Chapter 146 has arrived? where

"Since I asked you to come out, there must be something wrong."

"Why else would I ask you to come out?"

"I will tell you quietly in a moment, don't be too shocked."

Having said this, Minister Guo's lips curled into a smile.

The rest of the people were stunned, with even more confusion on their faces.

Only the chief's eyes flickered slightly, as if he had thought of something.

"It looks like Xiaolin has come up with something new."

"If this were not the case, Lao Guo would not have such a big reaction."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the others all showed expressions of sudden realization.

How come they didn't think of this?

In recent times, the only person Minister Guo has been in contact with is Lin Shen.

At present, Lin Shen is not one of the top scientists recognized in the country.

What can be researched is definitely top-notch.

And tomorrow is the mining date. Since Lin Shen called them out, it would be the Deep Sea Titan who had already been booked.

Nothing else exists.

No wonder Minister Guo called them out without saying a word.

Not even saying much.

It turns out that it was planned in advance and he wanted to shock them more.

"Sure enough, I still can't hide it from you old fools."

Minister Guo shook his head with a helpless look on his face.

But then he spoke.

"It's exactly what you imagined."

"Xiao Lin's side has been completed. He just told me that he wanted to transport the Deep Sea Titan over."

"That's why I came here to wait."

As soon as this statement came out, basically everyone present had an excited look on their face.

This is simply giving people pillows when they are sleepy, and bread when they are hungry.

It seems that tomorrow will be the time to mine rare earth veins, and the Deep Sea Titan will be completed at this time.

That's just the best thing.

Under such circumstances, how could everyone not be excited?

According to the values ​​originally estimated by Deep Sea Titan, if this thing can be supported, the mining speed of rare earth veins will be far faster than that of other countries.

Even above the mining speed, it is not known how many times it can be increased.

Under such circumstances.

Excitement cannot even be used to describe my current mood.

"So did Xiaolin say how long it will take to deliver it?"

The chief suddenly thought of such a crucial question and asked.

Minister Guo shook his head slightly.

"I didn't mention this. Xiaolin called me half an hour ago."

"They say the Titan of the Deep is coming soon, so let me prepare to come out to greet it."

"I deliberately waited for a while, after all, the size of the thing I was envisioning was still relatively large."

"Even if it needs to be transported, I'm afraid it will be a huge project."

"Okay, I'll make another call and ask."

After Minister Guo finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Xiao Lin, where have you been?"

"Isn't it because the Deep Sea Titan is too big to be transported?"

"Would you like me to send some people here to help you?"

Just as the call was connected, Minister Guo couldn't wait to start asking questions.

"Lao Guo, I've been here for a while."

"But I just adjusted things down below, and now I'm ready to come up. If you are on the shore, just push it a little further." Lin Shen's slightly helpless voice came from the other end of the phone.

When he heard this, Minister Guo was slightly stunned.

The rest of the people also looked around in surprise.

Because Minister Guo's cell phone was on speakerphone, everyone present had basically heard what Lin Shen said.

But when they looked around in confusion, they still found nothing.

But he still stepped back a long distance very obediently.

He almost retreated to the foot of the signal defense tower before slowly stopping.


Suddenly, the surrounding sea began to shake.

Then a huge bulge appeared in the sea.

Not far away, waves were crashing towards the edge of the coast.

Everyone who had retreated to the distance couldn't help but gasp when they saw this.

Their faces showed deep shock.

Fortunately, they retreated far away, otherwise the huge wave just now would have swept them into the sea.

"This, what is this?"

"Could it be that some deep-sea creature came ashore?"

"It shouldn't be. According to research, the living environment of those deep-sea creatures is at that depth."

"Once they leave the nearby area, they may face an existential crisis, so it is impossible for them to leave the original area."

"Then what's going on?"

Everyone looked at each other with a look of shock on their faces.

Obviously, for them, if they were not in the military base now, they would have already started to panic.

"Don't worry, this thing is the Deep Sea Titan."

But before Minister Guo hung up, Lin Shen's voice came again.

As soon as the words fell, everyone was stunned on the spot.

Then the huge bulge on the sea surface quickly burst.

A huge black monster burst out of the water.

Only one-third of the body was exposed to the sea, but it already gave people an extremely terrifying sense of oppression.

The black streamline shape is like a huge icebreaker, and there is a huge anchor several meters long on the top of the ship.

It's almost like a product of science fiction.

With a click, a portal appeared in the cockpit on the edge of the Deep Sea Titan.

Lin Shen and Ling Xun also came to the edge of the portal.

The rest of the people were in shock and had not yet recovered.

Each of them had an unparalleled look of shock on their faces, and their eyes had long been as big as copper bells.

Suddenly, someone suddenly slapped his thigh violently, followed by a feeling of pain.

Immediately afterwards, there was also a cold air from Xian Fei and their Tianling Cap.

No one could imagine that this terrifying big guy was actually the Deep Sea Titan they imagined.

Before this, no one could have imagined that this thing was a deep sea titan.

Moreover, they imagined that the size of this deep-sea titan was too large, only about ten or twenty meters at most.

After all, this thing was originally designed for mining.

And the design source is not much different from the mecha.

Then it cannot be required to be as large as a normal submarine or aircraft carrier.

But in fact, the huge size of more than thirty meters still shocked them.

And don't forget that those that are above the water are only one-third of the Deep Sea Titans.

If all these things could appear, how much of a shock would it cause?

(End of this chapter)

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