Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 138 The Proposal of the Lord of Chaos City

Chapter 138 The Proposal of the Lord of Chaos City

"Wei Wen, you have the strongest realm lord bloodline in our human race, which is very important to our entire human race." The Lord of Chaos City continued.

"Perhaps this World Lord-level bloodline will be started by you, and we need to discuss some future developments with you."

"Can you tell me something about your world lord level bloodline talent secret method?"

"The secret method of talent is very simple - control time. The effect is to understand the original law of time with greater clarity." Wei Wen felt that there was no need to hide it.

Anyway, the earth has been exposed, so there is no need to worry about the world lord bloodline.

Such a World Lord-level bloodline has far-reaching significance to the human race, and one can imagine the intensity of cultivation it will receive.

After all, each of those peak human races that can reach the domain master level as adults can develop and grow not only because of their own strength, but also because of the tilt and support of human race resources.

It's just that the Lord of Chaos City seemed to think of Wei Wen as something different, which made Wei Wen speechless.

But no matter how well prepared he was, it was a fact that he was still weak.

After all, in the original work, even if Luo Feng had the power of the Lord of the Universe and wanted to regain ownership of the earth, there would be someone who would stand in the way.

So this kind of thing has been put on the table for discussion by the Lord of Chaos City, and it doesn't seem to be a difficult thing to talk about.

Fortunately, as time goes by, Wei Wen's strength, status, voice, etc. will only get higher and higher, and one day no one can ignore his ideas.

"Very good." Chaos City Lord's eyes suddenly lit up, "Maybe he doesn't have the life-saving ability of the golden-horned giant beast, but he has extremely high talent for the original law!"

No one would dare to believe it, but the eyes of the Lord of Chaos City, a great man whose status in the human race was second only to that of the "Founder of the Giant Axe", were simply shining.

In fact, life-saving abilities can be assisted by some treasures and strong people.

But the original law talent is the top priority for the growth of a strong person, because a high original law talent means a high chance of becoming a strong person.

This is also the reason why the human race holds genius battles time and time again to screen out geniuses.

What makes him happier than knowing that the strongest bloodline has appeared in the human race?
  That is, the talent of this bloodline is not only strong, but the secret method of talent is so powerful that it can make its talent even more heaven-defying!

The Lord of Chaos City did not guess wrong. Wei Wen's own talent for the law of time origin was actually not at the level of a person born in tens of millions of epochs.

With the eye of time and space of the Lord of the Universe level space-time nightmare beast, and the blessing of the secret method of controlling time, his talent for the law of the origin of time can be regarded as a genius born in hundreds of millions of eras.

"As the ancestor of this bloodline, there may be descendants in the future, but I also have a request that I must make." Wei Wen said directly.

"It's okay to just say it." Just talking about Wei Wen's qualifications as the strongest person in the universe, Wei Wen is qualified to talk to the Lord of Chaos City, not to mention having unprecedented world lord level blood.

"I know that most of those powerful human races have had some painful experiences. For example, I once obtained a Domain Lord-level bloodline..." Wei Wen continued.

"So I will never tolerate things like high-level bloodlines being killed, having bloodline evolution agents refined, or having their bodies taken away from them, etc."

"If something like this really happens, no matter who it is, he must die. Maybe I can't kill him now, but I can kill him sooner or later."

What Wei Wen said was not unfounded worry, but a problem faced by almost all high-blooded ethnic groups. Take the former Hu Yanbo as an example. His original qualifications were not high, but by chance, he used the secret method of "seizing the body" to seize the body of a cosmic-level bloodline powerhouse!
  Like City Lord Luo, most of his epochs were related to the seizure of the body of the golden-horned giant beast. It can be seen that such things as seizure of the body are not uncommon.

It's fine if it doesn't concern him, but if it really falls on his descendants that he may have in the future, he will never be able to sit back and watch.

The more powerful the World Lord-level bloodline is, the more people are concerned about it. For example, the Chaos City Lord’s eyes lit up when he heard that the World Lord-level bloodline’s talent secret method is to control time.

The Lord of Chaos City is fine, but for those strong men who do whatever it takes to become stronger, even the Lord of the Universe will probably go crazy.

Just like the Chaos City Lord reminded Luo Feng after giving Luo Feng the Divine Beast Weapon, even if he knew that Luo Feng was the disciple of the Chaos City Lord, he might still snatch the Beast Divine Weapon.

In short, Swallowing the Starry Sky fully embodies the survival law of respecting the strong and survival of the fittest.

"You don't have to worry about this. There will be no tolerance for this within the human race. Moreover, this is the strongest world lord bloodline, and it is a bottom line that cannot be violated!" The Lord of Chaos City said with a serious face.

"Don't think too much. Many principles of conduct in the universe may be based on interests first, or the interests of individuals, or the interests of factions, races, or even the interests of the entire human race."

"It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. As long as your personal interests do not conflict with the interests of the entire human race, given your potential, as long as your choices and interests do not touch the bottom line, we will not force you."

"I understand your character, and I want to believe that you will be treated fairly and justly. No, after preferential treatment, you will make the best choice when you grow up."

"By the way, I almost forgot to tell you. I think your home earth is very magical. What do you think?"

"What if I say that we are willing to exchange the treasure with you for the ownership of part of the earth?"

"You may not know what a treasure is and its value..." the Lord of Chaos City simply explained.

"Weakness is the original sin, but I believe in the potential of the people on earth. We all hope that we can lead the people on earth to rise." Wei Wen said without hesitation.

"So I don't think this is a bargaining chip that can be used for trading, even if it's a treasure!"

A treasure?

Wei Wen might not be short of it. Wei Wen felt that the Space-Time Eye of the Universe Lord-level Space-Time Nightmare Beast was worth as much as a treasure.

The analysis diagram of the levels of life genes is even more valuable than a treasure.

"That's fine!" The Chaos City Lord's eyes narrowed, and he couldn't help but feel a ripple in his heart.

In fact, if Wei Wen was really willing to exchange partial ownership of the earth for the treasure he mentioned, the Lord of Chaos City would look down on Wei Wen.

After all, if Wei Wen can sell the earth now driven by profit, then he may betray the human race driven by profit in the future.

Of course, before looking for Wei Wen, the Lord of Chaos City thought he was somewhat sure about this matter.

Because the conditions he proposed were so generous to the Earth, he was even willing to give up the treasure in exchange for partial ownership of the Earth.

How valuable is the treasure?
  This is a treasure that can make even the supreme Lord of the Universe, the Overlord of the Universe, and the Lord of the Universe go crazy for it!
  Even the vast majority of cosmic sages are not qualified to possess such rare treasures!
  (End of this chapter)

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