Chapter 164 Lin Tian’s Strength

At this moment.

Lin Tian glanced around casually.

The next second, he thought.

Directly letting the body enter the void.

Then he stomped his foot slightly.

The body sank directly into the ground.

Underground, in Xingyun Villa.

"Xiao Lu, I have already checked the data."

The spacecraft's artificial intelligence, Lem, was reporting the data from the battle just to Asakura Riku and the others.

"That black giant is Dark Lopusero, a failed and defective product originally manufactured by the Belial Empire."

Lem slowly told everyone the entire story of the Battle of Belial Galaxy Empire.

When Asakura Riku and the others heard this, they were immediately stunned.

Ultraman Zero?

And the strongest Leonix—Lin Tian? ? ?

Is that the guy who killed his father, Ultraman Beria?

At the same time, Lin Tian's figure also appeared on the virtual screen.

"Is this Lin Tian? He doesn't look very strong."

Asakura Lu Leng said.

However, the next second, the picture that popped up in Lem's screen made him stunned.

They saw the figure of a giant beast appearing in their eyes.

Just looking at the picture, this monster is terrifying.

"Lin Tian himself has little fighting power, but he has the bloodline of Leonix and an ultimate combat device that is more powerful than Beria. His monsters are by no means ordinary."

"This one monster alone is worth thousands of troops!"

After hearing this, Asakura Riku and the others also understood one thing.

The person who can kill Beria is definitely not someone who takes it for granted!

It turns out these guys are so strong.

From what Lem said before, Asakura Riku knew that his father had caused great disaster to the Kingdom of Light.

How terrible would his father be?

While Asakura Riku was lost in thought, Toba Raiha, who was wearing glasses, complained: "I still have to fight if I can't win."

"Xiao Lu, you are really an amateur at fighting."

All of a sudden.

Asakura Riku smiled sheepishly when he heard Toba Kuruha's words.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in their ears.

"Lime, this picture of yours makes me look really ugly."

"Next time you record data, remember to find a good angle to take my photo!"

Hearing the strange man's voice, Asakura Riku and the others were immediately startled.

They quickly looked towards the source of the sound.

I saw a strange young man sitting on a chair looking at the virtual screen.

I didn't know when I had a bottle of drink in my hand that Xiao Lu had just bought yesterday.

It was Lin Tian.

Toba Raiha was the first to react.

She directly drew her sword and pointed it at Lin Tian.

"Who are you, this guy???"

To be able to appear in Xingyun Villa so unnoticed.

It’s definitely not just a bunch of people waiting!

Looking at the vigilant Toba Laiye, Lin Tian smiled softly.

"What a pretty girl. Why are you hanging around with a big sword all day long?"

At this time, artificial intelligence Lem also said: "Alert! There is an enemy invasion!"

"Should we use weapons to eliminate them?"

Are there any weapons inside this spaceship?

Lin Tian was slightly startled.

Even Asakura Riku and the others were stunned.

They don't know this.

Lin Tian said quietly: "Lime, don't be hostile to me, otherwise."

"I can't guarantee that your spaceship won't be exploded by my monster!"

Toba Raiha frowned and looked nervous.

"Who are you?"


Faced with Toba Raiha's question, Lin Tian just took a sip of the drink in his hand.

Then, he pointed at himself in the virtual screen.

"Weren't you still talking about me just now?" About him?

What do you mean?

Xiao Lu and Lai Ye looked at each other, and both could see the doubts in each other's hearts.

Then, they followed Lin Tian's fingers and looked at Lem's virtual screen.

What he is referring to is.

The legendary warrior of light!

Ultraman Nexus! ! !

Asakura Lu was instantly shocked.

He quickly stood up and stood in front of Toba Raiye and Pejia.

"Are you here to catch me???"

As far as he knew, his father, Beria, and the Ultra Warriors were mortal enemies! ! !

Lin Tian is also from the Kingdom of Light!

And he is Beria's son!

Since Lin Tian appears here, that means he is really here to catch him?


Lin Tian quietly watched Asakura Lu's reaction.

He intends to trouble them.

So, Lin Tian said calmly: "Catch you? No."

"I'm here to destroy you!"

Lin Tian's shocking words made Asakura Lu and Pejia tremble.

This guy actually came to kill him! ! !

The long sword in Ye's hand trembled momentarily when the birds were singing.

She looked wary, as if looking at some gluttonous ghost.

A question arose in their minds.

Why did Lin Tian appear here! ! !

"You look a lot like your father."

Lin Tian smiled lightly.

That's right.

This is true.

Ultraman Geed's eyes are exactly the same as Beria's.

Who does he look like?

Looking at the cowering three people, Lin Tian smiled helplessly.

"Don't be afraid, just promise me something and I won't kill you."

Promise something? ? ?

Asakura Riku and the others glanced at each other for a moment, then froze.

Just promise one thing and you won't kill Xiao Lu?

Is there such a good thing?

As far as they knew, Ultraman Nexus and Riku's father, Belial, were mortal enemies.

That kind of fight to the death.

Even if they only heard about Ultraman Nexus' strength, they knew how powerful the opponent was.

It is estimated that Xiao Lu will be far from his opponent even if he transforms into Ged.

But the conditions proposed by the other party now

Isn't that outrageous?

Asakura Lu looked at Lin Tian with some fear.

He hissed and asked, "What do you want us to promise you?"

"We have no money!"

After hearing this, Lin Tian was stunned.

He knew Asakura Riku was stupid, but he didn't expect him to be so stupid.

The first thing I thought about was that he would ask for money?

Did you just get knocked out of your head by Dark Lopsero?

He is not from Earth.

What's the point of asking for money?

Toba Raiha on the side also rolled his eyes at Asakura Riku with a speechless expression.

Pejia, who was standing behind Asakura Lu, jumped up and hit him on the back of the head.

"Xiao Lu, he is from the Kingdom of Light! How could he ask a little brat like you for money!"

After speaking, he looked at Lin Tian tremblingly.

"Mr. Lin Tian, ​​apart from money and snacks, we can give you anything you want."

ha? ? ?

Lin Tian was completely speechless now.

Do something.

Why do Asakura Lu and Peijia feel a little abnormal? ? ?

Toba Laiye is more reliable.

I saw her long sword pouring down slightly.

"What exactly do you want?"

Lin Tian smiled at Toba Laiye and continued:

"I'll be here on Earth for a while."

"I will stay with you during this time."

(End of this chapter)

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