Chapter 119 Jagula’s Darkening

Seeing Jia Gula leaving, Lin Tian also turned his attention to the God of War.

He suddenly waved the Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument in his hand.

next second.

EX brother Morant instantly flew towards the God of War.

When the God of War saw it charging towards him, he roared angrily and hissed several times.

Although her mind was controlled by Kuin, her subconscious still recognized her EX brother Morant.

She knew that this was Lin Tian's monster!

She hates Lin Tian!

She wants to kill Lin Tian! ! !

The God of War roared while raising his arms to brew terrifying energy in front of him.

Lin Tian has long been connected with EX brother Morant.

He suddenly realized.

EX brother Morant accelerated directly to the side of the God of War.

Just lift it up and kick it!

boom! ! !

Let me ask, what behavior is the most deadly?

Of course, interrupting spell casting is the most deadly!

His thick thighs kicked him hard.

The God of War's body was kicked out directly.

Lin Tian looked at all this indifferently, with no fluctuation in his heart.

Then, he directly ordered EX brother Morant to use extremely fast speed to punch and kick the God of War.

The God of War had no room to fight back.

He can only be beaten passively.

last moment.

EX brother Morant flapped his wings and flew directly to the sky above the God of War.

Its huge body fell straight towards the body of the God of War.

puff! ! !

This kick directly knocked the God of War's body to the ground like a meteor.

The whole ground even shook suddenly!

The God of War's body sank directly into the ground.

Dust and smoke are everywhere.

When the dust and smoke dissipated, everyone only saw a giant foot stepping on their God of War.

The God of War had no power to resist at all and just let him trample on him.

Although the God of War has no power to resist.

Cool! ! !

Lin Tian felt extremely happy.

Let EX Morant beat up this holy bitch.

Lin Tian felt much relieved immediately.

Next, just wait for Jagula to bring the fruit of the Tree of Life.


Jakula has already arrived under the tree of life.

He raised his hand and looked at the towering tree.

While feeling shocked, he also threw a sword energy at the crown of the Tree of Life without hesitation.


Sen Bai's sword energy swayed on the trunk of the Tree of Life in the blink of an eye.

A fruit from the Tree of Life was also brought back to Jakula's hands.

It was a fruit-shaped ball of light.

"Is this the fruit that can cure puppet poison?"

Jakula looked at the fruit and was stunned.

Then, without hesitation, he returned to the battlefield.

He looked at Lin Tian and shouted: "Lin Tian, ​​put this fruit into the body of the God of War!!!"

After saying that, he threw the fruit in his hand directly to EX Morant.

Lin Tian heard the sound and directly ordered EX brother Morant to raise his hand to catch it.

The fruit instantly turned into a ball of energy in the hands of EX Morant.

Immediately, he pressed his palm on the gem on the God of War's forehead.


In an instant, the God of War screamed.

It was as if something was taking away from her body.

As the light disappeared, the God of War gradually regained his consciousness.

Her blood-red eyes gradually returned to the brightness of member Ali.

She couldn't help but groaned as she just regained her consciousness.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred!


Suddenly there was a heartbreaking scream from the ground not far away.

Among them, Jagula's roar is the most shocking.

Lin Tian was slightly startled. He turned his head and looked over there.

Could it be that the plot of Jagula's darkening began so soon?

When Lin Tian turned his head to look over there, he immediately saw Yu Yan who was fighting against the small Balisib.

With a heroic appearance, she was carrying a slender samurai sword and rushing towards the Balisib.

And the Balisib also aimed its sharp thorn at Yu Yan.

Its spine is not as long as a samurai sword.

This is also the reason why Yu Yan rushed to Balisib without any fear.

But she seems to have forgotten that Balisib's sharp thorns can be extended instantly! ! !

Jia Gula knew this very well.

He ran hard in pain and even roared hysterically.

His apprentice is about to be killed!

He was powerless to save him! ! !

When Lin Tian saw this, he remained silent.

He knew that it was here that Jakula turned black.

If Yu Yan died, it would not be a big deal to Lin Tian.

But for Jakula, it felt like the sky was falling.

He has never had any friends or anyone close to him.

Although Hong Kai had been walking side by side with him until this point, the two of them were both enemies and friends.

Ever since she met Yu Yan, this little girl has always wanted to be his disciple and called him master without permission.

Although Jia Gula's face was cold, he was somewhat concerned about all this.

But now, the only glimmer of light in these ordinary days is about to disappear! ! !

After thinking about it, Lin Tian finally moved.

He took a step forward and his figure flew out almost instantly!

His current speed has long surpassed everyone.

The explosive strength all over his body gave him a speed that was difficult for ordinary people to reach.

A few hundred meters away, you can reach it in an instant!

Just a moment!

Lin Tian arrived in front of Yu Yan.

The shining EX ultimate battle instrument in his hand was waved directly——


The small Balisib was directly torn in half by Lin Tian's Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument!

What a great speed!

What a terrifying power! ! !

This is almost the thought that arises in everyone's mind at this moment.

Lin Tian is not only a terrifying monster, but his own strength is also extremely terrifying!

Seeing Lin Tian save Yu Yan, Jia Gula's expression suddenly turned happy.

His eyes were full of gratitude.

But at this moment, a large number of small Balisibs flew towards Jagula.

Jakura apparently discovered this as well.

He suddenly lost all expression on his face.

There was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

He stood up silently and looked at the enemy firmly and coldly.

The Snake Heart Sword in his hand turned violently, glowing with cold light.


Now, he finally found out.

Without strength, he can't protect anything!

If it hadn't been for Lin Tian just now, Yu Yan might have died! ! !

Facing the attacks of many small Balisibs, Jagula charged forward with one sword and one person.

Chi chi chi——

The sound of the sword cutting through flesh continued to sound.

In just a moment, there were more than a dozen small Balisib corpses beside Jagula.

"Power, I need more power-"



Tachibana and Senluo also came to Yuyan who was rescued by Lin Tian at this moment.

They looked up at Jakula among the corpses.

Eerie and cruel.

The next second, their eyes widened.

Jakula's body with cold eyes suddenly emitted a mysterious black light.

In the blink of an eye, Jakula was directly wrapped in a set of black leather armor! ! !

He has transformed! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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