Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 133 Confrontation! Do you understand the power of Aurora?

Chapter 133 Confrontation! Do you understand the power of Aurora?

However, facing such a powerful Giga Endora.

Dracion believes that Lin Tian must be scared to death now.

Are the palms and backs of your hands sweaty?

Are you sweating profusely, brother?


Lin Tian was not as panicked as Dracion thought at this moment.

He even looked forward to it.

What will be the outcome of a fight between my own monster and this guy Giga Endora?

Anyway, I have the power of Aurora to protect myself.

There is no way Giga Endora can beat him.

I just don’t know how it would be to fight the monster with its own strength without relying on the power of Aurora.

Lin Tian thought about this and was about to take action.

at this time!

The six mechanical arms of Giga Endora suddenly swung in the air.

next second.

On the top of its ring-like body, a special part like an eye suddenly began to accumulate energy.

As the brightness continued to increase, the "eye" instantly emitted a bright yellow lightning ray.

And this is one of Giga Endora’s special moves!

Gigabit plasma radiation beam! ! !

This bright yellow lightning beam rushed directly towards Lin Tian.

Lin Tian felt the energy in the beam.

It's really strong.

The destructive energy contained in it is also extremely terrifying.

However, can this so-called precursor energy do anything to Lin Tian?

Lin Tian sneered in his heart.

He slowly raised his arm.

The shining EX ultimate battle instrument in his hand naturally waved.

Just for a moment! ! !

The several-hundred-meter-tall body of Jiga Chimera floating in the air paused momentarily.

next second.

The body composed of various monsters suddenly ignited with a blazing flame.

Like the lava messenger returning from hell, hot and cold at the same time.

It is also like the disasters that plague the world in the last days.

The energy in the dark red flame light is actually comparable to that of the gigabit plasma radiation beam.

Lin Tian shrugged his shoulders, and under his command, the Shield of Paraji was instantly put on Jiga Chimera!

It's just that the form is different.

Put on Zero's body is a piece of armor and a big sword.

And the moment Palagi's Shield came into contact with Jiga Chimera's body!

It actually decomposed into countless silver light particles and covered the body of Jiga Chimera.

The original silver sword floated directly in front of Jiga Chimera, forming a huge arrow on its own.

A moment!

All the energy condensed in all parts of Jiga Chimera's body was concentrated on the arrow!

The ultimate arrow carrying terrifying lava energy burst out directly! ! !

The ultimate——Disaster* Explosion! ! !

The two attacks collided directly.


The fierce collision of energy even tore apart space.

The space between the two was visibly broken into glass shards.

Everyone was shocked instantly.

Even Dracion almost cried out in shock.

How can this be? ? ?

The skills unleashed by that little guy who is only a few hundred meters tall are actually on par with Giga Endora! ! !

Although the Giga Plasma Radiation Beam is only one of Giga Endora's weaker special skills, it is definitely not something that this garbage monster can resist!

Zero, Gauss, and Justis also looked shocked.

They also didn't expect that Jiga Chimera's attack combined with Palagi's shield could be so powerful! ! !

How terrible! ! !

In fact, the original Jiga Chimera would definitely not be able to defeat Giga Endora before it was conquered by Lin Tian.

It can even be said that in front of Giga Endora, Jiga Chimera is like a younger brother!

But the current Gigabit Endora is different! ! !

Enhanced by the Shining EX Ultimate Battle Instrument, there is also an increase in the power of Lin Tian's Leonix bloodline.

Finally, the energy of Palagi's Shield was added!

Gigabit Endora?

It’s just a taller big Kalami! Just when they were shocked, Lin Tian made another move.

Gigabit plasma radiation beam?

Lin Tian sneered in his heart.

The name is quite catchy, but the strength of this skill is really not that good.

Of course, this is only for Lin Tian.

His Jiga Chimera skill can withstand this blow with one shot, so he is naturally qualified to say this.

But this gigabit plasma radiation beam is fatal to Zero and other Ultra warriors.

"What is he going to do?"

Gauss raised his hand and looked at Lin Tian in confusion.

Everyone's attention immediately turned to Lin Tian.

I saw the shining EX ultimate combat device in Lin Tian's hand waved lightly.

A golden light suddenly appeared.

EX brother Morant and EX Jet arrived in front of him instantly.

The two directly released their strongest killing beams! ! !

Two terrifying beams of light hit Giga Endora directly! ! !

In fact, the Ultimate Giga Chimera alone could destroy Giga Endora.

But Lin Tian just wanted to bully the few with more.

So fun!

However, this scene scared Justis out of his wits.


Can you still play like this?

If Lin Tian knew the shocking thoughts in Justice's heart, he would definitely refute it.

A life and death battle!

Do it if you don't accept it!

Why can't I be the sixth child?

You're going to liquidate me, and I'm going to fight you one-on-one?

The brain is pretty much the same.

Two terrifying beams of light struck Giga Endora's body in the blink of an eye.


The violent explosion of energy directly caused Giga Endora to stop attacking.

Suffering such heavy damage, two of Giga Endora's six hooks were destroyed in an instant.

Various crunching sounds continued to come from the entire body.

The fire continued.

Lin Tian thought about it.

Jiga Chimera instantly stopped the delivery of the ultimate disaster explosion energy.

He was sneering in his heart.

This Gigabit Endora just sounds awesome.

The strength is actually not that great either.

It's better to finish the fight quickly.

At this time, Dracion in the space-time rift roared: "Quick! Don't hold back, just clean him up."

As his words fell, the energy hole in the center of Giga Endora gradually began to accumulate a terrifying aura.

As the energy at the center of Giga Endora continues to gather.

A haze gradually rose in Justice's heart.

Unexpectedly, Giga Endora was forced by such a small guy to use the reset light that can reset a planet?

Is this guy Dracion crazy?

Aren't you afraid of directly destroying Planet Ganon? ? ?

It was obvious that Dracion had lost his mind at this moment.

He just wanted to eliminate Lin Tian, ​​but he forgot the wide range of the reset ray!

At this moment, a shocking scene happened.


In just an instant, the energy sphere at the center of Giga Endora directly emitted an extremely thick terrifying ray.

The energy contained in it made all Ultra warriors feel a little palpitated.

I'm afraid that as long as they are exposed to the ray even a little bit, they will disappear completely.

However, Sero and others still believed in Lin Tian.

After all, Lin Tian could easily block the gigabit plasma radiation beam just now, so he should also be able to deal with this thing, right?

at this time.

Lin Tian finally took action.

(End of this chapter)

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