Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 129 Ex Jet’s invincible appearance!

Chapter 129 Ex Jet’s invincible appearance!


Justis suddenly exclaimed.

How the hell is this possible? ? ?

Isn’t this too fake?

Destroyed so many Groka weapons by himself?

Is she probably dreaming?

Unfortunately, what Justis is facing now is the hard fact.

EX brother Morant easily destroyed all the Groka weapons.

Not even taking a breath.

Gauss, who was floating behind EX brother Morant, felt as if he had been struck by lightning at this moment.

The scene in front of me was much more shocking than the battle scene I just saw on Planet Ganon.


His worries were simply unnecessary.

Even if it's Dracion or Justis, it won't matter as long as Lin Tian takes action.

What are so many robots?

Lin Tian's monster army hasn't been taken out yet.

Lin Tian looked at Justice quietly.

From this point of view, Dracion should really regard him as a threat to the universe.

The Groka pawn just now.

The current Glo truck.

Will Giga Endora be sent out in the end? ? ?

This is a bit outrageous.

If this is the case, then Lin Tian wouldn't mind letting Drathion reset it himself.

You can't just sit back and wait for death, right?

At this moment, Gauss suddenly flew towards Justice.

He shouted loudly: "Justis, stop it!!!"

When Justice saw Gauss speaking, he immediately sneered.

"Dracion's will is absolute!"

"You alone cannot change Dracion's will!!!"

Justice's expression was unusually cold.

"Lord Dracion represents the justice of the universe."

"Soon, the guy next to you will threaten the entire multidimensional universe!!!"

"He must be eliminated!!!"

Nani? ? ?

Justice's voice was not loud, but almost everyone heard what he said.

Will Lin Tian become a threat to the multidimensional universe? ? ?

How can this be?

This guy is absolutely talking nonsense! ! !

Is there anything Lin Tian did from beginning to end that was not saving the universe?

Threaten the multidimensional universe?

What a joke!

Cero didn't believe this the most.

He accompanied Lin Tian all the way.

He witnessed Lin Tian saving the planet again and again, and even saving the entire universe! ! !

Such a guy, you told me he would threaten the entire multidimensional universe? ? ?

This must be impossible! ! !

What's more, Lin Tian is the target he has been chasing! ! !

"What nonsense are you talking about!!!"

Zero suddenly burst into rage.

He rushed towards Jestis on Groka's main ship at top speed.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian couldn't help but feel helpless.

This guy is so stubborn that he wants to fight Jestis.

Raise your hand and wave.

The Shield of Palagi turned directly into golden light and was worn on Zero's body.

Zero suddenly felt confident.

The ultimate sword in his hand suddenly turned into silver light and extended hundreds of meters.

Looking at the unstoppable sword several hundred meters long, Justis remained silent.

She just slowly took out a small golden wing from her pocket.

That was her morpher.

bass! ! !

Justis stretched out the golden wings in his hand and spread them out in the palm of his hand.

The golden wings spread instantly.

A dazzling light jumped out from it and immediately enveloped Justice's human body.

The next second, the light group instantly enlarged.

When the light dissipated, an Ultra warrior wearing a strange shoulder armor appeared directly in front of everyone.

That's none other than Ultraman Justice! ! !

Justis raised his head and glanced at the rapidly slashing Ultimate Sword, then raised his hand.

The moment the light dissipated, he directly switched to smash mode. The next second, a yellow shield suddenly appeared in front of him.

He didn't even bother to move.

In his opinion, this guy is not strong enough to shake him in smash mode!


boom! ! !

The Ultimate Sword finally successfully struck the yellow energy shield.

The violent collision even seemed to shatter the space.

Nani? ? ?

Justis was shocked.

His shield was actually shaken by that guy's sword! ! !

How can this be? ? ?

Lin Tian watched this scene with interest.

This kid, Zero, has made some progress recently.

Even the shield of Jestis in smash mode can be shaken.

Okay, boy.

You know, the current Jestis has Dracion's energy bonus.

Although Zero has a little bit of Noah's power that he gave him, it is probably not easy to shake Justis.

He didn't expect the current situation.

"Damn it, you guy!"

Zero groaned angrily.

He used all his strength with this sword.

He actually failed to break the shield!

At this moment, Justis was greatly shocked.

How can this be?

Except for the EX brother Morant who killed many Grokas with his own strength just now, there is now another guy who is so strong.

This time I came out and it was really weird.

No wonder Dracion said that the guy named Lin Tian would threaten the safety of the multidimensional universe.

Either one of this guy's two monsters can bring danger to the multidimensional universe!

"That's it for now."

Justice said coldly.

As soon as he finished speaking, a dazzling yellow light suddenly erupted from his body.

Then he rushed directly towards Lin Tian.

The speed was extremely fast, and he was in front of Lin Tian in the blink of an eye.

He actually wanted to directly cross the monster and kill Lin Tian! ! !


Lin Tian felt interesting in his heart.

Seeing that Justice's fist wrapped in golden light was about to hit his eyes, he just slightly moved the shining EX ultimate combat device in his hand.

next second.

EX Jet suddenly appeared in front of Lin Tian.

He stretched out his hand and directly blocked Justice's fist with his palm!

Lin Tian did not expect that Justis would choose to compete with him.

It seems that this is the conclusion that Justice came to after watching the battle he just fought.

In fact, it is quite wise to know.

After all, Lin Tian's ability to absorb attacks and bounce them back was not a bluff.

Justis knew that he couldn't beat Lin Tian in terms of skills.

Only then did he choose to fight Lin Tian directly at close range.

But is this possible?

Obviously, no!

Justis failed to land a single blow, and instead launched a quick punch attack on EX Jet in front of him.

Punch after punch, chattering like a turbulent wave.

However, all these attacks were easily dodged by EX Jet.


too slow!

Lin Tian floated to the side and looked at Jestis who was constantly trying to attack in front of him.

Although this guy is indeed very strong compared to ordinary Ultra warriors.

But to him, Lin Tian, ​​he was no different from a minion.

Any of the monsters he already has can kill him with one hand.

Since Dracion has sent her out to liquidate himself, it is impossible for Dracion not to know this.

Lin Tian is now almost certain that Dracion will eventually send Giga Endora to destroy him.

He was suddenly looking forward to it.

I don’t know who is stronger or weaker compared to the so-called most powerful remade weapon?

(End of this chapter)

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