time."

Her clear and melodious voice was full of determination, and she spoke very seriously, as if she didn't seem to notice that Jiang Li was joking just now.

"Then it's you who will protect me." Jiang Li looked at the serious look of the beauty in front of him, and felt a little funny in his heart. Zixia is like this, because she was born with a shortcut and is very immature when it comes to relationships.

"Then I will work harder." Zixia said seriously, not taking this as a joke at all. It can be seen that this is what she was thinking in her heart. Of course, as proud as she is, she will not always live under Jiang Li's wings.

"Then you have to work hard to practice the scriptures I taught you."

Jiang Li did not refute Zixia's words of wanting to protect him. In his opinion, Zixia like this was very cute.

"That scripture is profound and profound. I will practice it seriously."

Zixia thought of the Mother Sutra that only existed in legends, and the Taiyin Holy Power that was cultivated was extremely terrifying. She was extremely moved when she learned that the ancient sutra taught by Jiang Li at will was the Taiyin Sutra.

The two of them were chatting happily here, but Qi Qi not far away had a pair of delicate fists clenched tightly, as if she was squeezing someone's head, her silver teeth were grinding together, and her face was so angry that it was bringing disaster to the country and the people. The bulging turned to one side, out of sight and out of mind.


A loud noise sounded in the distance. Under the protection of a broken bowl, Ye Fan and others rushed forward under the terrifying pressure. A big golden hand, like magic iron, slapped Taishi Xiao and his younger brother on the face, He knocked out his teeth, spun his head in a circle, and kicked him away again. Taishi Xiao's younger brother screamed like a pig being slaughtered. Such an injury was not considered fatal for Da Neng, but the slap on his face was too severe, which made him feel ashamed.

"Little bastard, I won't give up until I kill you today."

Master Xiao was furious when he saw his brother being humiliated like this. An extremely broken ancient bronze lamp appeared, floating above his head, with sporadic firelight and crackling sounds at the wick.

This magic weapon was very broken, but the aura coming out of it made many people present tremble with fear. This was not an ordinary broken lamp, but a incomplete holy weapon. The holy light was flowing at this moment, making people's bodies shiver. The hairs on the body stand on end.

"Damn, that's too much to bully, do you think your fat Taoist master has no treasure?" Duan De also yelled angrily. He was usually cheerful, but that didn't mean he wasn't bloody at all, it just didn't really anger him.

The obscure language was recited by Duan Denian. The inconspicuous broken bowl above his head began to crack, and a trace of black light shot out from it. The pressure that was more terrifying than a ten thousand-foot high platform made people feel nervous.

Seeing that the fat man was about to use the weapon, Jiang Li reached out with two big hands, one grabbed Qi Qi to his side, and the other grabbed people from the Guhua Dynasty and the Jiang family, activating the Hengyu furnace in his body. A trace of imperial power protected everyone.


There are more and more cracks in the broken bowl, and the black light is getting stronger. The broken holy weapon above Master Xiao's head has become more broken, and the sporadic firelight seems to be extinguished.

Seeing this, the three great Taoist forces also quickly mobilized their respective imperial soldiers and attracted a trace of imperial power to protect them. As for the others, they looked at the broken bowl in horror. What's more, they knelt down directly on the ground and surrendered to this force. Under strength.


Finally, the broken bowl shattered, revealing its true appearance, a vicissitudes of ancient pottery lid rising and falling, the dark light flowing, breathtaking, and the world seemed to be overturned.

Tao Gai did not take the initiative to attack, but the power he exuded made everyone feel that a disaster was imminent, and they could not think of anything else. At this moment, there was only one thought in their minds, and that was surrender.

As for Taishi Xiao and his party who were the closest, the broken ancient bronze lamp took the initiative to attack Tao Gai. At this moment, it was broken directly. The bronze pieces fell, and the charm was no longer there.

Everyone in the Xiao family screamed, not sure whether they were frightened by this power or felt sorry for the holy soldiers. While shouting, they moved away from Tao Gai as quickly as possible. Several Xiao family members were stiff with fear because He failed to keep up, left the protection of the secret treasure, and was directly shocked to death by the terrifying coercion, turning into a ball of blood mist.

"This is the lid of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Jar. It was made from the skull of the ruthless emperor. This half of the imperial weapon was also born."

Some people recognized this weapon and screamed in horror. This reaction was much greater than the reaction when they saw other imperial weapons. Many people were like this. There are too many legends left behind by this imperial weapon. It is said that the ruthless emperor died because he could not find it. The emperor's exclusive immortal gold was refined into the emperor's weapons using the emperor's body from the first life.

There is also a saying that has been circulating in Beidou that when the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Cap and the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Jar are combined, the ruthless emperor will reappear in the world. This weapon has a different status among the emperor's soldiers.

All the major forces changed their colors. They never thought that the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Cap would appear at this time. The already chaotic situation has now become even more treacherous.

However, what makes people feel reassured is that because this imperial weapon is incomplete and cannot be revived, it can only passively protect the person holding the weapon and cannot actively attack and kill it.

Jiang Li was not surprised at all about this weapon. Duan De had used it when he was at the Tomb of the Qing Emperor. However, the imperial power revealed by the major forces at this moment made him affirm that Shenzhou, Daxia, and Jiu Lidu brought their own imperial soldiers.

In a fairy world, there are actually five and a half pieces of imperial weapons. If the gun goes off accidentally, Zhongzhou will be skinned.

Jiang Li watched Ye Fan looking at the coffin furtively, silently paying attention to whether he could take the opportunity to touch two more pieces. He had always been positive about Ye Fan's greed.

(End of this chapter)

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