Chapter 101 New toy-EX Thunder Killer!

The wind and waves caused by the energy collision spread to the entire city in an instant.

After this collision of skills, the weapons of EX Jet and Titan finally collided together.

Both of them fight each other with weapons tightly held in one hand.

The intersection of the weapons keeps moving left and right.

This shows how intense the collision of forces between the two of them is.

Titan couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

The EX Jet in front of me is so powerful!

What kind of monster is this? Why has he never seen it?

At this moment, Titan had used all his strength with one hand.

If this continues he will have to use both hands.

At that time, the momentum will inevitably be lost.

He doesn't understand why the other party is so strong?

It was obvious that the palm of his hand had begun to tremble due to the stalemate, but the opponent's hand was still as steady as an old dog.


Lin Tian crossed his arms and looked at the battle in front of him calmly.

Atarja's side was still being beaten by those Ultra warriors, but fortunately the guy hardened up and started to fight back.

It should last a little longer.

As for EX Jeter.

It doesn't matter, I have plenty of time.

Let me play with you slowly!

With a thought in Lin Tian's mind, he directly connected with EX Jet's consciousness.

It was as if he was fighting in person.

Lin Tian felt the powerful power of EX Jet, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He controlled EX Jet's shoulders and pushed hard.

He immediately pushed the Titan out with his sword.

Titan was shocked!

The body quickly controlled its balance and stabilized.


You can't fight this guy with strength alone!

It seems that the only flaw can be found in the technique!

At this moment, EX Jet suddenly let out a deep roar.

"I only obey the orders of my master Lin Tian! I will kill all enemies!"

Majesty and low words gradually came out.

Even Lin Tian was slightly stunned after hearing this.

He didn't expect EX Jet to say such words spontaneously.

He felt EX Jet's soul through the shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument in his hand.

The Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument instantly reflected EX Jet's thoughts.

After feeling it for a while, Lin Tian couldn't help but laugh.

good good!

EX Jet just feels proud of himself for fighting!

You are indeed my warrior!

"EX Jet, let's have fun with him!"

Lin Tian laughed coldly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Tian controlled EX Jet to fly out and rush towards Titan.

When Titan heard EX Jet's words, he responded coldly: "What a coincidence."

"I only follow my heart!"

"My sword! It can kill gods!"

Seeing EX Jet rushing towards him, Titan immediately raised the long and narrow golden sword in his hand to attack him.

Clang! ! !

The two weapons collided instantly.

This time, Lin Tian and Titan seemed to have a very tacit understanding and did not use any energy.

They simply collided with weapons.

As time went by, Titan became more and more excited.


So refreshing!

He has never encountered such a powerful opponent! ! !

This is the first time I can fight with my opponent so heartily.

So cool!

The two attacks are getting faster and faster.

In the end, those who watched the battle could clearly see the bodies of the two, and everything else was just an afterimage.

The arms and even the weapons were completely invisible to them.

The speed has reached the extreme!

Lin Tian was also a little surprised.

I didn't expect this Titan to be quite strong.

In this battle, he deliberately let his guard down, so he did not let EX Jet use his full strength, but only used about 60 to 70% of his strength.

Other than that, no skills are used.

Under such circumstances, ordinary enemies cannot resist it. Looking at Titan's state now, it seems that he can't hold on anymore?

Lin Tian couldn't help but smile as he felt the joy in EX Jet's heart in the shining EX ultimate combat instrument.

The next second, he directly ordered EX Jet to put some more water.

It doesn’t take much.

Just put a small part of the sea.

EX Jet originally wanted to directly kill the enemy in front of him.

But since Lin Tian gave the order, he would definitely obey it.

As a result, Titan suddenly felt less stressed.

He was immediately delighted.

Could it be that this guy is starting to run out of strength?

Lin Tian was floating in mid-air, watching the Titans becoming more and more courageous as they fought, and couldn't help but admire them.

It's almost enough to play around with it for now.

When the time comes, the battle can be resolved.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in Lin Tian's mind.

【Ding! ! ! 】

[Your Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument senses your appreciation for Titan, and immediately admires your tolerance and generosity. 】

[Hereby presents to you an evolutionary route for King Airei - EX Thunder Killer! ! ! 】

Lin Tian was stunned when he heard the voice in his head.

Is this even possible? ? ?

He didn't expect that under such circumstances, he just had such a trace of compassion for the Titans, and the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument could actually live up to his reputation.

Isn’t this so cool? ? ?

For a moment, a stream of information poured into Lin Tian's mind.

Unexpectedly, the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument actually presented the evolution route of EX Thunder Killer.

This is a powerful Belial fusion beast.

It is not an exaggeration to call him the King of Thunder and Lightning.

Moreover, the fusion material of EX Thunder Killer is included in his Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

During the battle in the Monster Graveyard, the ones he put into the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument were King Airei and Ace Killer.

At this moment.

King Airei and Ace Killer in the container at the other end of the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument seemed to have felt all this, and couldn't help but become extremely excited.

Lin Tian suddenly felt helpless.

Can't wait?

Well, I can’t wait either.

【Do you want to merge immediately? 】

In his mind, the system asked directly.

Lin Tian did not hesitate and answered yes directly in his mind.

Then, he raised the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

EX Jet was directly summoned back by him.

Titan was fighting vigorously when his opponent suddenly disappeared, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Lin Tian, ​​what are you doing?"

However, he didn't finish his sentence.

Lin Tian's Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument immediately produced two golden lights.

The two golden lights fell on the ground and instantly transformed into King Airei and Killer Ace.

Titan looked at these two guys and suddenly sneered.

"Lin Tian, ​​these two guys can't defeat me!"

"Don't underestimate me!"

"You'd better do that just now"

Lin Tian didn't bother to pay attention to the arrogant words in Titan's mouth.

With a slight wave of the shining EX ultimate combat instrument in his hand.

The bodies of King Airei and Killer Ace instantly erupted with terrifying golden light.

The golden light burst out and immediately interrupted Titan's words.

In the end, the two groups of golden light merged directly together, turning into a taller figure.

The appearance of this figure immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Galaxy Victory and Zhongao also stopped moving and looked at the guy in the light group.

When the golden light slowly dissipated, the figure inside was also revealed.

His body was covered in black and white, with Ace Killer's armor still attached to his body.

The two arms are connected with two huge claws, each claw is like a sharp blade, with a cold light.

His body is even taller than King Ailei.

Even the thick tail behind him was attached with layers of hard armor.

And this is the monster Lin Tianxin obtained.

EX Thunder Killer! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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