Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 110 Killing Rong Jun with one sword, Wei Wen’s name

Chapter 110 Killing Rong Jun with one sword, Wei Wen’s name

"This savage's fighting will and understanding of the original law are not weak. Every time he confronts someone head-on, I will be shocked and actually injured."

"If I continue to preserve my strength, I will definitely die first."

Lei Shen and Rong Jun who were present already understood how difficult their opponents were.

The lightning-like slashes lasted for about a minute before they both stopped.

Rong Jun silently looked at the God of Thunder in the distance, but the God of Thunder also stopped attacking.

"My hand." The savage young man couldn't help but frown slightly, feeling that his whole body was sore, and the tiger's mouth on his right hand had also cracked.

Every impact they make is very terrifying. If it is an ordinary genius, just one head-on confrontation will probably lead to death.

"Originally it was just the Qianwu Universe Country qualifiers. I thought I wouldn't meet any opponents. At least I didn't care about the Qianwu Universe Country's quota at all." Savage Rong Jun suddenly laughed and threw away the sword in his hand.

"And my bottom line is not to be among the top 1,000 in the universe. My real goal is to be number one in the finals!"

"I didn't expect that I would meet an opponent like you in the first wave of qualifiers. Thor, you are enough to make me use my full strength!"

The sword turned into a stream of light, flying towards the God of Thunder like a hidden weapon, but was easily avoided by the God of Thunder.

A warrior who throws away the weapon in his hand has something wrong with his mind, but according to Rong Jun, he is not admitting defeat, but rather preserving his strength!
  But ranked first in the universe?

"You'd better go to bed. Even if you hide your strength, I don't think you can be a match for Wei Wen and Luo Feng." The God of Thunder shook his head slightly.

Lei Shen felt that Rong Jun was definitely not good enough. Even though Lei Shen knew Wei Wen's growth process, Wei Wen's current strength had reached an incredible level.

"This is no longer simply arrogant. You are already crazy."

"Really?" A brand-new sword suddenly appeared in the hands of the savage Rong Jun, "I didn't expect that even getting a quota in Ganwu Universe Country would force me to take out the 'Earth Splitting Knife'."

"The original law of space?" Thor took a deep breath, "Let's fight!"

  In an instant, Rong Jun's figure flashed away, and two Rong Jun appeared around the God of Thunder.


The Thunder God's sword was as fast as lightning, but facing the two Rong Jun, the God of Thunder felt as if he had been hit by a huge mountain. He fell to the ground with a roar, and was eliminated after that.

"Listen to what he means, are both Wei Wen and Luo Feng better than me?" The savage stood there staring at the body of the God of Thunder thoughtfully.

Rong Jun had heard of the names of Wei Wen and Luo Feng. It was said that a swordsman and a madman were indeed very powerful, but he had never encountered them before.

Especially for Sword Immortal, his ranking has never changed since he became number one in the qualifiers.

On the last day of the qualifying round, the ‘Savage’ suddenly invited the ‘Sword Fairy’ to fight.

This battle is actually the biggest highlight of this preliminaries. I am afraid that all the geniuses still alive in the entire world area will want to watch the battle.

Everyone was also looking forward to it, wondering if the savage Rong Jun could force Wei Wen to use his full strength.


The last day of qualifying.

Rong Jun, nicknamed "Savage", ranked "7", and Wei Wen, nicknamed "Sword Immortal", ranked "1"!
  Luo Feng is relatively low-key, Wei Wen and Rong Jun are both geniuses who hunt strong people everywhere, and no one has ever been their opponent.

Now they will fight on the last day to determine the final outcome.

Many geniuses in the world area are also looking forward to this moment.

Suddenly - the figure of the savage Rong Jun appeared at the agreed place, looking at the empty battlefield in front of him with a smile.

In fact, he didn't know whether Wei Wen would come, because he proposed the fight himself, and Wei Wen didn't respond to him. However, Wei Wen felt that being idle was nothing but idleness. He was already number one anyway, so he would just play with Rong Jun.

After all, Rong Jun's talent, according to the words of the Master of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace, is no less than Bolan's.

Suddenly, the savage Rong Jun opened his eyes and looked into the distance, and a figure came from the distance.

"This Sword Immortal is so evil. His name should be Sword Demon." Rong Jun frowned.

Because of the influence of the golden-horned giant beast, Wei Wen's evil spirit was indeed a bit heavy.

"Are you really a swordsman?" Savage Rongjun asked doubtfully.

"Of course." Wei Wen nodded.

"I heard Lei Dian say that you are very strong, but he put enough pressure on me. I hope you can give me some surprises." Rong Jun said with a smile.

"Besides, I'm not interested in being ranked first in points. High-density duels like group competitions and reincarnation battles are useful for my training."

"If I can kill you, I will also deliberately lose points. When the time comes, we will compete in the arena. I hope we can meet again."

"Because I need enough opponents to fight, to hone and improve myself in the battle."

"So I hope you can use all your strength and don't let me down!"

"You don't know my strength?" Wei Wen was stunned.

He used space illusion more than once. Haven't Rong Jun heard of it?

Wei Wen took one step forward, and Rong Jun's heart was filled with a terrifying sword intent that was not very overbearing, but was extremely sharp.

"So strong. I am indeed not as good as him!" With just one simple step, Rong Jun's heart suddenly sank.

Rong Jun had never seen Wei Wen before, but the moment he saw Wei Wen take action, his heart suddenly tightened, and even the center of his eyebrows felt tingling.

  The sound of the ultimate sword roar filled the void and swept directly towards Rong Jun.

Rong Jun felt that the world seemed to have stopped at this moment, and time seemed to be stretched. He obviously felt that he was much slower than usual.

It's not that he has slowed down, but that the law of the origin of time has been affected.

"No, this is the law of the origin of time, and it is at a very strong level!" Rong Jun felt in his heart, feeling that even his own shots were a lot slower.

Rong Jun's expression changed drastically, and he instantly propped up the domain defense, but the infinite strangulation power had already been exerted on Rong Jun in advance.

"Hahaha..." Rong Jun suddenly smiled, "This is the real opponent!"


With one strike of the sword, Rong Jun fell instantly, and his figure disappeared like smoke!
  Wei Wen's strength was so strong that he had no power to resist. No strong person of the same level he had fought against was so strong. He had never seen such a strong person before.

In fact, not only Rong Jun, but also the expressions of the geniuses and strong men watching the battle were extremely complicated.

Of course they knew what Wei Wen's previous move was, and they also instantly understood that Wei Wen had stepped into the law of the origin of time, and reached an extremely advanced level!

Obviously, Wei Wen had never truly demonstrated his strength before, and it was only now that he realized the origin of time.

Fellow practitioners of the original law of space and time alone are enough to compete for the first place in the overall ranking of the universe.

Hong looked at Wei Wen from a corner, feeling filled with emotion.

Wei Wen, the man who changed the destiny of the earth, has grown to such an extent in just a few years. It is simply difficult to imagine his future achievements.

(End of this chapter)

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