Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 112 Everyone is just normal as Jagula

Chapter 112 Everyone is just normal as Jagula

"Your people are being slaughtered by those Balisibs. As a person with power, you have been escaping!"

"I'm not willing to use my own strength to protect them."

"Instead, I kept surrendering and begging the other party to stop!"

"If you surrender, your people will be safe?"

"Do you think that guy called Dr. Talent would have sympathy for you?"


Looking at Queen Amaterasu's face, Lin Tian became more and more indifferent as he spoke.

Everyone's expressions became strange, looking at Queen Amaterasu and Lin Tian in disbelief.

What the hell!

How dare someone dare to scold the Queen like that.

See you soon.

Lai Ying said nothing when he saw this scene, and an imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

To put it bluntly, Lai Ying has wanted to do this for a long time!

Oh shit!

This is stupid!

How can I be a queen?

Now seeing someone scolding this woman like this, Lai Ying only had one feeling in her heart.


It’s so cool!

"You untouchable, you are so presumptuous!!!"

Queen Amaterasu looked at Lin Tian with disbelief on her face.

As the ruler of Planet Ganon, everyone has always respected her.

She didn't even dare to say a harsh word, and now a person suddenly appeared and yelled at her directly.

And he even scolded her so unpleasantly! ! !

Damn it! ! !

"Come and welcome! Catch him!"

"I'm going to kill him!"

Looking at Queen Amaterasu who was almost crazy, Lai Ying frowned.

Is this woman crazy?

Let’s not talk about whether the opponent has such a terrifying monster or not.

But just now his monsters killed those Balisibs, which was considered a favor to Ganon.

Actually want to kill your benefactor?

Isn’t that ridiculous?


Do they have what it takes to catch each other?

It’s not like you didn’t see those Balisibs killed by their monsters!

How dare you shout here!

Thinking of this, Lai Ying seemed to have suddenly decided something.

His eyes lit up.

The Queen must not be allowed to continue to anger him!

"We will take Queen Amaterasu back to the palace first."

He waved his hand, and several guards came up directly to support Queen Amaterasu and walk back.

"You two, go take a walk on Ganon!"

"Although Ganon is a bit messy now, there are still many beautiful places!"

Why not do it?

Lin Tian glanced at Queen Amaterasu's back with a frown and nodded.

Therefore, it is easy to talk to people with normal thinking.

If I came to welcome you as the ruler of Planet Ganon, I would really have a lot less things to do!

"Come and welcome! I order you to arrest them!"

"I won't go back to the palace!"

Queen Amaterasu was still roaring angrily.

Until now, Queen Amaterasu still hasn't seen the situation clearly, and she still thinks she is the respected Queen Amaterasu!

From the moment she started to be timid, her dominance could not be lower!

"Lin Tian, ​​isn't it a little bad for you to do this?"

After watching Queen Amaterasu and others walk away, Musashi came to Lin Tian and said.

"In the final analysis, she is just protecting her planet in another way!"

When faced with Musashi, Lin Tian didn't even bother to answer!

He snorted coldly.

In the original plot, except for Jia Gula and Lai Ying, there was no normal person!

The same goes for Musashi!

Is the kindness too much? Even Balisib and Kuin want to purify it?

Seeing Lin Tian ignore what he meant, Musashi was also quite embarrassed!

But the opponent's strength is indeed much stronger than his own.

There is no way, we can't beat them!


Musashi sighed helplessly.

Lin Tian ignored him completely.

Now, just wait until Cai Qi makes his move!

When the time comes, all the monsters will be dealt with directly!

It's really ridiculous that such a simple thing can be made so complicated by these people.

"That's right Lin Tian."

Musashi behind Lin Tian suddenly said: "Why are you here?"

Faced with Musashi's doubts, Lin Tian didn't even look back.

He said calmly: "I felt a strong vitality on the way, so I brought Zero over to have a look."


Musashi was slightly startled.    "That guy is here too???"

Lin Tian nodded, and then told him what happened in the future.

At that time, after Lin Tian opened the door to time and space, he asked Sero to escort them to that place.

Lin Tian himself went straight to Planet Ganon.

"Sero should have led them back by now."

Musashi blinked in realization for a moment.

"Then they should be coming to Ganon soon."

Lin Tian thought about it and found that it was indeed the case.

Talent has launched an attack on Planet Ganon.

I think Zero and the others should have already visited the planet Zain.

I'll be back in Ganon soon.

Just when Lin Tian looked up at the sky, a sudden change occurred.

Three huge monsters suddenly landed from the dark sky.

The whole body exudes red light.

There was even more red light in his eyes.

When they stabilized their bodies on the ground, another monster with huge wings suddenly fell from the sky.

It floats quietly in mid-air.

From time to time a roar came out of his mouth.

It is Queen Balisib - Kuin.

The red light flashing in the eyes of the three monsters on the ground is a manifestation of being controlled by Kuin.

As soon as the three monsters landed, they began to wander around.

"Damn it, has talent already made them prepare for the arrival of dawn?"

When Musashi saw this scene, he immediately gritted his teeth.

This talent can't wait to destroy Ganon!

Lin Tian's expression was very dull.

He knew that this guy didn't intend to attack now.

They just brought these big guys out to scare the civilians.

Give them psychological pressure to hand over their queen.

In other words, put pressure on Queen Amaterasu.

Let her take the initiative to transform into the God of War!

boom! ! !

A loud noise came instantly.

Although the three monsters did not attack human residences, they had begun to move around at will.

As they continued to move, high walls, mountains, and even trees were knocked down by them.

Panic instantly spread among the crowd.

Musashi said with hatred and hatred: "What a damn talent!!!"

After the words fell, he was suddenly stunned.

"Lin Tian, ​​someone seems to be crying."

Lin Tian did not respond.

He knew that it was Queen Amaterasu, that holy bitch, who was crying.

Seeing that her people were being violated, she couldn't do anything.

But she was unwilling to fight in person.

In such a powerless situation, it would be strange for her not to cry.

"Cowardice and inaction!"

Lin Tian complained coldly.

next second.

Lin Tian raised his hand and summoned the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument.

Then, he directly called out EX brother Morant.

Several dark fireballs were launched and directly hit the Balisibs.

The Balisibs exploded completely! ! !

Death without a whole body!

The whole world suddenly became quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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