Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 112 The envious leader of Ganwu Kingdom

Chapter 112 The envious leader of Ganwu Kingdom

"What?" Hei Yanhou was suddenly shocked.

This genius battle is hosted by the Nine Swords Venerable. This is very clear to Hei Yanhou, but he did not expect that the Nine Swords Venerable accepted Wei Wen as his disciple before the genius battle. Wei Wen must have something special about him.

After all, ordinary geniuses are not looked down upon by the Universe Master. In this case, Manluo is right, Bolan should be the unlucky one.


"Countdown to the end of the preliminaries, 60...59...58..." A majestic and deep voice sounded.

"Damn it, I'm 1004, just a little bit short. As long as you let me kill, give me half of your points. I'll thank you again when I get out."

"Go away, I believe you, you bastard old man, why don't you let me kill you? I will thank you then."

As the final countdown approaches, each world zone is in a state of turmoil.

In the end, all the survivors in the 100 world zones disappeared instantly, the points ranking of each world zone finally appeared, and everyone had been decided.





As soon as Wei Wen teleported from the First World Area to the sky above the Black Dragon Mountain Island, he received a series of call requests and emails.

"Wei Wen, there are 25430 call requests. Oh, it's more than 3 now, and it's still rising." Barbara's familiar voice sounded.

"Haha, I haven't heard your voice for a long time. It's really hard to get used to it." Wei Wen didn't pay attention to those call applications, "What are their scores?"

In world zone matches, all virtual assistants are banned.

"Hong is ranked 14th, Thor is ranked 7th, and Luo Feng is ranked 2nd. They have all successfully passed the preliminaries. As for the next arena battle, there should be no problem." Barbara explained simply.

In fact, Hong is stronger than Thor. The reason why he is ranked lower than Thor must be because he hides his strength.

After all, Hong has a reserved temperament and doesn't like to show off. It's not surprising that he hides his strength. For example, he has hidden strength in the test of the King's Illusion Realm and the adventure in the Illusion Realm Sea.


"Babata, I remember I was in third place before, why did I suddenly become second place?" Luo Feng asked confused.

"The second one must have been exposed!" Babata looked at Luo Feng as if he were a fool, "Who did this? No need to ask?"

Luo Feng also realized that he had indeed asked a nonsense question.

In fact, with his current strength, he can compete for the first place in the First World District, but firstly, he finds it troublesome to do so, and secondly, he is quite interested in the group competition.

The preliminaries ended, and finally Wei Wen, Luo Feng, Hong, and Lei Shen reunited.

"You have all done a good job. I believe that there will be no problem with the quota for the next Qianwu Universe Kingdom." Babata looked at the four of Wei and Wen.

The performance of the four of them, who had been casually recruited as disciples of the Falling Ink Star before, was unexpectedly far beyond Babata's imagination.

His future achievements will definitely not be inferior to his boss, and rebuilding the glory of the Fallen Ink Star will be a piece of cake!

"Haha... This genius battle is really awesome. I haven't had such a fun battle for a long time, and it actually gave me a lot of experience." The God of Thunder touched his bald head.

"Yes, even if the Killing Fields can simulate any opponent, an environment like Genius Battle is more effective." Hong nodded.

"We will have an arena battle and even a reincarnation battle later, and we need to prepare for it next. Of course, as long as we are lucky, we will not enter a reincarnation battle." Luo Feng said with a smile.

"As for Wei Wen... I think no one can put any pressure on him in the entire genius battle. Participating in a duel of this level is just a waste of time for him."

Luo Feng's guess was not wrong. Wei Wen had reached his current peak state in all aspects. Whether it is the trial tower or the final battle, it must be difficult to put any pressure on him, because his only opponent is himself.


In the main hall of the Lord of Ganwu Universe Kingdom, a giant appeared outside the hall across the space dimension.

  Countless streams of light passed by the starry sky, and finally gathered into a picture, revealing Wei Wen in the 88th world area.

"The original laws of time and space...the means of understanding and using swordsmanship seem to be very easy." The Lord of Ganwu Kingdom said with a smile.

"It has been too long since the Qianwu Universe Kingdom has seen such a genius... It's a pity that I met Bolan."

"I hope he can enter the primitive secret realm. This will be good for me and the Wuganwu Universe Country."

  A figure appeared, it was the giant ‘Thirteen’.

"Thirteen, give him my gift and tell Wei Wen that I hope he won't let me down." The voice of the leader of Ganwu Kingdom sounded.


The Lord of Ganwu Kingdom waved his hand, and a treasure about a thousand meters high and shaped like an eye appeared around him.

The treasure appears to be showing fluctuations in time and space, and its entire body is densely covered with complex and wonderful secret patterns of the laws of time and space.

"This is this?" Scale Armor Giant Thirteen was shocked.

"Go!" The figure of the leader of Ganwu Kingdom disappeared.

The giant in scale armor turned and left, and in the starry sky, the extremely majestic and noble figure remained silent for a long time.

"Yes, Lord!" The scale-armored giant did not hesitate, responded respectfully, turned around and left, quickly heading to the Horned Dragon in a spaceship.

Virtual universe, Thunder Island.

"Nine Swords, you are so unkind." Not long after Thirteen left, the voice of the leader of Ganwu Kingdom sounded again.

"Why am I not being kind?" Lord Nine Swords asked knowingly.

"You are still pretending, but I don't see how this Wei Wen is worth accepting as your direct disciple." The Lord of Ganwu Kingdom shook his head slightly.

"It is said that he first showed his talent for the original law of time, but now he is distracted from practicing the original law of space. His mind is too big, just like that Bo Lan."

"It's best if you don't see it. In fact, I am in charge of their current session. If a swordsman genius appears, of course I am more suitable to be his teacher." Lord Nine Swords gloated.

"Just being a genius in swordsmanship is not enough for you to accept me as a disciple. Please tell me everything." The Lord of Ganwu Kingdom said doubtfully.

"How should I put it... I suspect that he has a clone." The Nine Swords Master said after a moment of silence.

"Normally speaking, most people will not be distracted from practicing other original laws. Even if they are distracted, there will be obvious differences."

"For example, Wei Wen first practiced the law of the origin of water and fire, and then began to understand the law of the origin of time."

"But by focusing on comprehending these original laws, Wei Wen's growth rate is not only not affected, but is getting faster and faster."

"This situation is not normal, and if there is any explanation for it, it is one."

"This kind of person is the least likely to fall when he grows up. Maybe his talent is not very high, but he might be able to become a cosmic master."

"If I had the talent of being a clone... that would be great, and I wouldn't be in such a miserable state now." The corner of Ganwu Kingdom's lips twitched.

Just like the leader of the Ganwu Kingdom, if he has the ability to clone, then he will be resurrected even if his original body has died, and he does not need to reverse time and space.

The cost of reversing time and space and resurrecting is much greater than restoring the original self, usually more than 10 times.

(End of this chapter)

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