Law popularization live broadcast: I am really not the godfather of criminals!

Chapter 146 Zhang 3 lets the dog bite, you bite him! It's not illegal!

Chapter 146 Zhang San lets the dog bite people, you bite him! It's not illegal!

"Lawyer Zhang, the reason I chose option B is because asking someone to call you daddy is not illegal if you do it voluntarily as a joke."

"However, if you do not call the other person voluntarily, but are forced to do so, and it is insulting, then it is likely to constitute the crime of insult."

"As for the reason for choosing option D, it is because Zhang San lets the dog bite the person. If the person kills the dog, it is self-defense. However, if the person does not hit the dog but directly hits Zhang San, it may constitute intentional injury!"

After that, the student who got up to answer the question looked at Zhang San expectantly, eager to know whether his answer was the correct answer.

However, under the expectant eyes of the students, Zhang Wei spoke calmly without any sadness or joy.

"That's a good answer. There seems to be no problem with the logic."

"But unfortunately, what you answered is not the correct answer."

After the student who answered the question heard Zhang Wei's denial, the expectation on his face instantly dissipated, and his whole person's momentum dropped by three points.

In this regard, Zhang Wei had no intention of comforting the other party. If he could not accept this failure, then it would be more suitable for him to go back to farming as soon as possible and live a life of seclusion in the mountains and forests, isolated from the world.

Immediately, Zhang Wei glanced at the surrounding students indifferently and asked again.

"Who has a different answer?"

After Zhang Wei's voice of inquiry died down, the students who saw that someone had started to answer the questions also started to answer the questions.

"Lawyer Zhang, I think the correct answers are B, C, and D!"

"As for the reasons, B and D's reasons are the same as those of the previous classmate. One is that it may constitute insult, and the other is that it may constitute intentional injury."

"And the reason why I chose C as the correct answer is because gossiping about others depends on the content of the gossip. If it is suspected of defamation and slandering others, then even if it is unintentional, it can still be considered defamation. Others are committing illegal acts!"

Zhang Wei listened to the student's answer and responded calmly, still expressionless.

"The reason is still very good, but your answer is still not the right answer."

"Who's coming next?"

"I come!"

As Zhang Wei finished speaking, another student stood up immediately.

"Lawyer Zhang! Since it is a multiple-choice question, the four options you gave should all be correct!"

"B, C, and D, the reasons for the three options are the same as those of the first two students. They constitute the crime of insult, defamation, and intentional injury respectively!"

"And the reason why I chose option A is because if the person to whom a minor shows affection is an adult, then it is considered child molestation and it is an illegal crime!"

After that, the student who answered the question looked at Zhang Wei with great pride, thinking that his answer was definitely the correct answer.

However, under his leadership, most of the students, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room, also looked at Zhang Wei expectantly.

However, under the expectant eyes of many students and the audience, Zhang Wei still shook his head slightly with an expressionless expression.

"Although what you said is reasonable, I am very sorry to tell you that your answer is still not the correct answer."

"So, are there any other students who have different opinions?"

When Zhang Wei denied the answer, not only did most of the students express disappointment and annoyance, but even the audience in the live broadcast room felt that their CPUs were about to explode. "Oh my god! Where is the question? Why is such a reasonable answer! But it is still not the correct answer!"

"Lawyer Zhang is singing that again! Why do I feel that what these students say is very reasonable! But none of them are correct answers!! This horse riding is too torturous!"

"Brothers, I really can't stand it anymore! I'm going to get off first! Wait until the show is over! I'll watch the replay again! Lawyer Zhang is so appetizing! If this continues, I'm going to go crazy!"

"Same as above! I got off first too! I was afraid that I would continue to lead them! The students didn't collapse first, but I got here first!"

"As expected of the outlaw Zhang San! This question is really evil! He single-handedly managed to kill nearly a thousand top students from the University of Political Science and Law! He almost drove nearly ten million netizens crazy! It's really like a heifer standing on his head. ! The cow coins are in the sky!!”


As time passed by, just as the allotted time was about to expire, a student stood up confidently after thinking twice.

"Lawyer Zhang, I know the flaw in this question!"

"The correct answer to this question is actually A, B, C, right!"

Zhang Wei listened to the other party's answer and nodded secretly in his heart. At the same time, he asked calmly with no sadness or joy on his face.

"Since you think you have found a loophole, please explain your reasons to convince me."

The student who answered the question heard Zhang Wei's question and answered confidently.

"The laws violated by options A, B, and C have been mentioned by people before, and they are three crimes: child molestation, insult, and defamation. I have no objection to this."

"However, regarding option D, I have different opinions from them."

"This option, although it seems that the dog is hurting me, in fact, the essence is that Zhang San wants to hurt me, and letting the dog out is just one of his methods to hurt me."

"However, Zhang San let the dog bite me, and I directly jumped over the dog to bite Zhang San. This is called catching the thief first. I can't beat the dog, but I went straight to fight and controlled the dog to hurt Zhang San. This still belongs to Zhang San. The scope of legitimate defense!”

"So, option D is self-defense and not an illegal crime!"

Zhang Wei listened to the student's answer, and a happy smile appeared on his face that was neither sad nor happy. After nodding slightly to express his approval, he spoke to him.

"Yes, there is one thing that no one thought of, but you did. It was really the last moment that turned the tide."

"If you hadn't thought of the crux of this issue at the last moment, I'm afraid that the faces of the nearly a thousand students present would have been trampled on the ground by me, a little lawyer, today."

The student who answered the question felt his head with flushed cheeks after hearing Zhang Wei's praise.

"Hehe, I'm actually just gambling."

"Everyone else said the first three options are correct, and the reasons are almost impeccable."

"So, after thinking about it for a while, I realized the problems with option D."

"So, without the reminder from the previous classmates, the countdown is probably over, and I may not be able to figure out the problem."

(End of this chapter)

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