Chapter 124 Shining Gatanjie!

Lin Tian was also very helpless about this.

At this juncture, EX Jet actually had a little temper!

He had just witnessed how Kuin begged for mercy.

He doesn't want to fight this kind of thing!

Not very strong!

He doesn’t have much integrity either!

Unlike him, he will only be loyal to his master Lin Tian! ! !

If Lin Tian wants him to go up, he will go up! ! !

EX Jet's request that he didn't want to fight Kuin reached Lin Tian's mind almost instantly.

Lin Tian had no choice but to agree.

After all, who told us to spoil our own monsters?

Ku Yin was stunned when he heard Lin Tian's words.

Soft-footed shrimp?

Although she didn't know what it was, she could still recognize it.

This is humiliating her!

After hearing Lin Tian's sarcastic words, Ku Yin stopped speaking.

She knew that she could no longer rely on words to survive.

In this case, we can only fight to the death.


At some point, terrifying thunder and lightning suddenly appeared in this area.

And these thunder and lightning are all controlled by Kuyin! ! !

Lin Tian remained motionless, quietly watching Ku Yin take action.

In the face of absolute strength, all skills are in vain.

Kuin, who was in his human form, suddenly opened his hands wide.

Those thick thunder and lightning instantly began to become violent.

The next second, all the thunder and lightning rushed towards Lin Tian.

It's like weaving a thunder net! ! !


Looking at the thunder net that kept coming towards him, Lin Tian just smiled lightly.

When he was about to take action, an extremely arrogant voice suddenly came from a distance.

"watch out!"

In an instant, a green light shot out like a meteor, and instantly cut off all the thunder and lightning! ! !

"Zero? What are you doing?"

Lin Tian was slightly startled when he saw him.

The person who came was none other than Zero, who had never shown up.

This guy stayed in outer space to destroy those Balisibs.

Logically speaking, they should have been eliminated long ago, but why did they appear just now?

I saw Zero flying directly in front of Lin Tian, ​​and the energy timer on his chest turned red.

What happened to make this kid so embarrassed?

"I was led to another planet by those monsters."

"I didn't expect those guys to be able to control monsters!"

"They directly controlled a dozen monsters on that planet to attack me."

"How about I wiped them out? Isn't it awesome?"

Seeing Sero's extremely confident look, Lin Tian couldn't help but attack him.

He couldn't tell Cero that those you were fighting were just minions, right?

"Who is this guy?"

In the spaceship, Dr. Cai Qi was confused.

Lin Tian's monsters are not weak to begin with, and now there is an Ultra Warrior who can block Kuin's attack.

hateful! ! !

Why is it endless!

"Kuin, deal with them for me!"

Dr. Caiqi gave an order, and Kuin released lightning bolts again.

Upon seeing this, Lin Tian directly raised his hand and flicked the Palagi Shield on his wrist towards Sero.

The moment when Palagi's shield was placed on Zero's body!

The energy timer on Zero's chest immediately returned to light.

Great! ! !

Zero stretched his body excitedly.

He kept fighting those monsters, and he had long since run out of energy.

The appearance of Palagi's Shield just brought him endless energy.

"Zero, go try this guy."

Lin Tian said to Sero.

If we don’t use the ready-made combat power, then it’s not a loss for Dafa?

Isn't this a great opportunity?

Sero nodded sharply.

He felt his energy recovering rapidly. Then, he raised the Ultimate Sword and flew directly towards Kuin.

The two fought together instantly.

A variety of powerful skills are constantly shooting out of the two bodies.

The collision of energy even made the outer space light up for a long time.

Lin Tian floated quietly aside as a spectator.

Zero is obviously much stronger than before.

Even when facing Kuin in close combat, he did not lose at all.


Sero raised his arms high, extremely excited.

I didn't expect to meet such a powerful opponent.

This pressure is no weaker than the one against Beria.

Just as he was about to step forward to fight Kuin personally again, a sudden change occurred.

Dr. Caiqi's spaceship suddenly floated slowly and directly above Kuin, emitting a burst of strange purple light.

Zero was slightly startled.

"What is this going to do?"

Lin Tian knew it clearly in his heart.

Cai Qi is about to show his trump card.

Apparently, he knew he had no way out, so he decided to do this.

Sure enough, the spacecraft suddenly disintegrated into countless fragments.

The bodies of Dr. Talent and the little robot were also directly revealed in the sky.

Cai Qi held the little robot and said almost crazily: "Let us have a final battle for the peace of the universe!!!"

Lin Tian was speechless when he heard this.

How could you do this line so brilliantly that this guy is the hero who protects the universe?

As soon as Dr. Caiqi finished speaking, an inexplicable energy suddenly emitted from his body.

At the same time, this mysterious energy was also ignited in Kuin's body.

The two seemed to have a resonance.

The little robot and the spacecraft suddenly began to disintegrate together.

The next second, all the bodies directly carrying Dr. Caiqi began to rush toward Kuin.

This is about to merge into Cai Kuin!

Lin Tian understood in his heart.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in Lin Tian's mind! ! !

【Ding! ! ! 】

[Your Shining EX Ultimate Combat Instrument suddenly felt unhappy when it saw that the enemy was still resisting! 】

[Hereby evolve your Gatanjie into a new form! ! ! 】

[Congratulations on getting - Shining Gatanjie! ! ! 】

Hearing the voice in his head, Lin Tian went numb.

What the hell.

There is finally news about the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument! ! !

It's too late!

Just now, Lin Tiandu was preparing to summon a random monster to directly destroy Kuin.

There has been no movement for so long. Who would have thought that the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument would be able to live up to its reputation at this time! ! !

The most outrageous is

The Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument actually upgraded the newly obtained Gatanjeer into Shining Gatanjeer? ? ?

shine? ? ?

This Nima. Shining Tiga is Gatanjie's mortal enemy.

Now, his Gatanjie has gained the shining power of his mortal enemy? ? ?


Lin Tianzhen was really numb!

At this moment, Lin Tian's mind suddenly received the message of Shining Gatanjie.

Then, the shining EX ultimate combat device in his hand made him tremble even more! ! !


Just for a moment!

A huge golden light came out!

The dazzling light immediately stopped all movement.

“So dazzling!!!”

Zero also covered his eyes with his hands.

This light is actually more dazzling than the Ultra Warrior's! ! !

what happened?

What did Lin Tian summon again? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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