Chapter 96 Ultra Fusion Bracelet! Done!

At the foot of this mountain, there is a wide flat land.

There's nothing wrong with a Jeep.

It's perfect for training.

The jeep arrived in front of the three people in the blink of an eye.

Zero reacted almost instantly and jumped away.

After Zero dodged away, he couldn't help shouting: "Hey, Lin Tian, ​​you let me do this level!!!"

Sero was going crazy with impatience!

He wants to try it too!

He also wants to have fun!

Lin Tian is so hateful!

Actually playing by myself!

Although Zero dodged away, Auditorium Light and Xiang still didn't react at this moment.

What are you doing?

This guy Lin Tian can't really be so crazy, right?

Are you really going to hit them with a jeep?

"Hey! Don't be joking!"


Auditorium Hikaru and Xiang stood there and shouted with trembling.

Seeing that the two boys were in a daze, Zero couldn't help but shouted to Guang and Xiang in the auditorium: "Newcomers, get away quickly, he is serious!!!"

As soon as the words fell, the jeep was already in front of them.

It wasn't until this moment that Litang Guang and Xiang reacted and jumped to avoid it.

However, because they jumped in different directions, they were pulled back by the handcuffs on their wrists as soon as they jumped out.


next second.

Although the two men barely escaped the impact of the jeep, they were still scratched by the body of the jeep.

Their two bodies fell heavily to the ground and fell together.


"It hurts!"

The two people in the auditorium immediately fell to the ground and rolled over.

Even Zero felt pain watching this scene.

This thing must hurt.

Although they have the increased abilities of Ultra Warriors, their physical strength is not much stronger than that of ordinary people.

If he was hit head-on, he would probably fall to the ground directly.

Even for him, it would be difficult not to get hurt.

But Zero said nothing more after all.

He knew that although Lin Tian's move was cruel, he must still be measured in his heart.

I won't really let these two little guys die.

"Hey! Are you still lying down?" iu

Lin Tian directly turned the steering wheel and made a handsome drift.

He laughed and shouted: "If you don't take it seriously, you two will really die!"

The main goals of this level of training are Auditorium Light and Xiang.

As for Zero?

He must be able to dodge easily.

After all, there is no restraint from another person.

After saying that, he accelerated towards the two of them again.

Although the auditorium light and Xiang were in pain, they hurriedly got up to avoid the impact.

However, the result remains the same.

"Damn it! It's all this thing's fault!!!"

Xiang angrily slammed the handcuffs on the ground, but it was of no use.

Lin Tian bumped into them again.

The two endured the pain all over their bodies and kept running away.



three times

More than an hour later, both men were covered in bruises.

Finally, before the final impact, the two of them spun and rolled in the same direction to avoid it!

This means that this round of training for the two of them was successful!

When Lin Tian saw this scene, he finally stopped the jeep.

"Hey! Do you want our lives?!"

Isn't this training? Why work so hard?

"Oh, not bad, you have passed two rounds of training."

Lin Tian held his chest with both hands and smiled, "However, with you guys like this, it's still 20,000 years too early to defeat Atarja."

"what are you saying!"

The two of them suddenly shouted unconvinced.

Lin Tian's face suddenly turned cold.

He looked at Hikari and Xiang in the auditorium with a calm expression.

"This is your earth. If you don't take action yourself, who can this earth rely on?"

"You are still too young now."

"Unless you gather the strength of both of you."

"As long as you work together as one, you can definitely defeat enemies like Atalga!"

Lin Tian pointed to the handcuffs between the two.

"Through the training just now, you should have discovered the function of these handcuffs."

"The same goes for the following training. You must actively cooperate with each other."


Lin Tian suddenly shouted at Sero.     Is it any good to me?

Do you want me to drive a jeep and train them for a while?

Zero was stunned for a moment, then trotted over excitedly.

But when Lin Tian told Sero the next training plan, he suddenly let out an ah!

He seemed very surprised and sympathetic.

Immediately, Lin Tian drove them in a jeep to the side of a vertical mountain.

Without saying a word, Zero took out Zero's glasses and transformed and stood beside Dashan.

"Lin Tian? What is Zero doing?"

The two people in the auditorium, Hikari and Xiang, raised their hands and looked at the huge figure.

"doing what?"


Lin Tian suddenly burst into a bad smile, and then shouted!

After shouting this, Lin Tian himself disappeared from the place at an extremely fast speed.

The two people were left stunned in the auditorium!

Zero, who was on the side of the mountain, actually raised his hand and threw some huge rocks from the mountain next to them towards them.


"You guys are too messy!!!"

Auditorium Guang and Xiang were instantly frightened. They quickly turned over and jumped out of the car to avoid the stones.

Getting hit by a Jeep might just result in a serious injury.

If they are hit by this stone, they will really be killed!

One stone after another fell, and the two of them dodged each time without any danger.

But the poor jeep was hit by a huge boulder.

boom! ! !

The flames of the explosion directly flew away the surrounding rubble.

After a while, Lin Tian finally stopped.

"Not bad, not bad, well, it's time to reach the last level."

He clapped and then motioned for the two of them to climb to the top of the mountain.

"You all climb up this stone wall in an instant, and you have passed the level when you reach the top of the mountain."

climb mountains?

What's so difficult about this.

Auditorium Light and Xiang smiled at each other, and then climbed onto the stone wall together.

It was a breeze all the way.

After all, their experiences are quite extraordinary.

Climbing is a trivial matter.

However, just as they were approaching the top of the mountain.

Sero on the side suddenly pushed down some small rocks from the top of the mountain.

They fell vertically and hit Hikari and Xiang in the auditorium.

"not good!"

"Damn it! This bastard Zero!!!"

Auditorium Hikaru and Xiang instantly realized their danger.

Xiaoguang's eyes were serious.

He said calmly: "Xiang, I call 123, and then we dance!"

"If we don't cooperate well, it will be over!"

What he meant by finishing was, of course, death.

Xiang also understood this and replied with a frown: "Okay, I understand!"

As he finished speaking, the rocks above his head were already approaching.

Xiaoguang quickly shouted: "1, 2, 3!"

The moment he shouted 3, the two of them jumped up at the same time and came to a stone.

Then they kept jumping up.

"1, 2, 3!"

"1, 2, 3!"

"1, 2, 3!"

Finally, after their disdainful efforts, the two successfully landed on the platform on the top of the mountain after a difficult final leap.

Lin Tian had already returned to human form and was standing here waiting for them.

"Lin Tian?"

The two were stunned for a moment, and then quickly questioned: "Is there any point in our training like this?"

"Isn't it said that you can gain ultimate power after training?"


Until now, they haven't noticed any changes in themselves.

Except for the tacit understanding between the two, there is nothing else.

Lin Tian smiled slightly, then raised his finger and pointed at their wrists.

"Haven't you already obtained the ultimate power?"

As soon as the words fell, the handcuffs on their wrists suddenly turned into a burst of light.

This light eventually turned into a bracelet with a special shape on Hikari's wrist in the auditorium!

Ultra fusion bracelet! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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