Kingdom of Light: My ultimate battle instrument is so impressive

Chapter 146 The most handsome transformation on earth!

Chapter 146 The most handsome transformation on earth!

Faced with Cerona's hopeful appearance, Lin Tian did not refuse.

He raised his hand and summoned the ultimate armor from his wrist.

The ultimate armor instantly attached to Zero's body.

He also began to condense the bow and arrow of the ultimate light.

Two terrifying energies began to condense instantly.

"The Ultimate Zero!!!"

When the two shouted out the name of this move in unison.

Two rays of terrifying energy shot out instantly and condensed into one on the way.


This was the first time that Zero experienced such a feeling.

After being integrated into one body, Ultimate Zero's energy was significantly increased several times.

The thick arrows of light shot fiercely at Griza!

But this time Gliza did not put his body into nothingness.

He just shook his body, and a bright circle of light suddenly appeared on his chest.

The combined final Ultra Zero slammed into Grizza's body.

However, he could not move forward even half an inch.

All energy was blocked by Glizza's aura during his lifetime, even...


Lin Tian looked at it intently.

This is exactly what Grizza absorbs!

Can create an energy light shield and absorb all energy or entities that touch the light shield.

Finally, breathe it into yourself.


Eventually, Ultimate Zero began to shrink visibly to the naked eye, and finally disappeared.

This move was actually absorbed! ! !

Nani? ? ?

Zero and Ax looked at this scene in shock.

How could their strongest attack have no effect at all?

This is too unreasonable.

Sero was much more surprised than Aix.

He had been watching the battle just now, but he just felt that it seemed difficult to attack Griza.

This time Gliza was clearly facing the hard steel, but still did not cause any harm to him.

What on earth is that bright aperture?

It actually absorbed their combined attack! ! !

The effect is somewhat similar to that of Lin Tian’s EX brother Morant’s abdominal organs!

Sero doesn't believe in evil.

After the ultimate armor returned to his body, he rushed towards Gliza with the ultimate sword.

Seeing this, Ax followed suit.

The two of them were extremely fast and arrived at Griza's side in the blink of an eye.

The two ultimate swords began to slash continuously.

Every attack set off a terrifying energy sword energy.

But Gliza was still the same as before.

While the body is constantly twisting, its position is also constantly changing.

But he never takes the initiative to attack, he just changes his position blindly.

It's like a play on Zero and X.

The shock in Sero's heart surged like a stormy sea.


What the hell kind of monster is this? ? ?

It wasn't until Qinghuo was fighting Gliza in close combat that he felt the despair that Ax just felt.

All their attacks can't touch this guy at all! ! !

Facing this enemy, even that guy Lin Tian can't do anything, right? ? ?

Just when the two of them were getting desperate, Griza suddenly stopped moving.

good chance! ! !

Is it possible that this guy can't make his body turn into nothingness?

Sure enough, how could such an invincible skill be able to be used all the time?

Seeing this, Zero and Ax stabbed him with the Ultimate Sword at the same time.

Gliza doesn't hide or evade.

Facing two long swords, it actually raised its hand to hold the sword body! ! !

Nani? ? ?

The two of them were shocked.

But before they had time to react, the yellow ball on Gliza's head suddenly shook continuously.

Purple brilliance appeared instantly and turned directly into several thunder-like beams of light that struck Zero and X.

When thunder and lightning emerged, the bodies of the two of them were knocked upside down.

Seeing this, Asuna on the ground quickly controlled the virtual mechanical Gomora and rushed over to restrain Grizza.

But it was also directly defeated by a purple lightning beam and disappeared instantly.

Zero and Ax were in pain all over and struggled to get up.

On the other hand, Gliza's body shook violently. A lot of bright yellow thunder and lightning energy suddenly appeared around his body.

These energies continued to condense towards the yellow round crystal stone on his chest.

The next second, a bright yellow lightning burst beam mixed with darkness burst out directly from the crystal on his chest.


Grizza Dark Lightning! ! !

Zero and Akers were hit directly by this move before they could even stand up.

boom! ! !

The terrifying energy directly caused a violent explosion.

Neither of them even had the ability to resist.

Lin Tian remained unmoved.

He could feel that Zero and Ax were still alive.

This is not the time to take action yet.

Sure enough, after a while, the smoke began to disperse.

Zero and the others stood up unsteadily.

At this moment, the energy timers on their chests all turned red.

X removed the Ultra Zero Armor and took out the X Head Dart from his head again.

The two looked at each other, and terrifying energy instantly began to condense on their own weapons.

This is their final blow!

After the energy was condensed, the two of them flew directly into the sky and rushed towards Griza.

“Beyond Aix Cut!!!”

"Ultimate Zero Slash!!!"

Facing the final attack from the two, Gliza just raised the bright yellow halo that absorbed everything again.


When Lin Tian saw the three huge guys disappearing in place, he couldn't help but smile in his heart.


When the three huge figures all disappeared into the city, everyone was stunned.

Only the devastated urban buildings still seem to confirm that they did exist just now.

Nani? ? ?


A team member's voice came from Asuna's earphones.

It was all shock.

They also saw the scene just now through the screen in the main control room of the base.

"Asuna, go and see if there is anything left on the earth?"

Headset Squadron Leader Kamiki Shotaro suddenly said.

He just seemed to see through the screen that after the collision, Aix had something left on the ground.

Asuna was slightly startled.

She came to the place where Aix had just fought, and sure enough she saw two huge objects standing on the square.

"Captain, it's the X energy timer and the Ultimate Zero Armor!!!"

At this moment, a human figure suddenly fell from the sky and landed next to Asuna.

Asuna immediately raised the mist and pointed it at him vigilantly.

"Don't be so nervous."

Lin Tian glanced at her casually and said calmly without expression.

"I'm not the enemy."

"Both of them are not dead."

Nani? ? ?

Everyone was slightly shocked.

Asuna's communication channel is always open.

Naturally, they all heard Lin Tian's words.

"Is what you said true?"

An incredulous smile suddenly appeared on Asuna's face.

She slowly walked to the foot of the huge X-shaped energy timer.

Then he pressed it with his palm.

She seemed to vaguely hear the heartbeat.

The sky and the earth are still alive! ! !

"Captain, listen to this."

Asuna said nothing, and directly attached the communicator on her waist to the energy timer in front of her.

As expected, everyone in the base heard a slight heartbeat.

(End of this chapter)

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