Chapter 131 Dracion, angry! ?

Everyone saw Lin Tian's body bursting with the power of Leonix's blood.

But they didn't understand.

What is Lin Tian doing?

Gauss couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Even Zero was puzzled for a while.

He didn't quite understand what Lin Tian was going to do.

But when they blinked once, they suddenly discovered something terrifying.

That terrifying Blair beam disappeared! ! !

It really just disappeared out of thin air.

It's like it never happened.

"what 's wrong?"

Orb was shocked.

Although he is a soldier, he has never seen such a big scene.

Did that terrifying attack just disappear in the blink of an eye?

"Is it an illusion?"

"Does the big spaceship still use illusions?"


While the Austrians were constantly stunned, Justice was also very confused.

what happened?

what happened?

Didn't Bishop Groka just launch the Blair Beam? ? ?

Why is it missing? ? ?

I didn't see Lin Tian doing anything.

He just changed his form.

Damn it, what happened.

At this moment, even Bishop Groka himself was stunned.

Although it is just a mechanical body, it also has a program for situation recognition.

The energy it had just accumulated was indeed emitted.

After all, that is a skill that can consume most of the energy in the body in one strike!

Of course it knows whether the energy in the body is low or not.

But it doesn't know what is happening now?


The guy in the space crack was also a little confused at that time.

The next second, Bishop Groka began to accumulate energy again.

At this time, not only the red mechanical eyes, but also the barrels in its two giant claws began to accumulate energy.

That's the Kirthadis Beam! ! !

This is a three-gun salvo! ! !

This time, in order to prevent any accidents, Bishop Groka specially accelerated the speed of energy condensation.

In just a few breaths, three thick red beams shot out.

However, Lin Tian remained indifferent.

The blood-red aura all over his body was extremely surging and rising continuously.

This is crazy? ! ! !

Gone again! ! !

what happened?

Everyone is confused.

What did this guy Lin Tian do?

Why did Bishop Groka's attack disappear instantly?

The whole space seemed to be quiet.

No one knows what happened.

Finally, the voice that had been silent in the space-time rift suddenly spoke.

"You can actually perform range absorption???"

"How can this be???"

Dracion's words in the time and space rift immediately shocked everyone.

His exclamation directly broke the silence in the entire space.

Range absorption?

What does it mean? ? ?

"Dracion, have you finally come to your senses?"

At this time, Lin Tian suddenly smiled lightly.

In fact, after he exploded with the power of blood, he then used it to let EX Go Morant use the power of Aurora.

It seems that he can no longer only absorb the attacks in front of him.

Instead, it can create a field of light in a large area in front of you.

All the energy on the surface in the field of light will be instantly absorbed into the organs of EX Go Morant.

And all this happened in just a moment.

This is why no one discovered what he had done.

And all this, Dracion was unaware of.

"You guy!"

At this moment, Dracion, who had always been extremely cold, finally became angry.

After a moment of hesitation, he finally spoke!

"You are indeed a threat to the multidimensional universe!!!" "You must be eliminated!"

The voice was low and somewhat growling.

At this moment, even Justice was stunned.

He knew Dracion's temper.

It has always been a calm state.

It seemed like nothing could make him feel the slightest emotion.

But now, he was angry because of Lin Tian.

"Go kill him."

In the gap between time and space, Dracion issued his order.

In just an instant, the huge Bishop Groka took action.

The propellers all over its body continuously eject smoke.

The figure quickly approached Lin Tian.

Still dare to come?

Lin Tian was slightly stunned.

Knowing that he had powerful means, he dared to let Bishop Groka rush towards him so blindly?

Lin Tianzheng was puzzled, but he suddenly understood in the next second.

I saw several majestic mechanical figures suddenly rushing out of the huge space-time rift where Dracion was.

Following closely behind Bishop Groka! ! !

"How can this be!!!"

Sero and others were shocked when they saw this scene.

These are all Bishop Groka! ! !

A total of four! ! !

Now Lin Tian knew Dracion's plan.

This is a competition for numbers.

Dracion is betting that his ability to reverse time and space cannot be used all the time! ! !

This is to kill him with the number of people! ! !

However, is this possible?

Facing this scene, Lin Tian just smiled coldly.

Dracion really underestimated him.

In this case, Lin Tian wouldn't mind letting Dracion look at him or even look up to him!

"Lin Tian! Go quickly, we will stop him for you."

Zero suddenly burst out with energy and rushed forward.

He wanted to delay time for Lin Tian.

Gauss also rushed towards the Groka bishops.

They know they are no match.

But even so, Lin Tiancai must be preserved.

Because Lin Tiancai is the hope of the universe!

"What a bunch of guys who don't know how to live or die."

Justis floated in front of the rift in space and time.

He couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

Dare to be an enemy to the will of the multiverse?

I'm afraid these guys have never died.

as predicted.

Just when Zero and the others collided with those Groka bishops.

In an instant, they were bounced back by the impact.

"Damn! How can these guys be so hard?"

Zero clenched his fist in shock.

The attack just now made his whole body feel numb.

Just as he was thinking this, the Groka Bishop he was facing suddenly raised his claws and struck him on the head.

Zero quickly raised the ultimate sword to resist.


The sound of gold and iron intersecting spread instantly.

The same is true for Gauss.

Facing an enemy whose body was as hard as iron, they didn't know what to do for a moment.

At this moment, the Bishops of Groka suddenly raised their heads.

The red mechanical eye on his forehead continuously accumulates red energy.

Four beams of Blair light speed were fired instantly.

Zero was immediately shocked, and quickly deployed their own shields to resist.

Gauss also switched to his future form and released his shield.


Almost instantly.

The four Blair beams hit the shields of Zero and the others.

The fierce collision even caused the space to tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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