Chapter 104 Masaki Keigo!

That beam of light is what TPC wants to use Masaki Keigo's technology to save Tiga! ! !

Lin Tian looked at this scene and felt helpless.

He turned to Sero and said, "Sero, it's time for you to perform."

"I'll leave that guy to you."

After saying that, Lin Tian jumped out and rushed directly into the sea water.

Seeing this, Zero rushed directly towards Gatanjie.

"Zero Beam Beam!!!"

The energy lamp on his forehead instantly emits a green light.

The light instantly sparked a burst of dazzling fire after hitting Gatanjie.

Then, Zero landed steadily on the water in front of Gatanjie.

"I'm Zero!"

"Ultraman Zero!!!"

"Conch, just prepare to be beaten up by me!!!"

Facing Gatanjie, Cerro was very motivated.

Lin Tian has also reached the bottom of the sea.

In front of him was the petrified statue of Diga!

Lin Tian looked ahead quietly.

A large group of abandoned buildings stands on the deep and dark seabed.

That's a building from super antiquity.

It once heralded the glory of a super-ancient civilization.

Only later did Gatanjie, the conch, appear.

That civilization also perished, and even they who had the Ultra Warriors could not protect their own race.

Nowadays, Gatanje has revived again, which is still a terrible disaster for human beings today.

Lin Tian looked around casually, then walked towards the Tiga stone statue in front of him.

Diga still maintained the appearance of raising his hand to hold it in front of him.

Solemn, yet tragic.

Lin Tian shook his head helplessly.

He could feel Dagu trapped in the stone statue.

For the future of mankind, this kid fought against Gatanjeal at all costs, and he was currently sleeping hard.

At this moment, a small submarine was not far away.

It keeps swaying with the torrent on the sea floor.

Even the focused beam of light was scurrying around.

In the cabin of that submarine.

A shirtless man was trying his best to control the direction of the beam.

He didn't even care about the stability of his own body.

He is the evil scientist who analyzed the power of light.

Masaki Keigo! ! !

Masaki Keigo worked hard to the extreme.

Finally, the submarine's beam was stabilized.

Just when he wanted to aim at the timer on Diga's chest.

The beam suddenly illuminated a figure.

Is that human? ? ?

How could a human being appear in this place tens of thousands of meters under the sea? ? ?

"Dr. Masaki! What are you doing?"

At this time, the sound of electric current suddenly came from the cabin.

On a rock in the distance.

A huge spaceship is staying here.

This is the Atdis!

In the main control room, many TPC members were watching the footage from Keigo Masaki's submarine.

On the screen, Masaki Keigo's slightly trembling voice came out.

“There is a person on the stone statue of Tiga!!!”

After hearing Masaki Keigo's words, everyone suddenly felt that this guy must be crazy.

How could there be anyone thousands of meters under the sea?


At this time, Horii suddenly said: "It seems that there is really someone!"

As soon as Horii finished speaking, more and more people began to notice the figure on the screen.

How could there be a person floating there thousands of meters under the sea? ? ?

"Everyone, look!"

"Here comes another giant!"

at this time! The picture of Gatanjie on the side suddenly changed! Another huge figure suddenly descended from the sky.

Another Ultra Warrior! ! !

It was Zero.

In the picture, Sero directly stepped forward to fight with Gatanjie.

Obviously, this Ultra Warrior is here to help them!

It was at this moment that Lina, who had always cared about Diga, suddenly spoke.

Everyone's attention turned to the scene at the bottom of the sea again.

"Look, is he saving Tiga?"

on the screen.

Lin Tianyouyou stretched out his palm and pointed the petrified energy timer on Diga's chest with the Paraji Shield on his wrist.

next second.

A ray of golden light suddenly extended from the Shield of Palaji, and instantly connected to Diga's energy timer!

That light was extremely dazzling.

Compared with this light, the light energy produced by Masaki Keigo is simply weak!

This golden light bloomed instantly, lighting up the world.

The picture on the Atdis screen was instantly distorted and turned completely white.

Lin Tian's consciousness appeared directly in Dagu's consciousness space.

Almost instantly, Lin Tian saw the huge diamond-shaped crystal not far ahead.

Dagu was imprisoned in it, his eyes closed tightly.

There was no pain or any other expression on his face.

Just sleep without emotion, unable to feel anything from the outside world.


Lin Tian slowly came to the crystal and called softly.

Lin Tian's voice seemed to carry huge sonic energy, directly penetrating the crystal and entering Dagu's mind.

"Dago, it's time to wake up."

Hearing his call, Dagu's eyelids suddenly moved.

Then, his eyes slowly opened.

"Who are you?"

He looked at Lin Tian doubtfully, and then looked at the space around him.

"Where am I?"

After scanning the surroundings, Dagu realized that he was trapped in a diamond-shaped crystal.

He tried to struggle, but found that he couldn't move at all.

It was like all the energy had been drained out of me.

"Don't bother, you can't get out on your own."

Lin Tian said lightly.

Dagu will never be able to get this crystal out with just one person.

Of course, it's different with him.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian raised his hand and waved.

The huge light energy of Palagi's Shield instantly poured into the crystal.

In just a moment, Dagu felt infinite light!


Dagu struggled hard to raise his arm.

The palm of his hand struggled to grasp the light given to him by Lin Tian.

next second.

The entire Diga's heart was illuminated by light.

Extremely dazzling.

At this moment.

Sero was waving his head dart and fighting crazily with the huge conch on the water.

Under Zero's attack, countless sparks continued to burst out from Gatanjie's body.

Like a ray of light in the dark night.

Every scene of the battle was broadcast to screens around the world by some special device.

"Besides Tiga, are there other Ultra warriors in this world?"

This is a question in almost all human minds.

Just now, they witnessed their hero Ultraman Tiga being killed by the conch in one blow.

It turned into a stone statue in an instant.

This means that they have lost their light!

They have lost hope too!

Besides the Ultra Warriors, who else can defeat that giant beast? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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