Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 103 The sudden increase in talent Bolan

Chapter 103 The sudden increase in talent Bolan
  Perhaps most of the various treasures are difficult to adapt to, but for enlightenment, Swallowing Starry Sky and Wild Desolate Period are both worlds for enlightenment of Taoism.

In addition, the levels are almost the same, so the rules and dharma are not much different.

For the second soul, controlling space is like an innate secret method. You may not know the principle, but you can naturally use it.

The main body, the clone, the projection clone, and the soul consciousness are all figured out, so in a sense, the void clone also has this ability. Of course, not all the main body and clones can do it.

After all, controlling space is actually a unique innate secret method of the second soul, but the second clone, the void clone, also has a similar innate secret method - domain.

This is a perfect integration into space. In a sense, it is very close to the innate secret method of controlling space, so the void clone soon also gained the ability to control space.

The previous innate secret method of controlling time greatly increased Wei Wen's efficiency when he understood the original law of time. Now the second clone's efficiency will also increase dramatically when he understands the original law of time.

To put it bluntly, the second soul's understanding has also been improved, and it will grow faster when it understands the original law.

Maybe he's not a genius who emerged from tens of millions of eras, but he's a little close.


On a huge planet, there are many indigenous powerful people on the entire planet, including stellar-level and cosmic-level experts, but there is no trace of technological civilization on this planet.

After all, such a powerful planet should generally have entered the cosmic civilization long ago, unless it is the private domain of a super powerful person.

After all, some powerful people specialize in cultivating some planets so that some planets are not affected by all aspects.

And it is not difficult for some super strong people to spend resources to cultivate a group of star-level and cosmic-level people.

Even a first-order universe-level slave only has 100 million universe coins, and 100 million first-order universe-level slaves are only one Hunyuan unit.

"1000 stellar ninth-level warriors and spiritual masters, they will all besiege you later." The white-robed bald immortal said.

Beside the immortal powerhouse, stood a young man carrying a bloody sword.

"Yes." The young man in white nodded without fear.

Suddenly, a large group of star-level peak warriors and spiritual masters flew from a distance, and immediately began to surround the young man in white.

Normally, when there are many enemies, you need to rely on body skills and others to dodge, so that you can only face a very small number of opponents in a short period of time.

But having people crowd around and beat him like this from the beginning... shows that this person is very confident!

"Do it." The bald old man in white robe said indifferently.


1000 star-level peak warriors and psychic masters all attacked at the same time, either with psychic weapons, mental attacks, or Force swords and weapons.

But at this moment, phantoms suddenly appeared around the young man in white. This is only when the space perception reaches a certain level, so that the phantom body can be born in the space.

The so-called space phantom body is actually similar to the real body, and it is also somewhat similar to the phantom body simulated by the timeline.

No matter what kind of phantom body it is, the number of phantom bodies basically shows the level of understanding of the original laws of time and space.

Of course, it is not absolute. For example, Wei Wen, because he comprehends the essence of the original law of time, may not be as good as his opponent in terms of comprehension level, but the power of the secret method is very strong. For example, if a normal Jiuyu Chaos Monument practitioner completes the first picture, his combat power is only on the third level of Tongtianqiao, but he can understand his true combat power and reach the fifth level!
  "Very good." The bald old man in white robe showed a smile, "You have improved compared to the past few years. You are the most amazing genius I have ever seen in my wanderings in billions of galaxies."

"Teacher, you..." The young man in white couldn't help but trembled when he heard the praise. His cold eyes looked at the bald head in white robe, with a hint of astonishment in his eyes.

Maybe it's because he hasn't been in contact with the universe, so he doesn't know much about his own talent level. He has never heard such obvious praise before. At most, it's like 'okay' or 'average'.

"I actually have nothing to teach you, because your understanding of the original laws of space has even surpassed mine." The bald old man in white robe said.

"As for the law of the origin of time... I know that you are distracted from understanding it, and you don't know whether your choice is right or wrong."

"Teacher, I-" The young man in white was silent for a moment, but he was not good at words and didn't know what to say.

"So you go and participate in the Universe Genius Competition. With your understanding, it will be easy to get first place." The white-robed immortal continued.

"Only in a place like Virtual Universe Company, where there are many powerful people, can you find a teacher suitable to teach a genius like you who understands the original laws of time and space at the same time."

"You should practice well first, and then come to me after you reach immortality."


In the vast primitive universe, all the major human races, cosmic nations, countless immortal divine kingdoms, and famous super geniuses are all paying attention to the genius war and signing up.

Since ancient times, there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. The more super genius you are, the more you will not admit defeat.

Wei Wen and others had already completed their registration that day. While waiting for the competition to begin, the four of them seized every moment to work hard to improve their strength.

On May 2066, 5, Chinese time, the genius war officially kicked off.

"Welcome to participate in the 'Cosmic Humanity - Peak Genius Battle', Ganwu Universe Country Qualifiers." An electronic sound sounded.

The real qualifying competition will be held in the virtual universe, because then the physical fitness of all participants can be uniformly set to the peak stellar level.

If the physical fitness is the same, the fight will be absolutely fair.

The advantage of Wei Wen at the genetic level of life has disappeared in the virtual universe. Of course, Wei Wen doesn't care about this, after all, he is now invincible in the battle of geniuses.

Because the criteria for selecting geniuses in a genius battle are ‘will’, ‘domain’, ‘laws’, ‘combat experience’, etc.

The so-called first wave of qualifiers will disperse all participants in one hundred world areas, and you can get certain points by killing your opponents!

According to the ranking of points, the 2nd to 1001st place in each world area will advance to the next round, and the first place will directly get a place to participate in the peak talent competition of each universe country!
  Wei and Wen just received an email, which contained the world areas assigned to the contestants. The strange thing is that Wei and Wen are all in World Area 88.

"What's going on?" Wei Wen was stunned.

If he remembered correctly, only Thor should be in this world area. Why are all four of them assigned here now?

"Attention everyone, the horses that will be eliminated in this preliminary selection will be collectively teleported to their assigned 'world areas'. Please take the time to check your weapons and equipment."

"Once the qualifiers officially begin, you will no longer be able to apply for weapons, equipment and other supplies!"

(End of this chapter)

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