Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 130 The True God’s Gift, the Shocked Chaos City Lord

Chapter 130 The True God’s Gift, the Shocked Chaos City Lord
  Deep in the Chaos Ruins, the Lord of Chaos City sat cross-legged.

"Interesting, a genius with the potential to be the master of the universe!" The Lord of Chaos City couldn't help but show a hint of surprise as he watched the virtual universe system transmit information.

"All the original laws of time and space have super talents, coupled with super strong will, unique secret methods, understanding, will, etc., he is not lacking..."

Even if we don't look at Wei Wen's other aspects, just in terms of his understanding of the original laws, he is enough to be called the strongest genius who has appeared in hundreds of millions of eras.

The most terrifying thing is that Wei Wen also has a strong spatial talent, and he can be regarded as a genius who only emerged in tens of millions of eras.

All the original laws of time and space have super talents, so Wei Wen must be more terrifying than Ke Di.

The mainstream way for the Lord of the Universe to break through is to control time and space. With Wei Wen's unparalleled talent for the original laws of time and space, as long as he does not perish in the future, he will definitely have the hope of becoming the Lord of the Universe.

"But being the Lord of the Universe is not enough to change the fate of the human race. Teacher, what did you know during the first battle?" The Lord of Chaos City was also helpless.

"Now that the teacher has been suppressed by the original will of the original universe, it seems that he can't even communicate with us."

"You have such talent at the stellar level. Let me see where your limits are and whether you can hope to go further!"

The human race seems to be very stable, but in fact it is full of crises. Other peak races in the universe have long coveted the territory of mankind.

After all, the original ancestor of the human race was suppressed, and although the giant ax rose, he could barely control the situation.

But because there is no most powerful treasure, the giant ax behaves very 'weakly', and now the human race is like a pack of wolves looking around.

The current human race has not found any way to break the current situation, and can only place its hope on future changes.

At this time, the emergence of Wei Wen, the potential genius of the Lord of the Universe, gave the Lord of Chaos City a glimmer of hope.

Although Wei Wen is still very weak at the moment, he is still willing to give it a try.

The Lord of Chaos City looked at Wei Wen who was entering the trial tower and smiled. Then with a wave of his hand, the difficulty of the trial tower had changed. This was why Wei Wen was very confused.

"Don't worry about Nine Swords. This is my assessment of Wei Wen. At least it is within the normal assessment range. There is nothing to make a fuss about." The order from the Lord of Chaos City was quickly conveyed.

No wonder Wei Wen and Lord Nine Swords both felt something was wrong. At this moment, Lord Nine Swords also understood the reason for the change in the trial tower.

Anyway, the Genius Battle is held by Virtual Universe Company, and Virtual Universe Company has the final say on everything, and others have no right to refute it.

But then the Chaos City Lord was shocked when he saw that Wei Wen still passed the seventh trial tower.

"He seems to be not only a genius with the potential of the Master of the Universe, but he has actually walked a path that no one has ever taken in the original universe..." The Lord of Chaos City took a breath of cold air.

If you want to surpass the Master of the Universe, you must at least take a different path from the strongest in other universes. This is the difficulty that troubles most Masters of the Universe.

Wei Wen, a star-level genius, could actually reach this level. To put it bluntly, Wei Wen has the qualifications to be the strongest in the universe!
  The appearance of Wei Wen gave the Lord of Chaos City hope to change the pattern of the human race!

Wei Wen broke through the seventh trial tower, which not only caused a storm among the human race, but also spread his news to other races.

"The original laws of time and space all have super talents. It's hard to imagine what kind of existence Wei Wen will become when he grows up?" The expression of an immortal strong man changed slightly, and then he instantly started teleporting to the Kingdom of God.

"The Lord of the Universe? Or the Lord of the Universe?"

Within the territory of the human race's barbaric cosmic kingdom, there is a huge cosmic lord-level divine kingdom in the 'space mezzanine' of a certain desolate star field. This divine kingdom was not established by the cosmic lord of the barbaric cosmic country. Instead, it was the place where the lurking cosmic lord of the Zerg race was located.

"Master, I have important information." In the vast hall of the Lord, a golden-robed figure appeared in the hall, looking at the huge Zerg mother nest in front of him.

The strong ones of the Zerg race are best at souls and illusions, so it is not easy to enslave the strong ones.



This person seemed to have disturbed the rest of the Universe Lord-level Zerg warriors and the Zerg Queen, and all the Zerg warriors roared angrily.

"What kind of information are you so anxious about?" the Zerg Mother Queen said in surprise.

"I just found out the relevant news about the genius war among the human race. An incredible genius Wei Wen has appeared in the human race."

"He has just passed the seventh trial tower. He is already regarded as the strongest genius among the human race in tens of millions of epochs. He is even comparable to the fallen Kedi!"

"The most incredible thing is that his talents in the original laws of time and space are the strongest genius level, and his future achievements are limitless!"

"Can the original laws of time and space be considered a genius who emerged in tens of millions of epochs?" The Zerg Mother Queen of the Universe Venerable Level was also shocked, "The potential of the Master of the Universe!"

"Among the same group of genius battle members as him, there are Bo Lan and Luo Feng. Their talents are not bad. They can barely be regarded as geniuses born in tens of thousands of epochs."

"Although they can't compete with Wei Wen at the moment, they should be able to reach the first floor of the seventh trial tower."

Those who can be called the strongest geniuses from the ‘Ten Million Era’ era, such as Keti, Master Eclipse Fire, etc…

Although many of the strongest geniuses have fallen midway due to the targeting of alien races, those geniuses who have not fallen... each and every one of them has achieved astonishing achievements!

The weakest ones are now all those at the peak of the title of king, many of them are already sages of the universe, and some have even become the masters of the universe!
  If the other strongest geniuses are at the Universe Venerable level at best, Wei Wen is different.

"You don't need to pay attention to the geniuses who emerged in tens of thousands of epochs. They may die inexplicably while they are growing up."

"After all, there are too many members of the human race. There are more than billions of people. They also pay attention to excellence."

"There is a lot of training for geniuses in all realms, and the chance of falling is extremely high."

"Wei Wen is indeed worthy of attention, but the human race also attaches great importance to Wei Wen. Even if I break into Qianwu Universe Kingdom now, I am afraid it will be difficult to kill him."

"Back then, in order to kill the threat of Kodi, our Zerg race spent a lot of effort. We even asked his teacher, the Lord of Chaos City, to reverse time and space and not be able to revive him."

"First, list Wei Wen as No. 1. I will report it to the clan... To deal with Wei Wen, my power is no longer enough. At the very least, the Lord of the Universe must take action!"

There are six peak ethnic groups and three peak forces in the original universe. Even the human ethnic group only occupies a part of the entire universe.

The four peak ethnic groups, Human Race, Demon Race, Zerg Race, and Mechanical Race, are adjacent to each other and occupy the central area of ​​the original universe. This shows how powerful these four peak ethnic groups are.

In another distant territory of the universe, there are also two other peak groups.

(End of this chapter)

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