Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 151 The Genius War Ends

Chapter 151 The Genius War Ends

"Are you still fighting?" Wei Wen looked at Ai Chen opposite him with a smile.

"Hmph!" Ai Chen snorted coldly, "Try it!"

A pair of light wings behind Ai Chen instantly unfolded, and even the fluctuations of the original law of time appeared faintly. The long sword in his hand instantly bloomed with terrifying murderous intent.

"Although I don't understand it deeply, it's still very scary. No wonder the original work is in the top five. It's a pity that I met it now." Wei Wen shook his head slightly.

The long sword in Wei Wen's hand jumped slightly and slashed down at Ai Chen in the air!

Wherever the sword light passed, time and light fluctuations in the void stopped flowing, as if they were killed by Wei Wen's sword!

The entire arena seemed to be neatly divided into two halves under this sword!

"Are you too cruel?" Ai Chen looked at Wei Wen on the ring with a speechless expression.

Having said that, Ai Chen didn't have any dissatisfaction in her heart. Since it was a battle, she naturally had to go all out. She was very satisfied that Wei Wen didn't hold back.

After this sword strike, she also understood the gap and had a more intuitive representation of Wei Wen's strength.

The gap is huge, but Ai Chen is not decadent, but instead inspires fighting spirit. After all, she is not someone who cannot afford to lose.

"Isn't this exactly the result you want?" Wei Wen smiled.

Luo Feng didn't have any surprises and easily defeated his opponent.

Lei Shen was defeated by Rong Jun, Hong Dao defeated Qian Shui, and Bolan also won easily.

"Why is Wei Wen still not enlightened? You must not know a saying on earth, it's a pleasure to torture your wife, chase your wife to the crematorium!" Luo Feng's figure appeared.

"Go aside." Wei Wen's mouth twitched.

In fact, this world always felt too illusory, so he really didn't think much about that aspect.

Of course, seriously speaking, the fate of many people has changed. For example, Luo Feng, Hong, and Lei Shen, especially Luo Feng, are stronger than Bo Lan.

The changes of the three people also made Wei Wen realize that this might be the real world.

In addition, the Lord of Chaos City had told him about the issue of continuation of the World Lord-level bloodline, so he had also considered the issue of continuation of the bloodline.

After a short rest, it was the final battle for the spot in the original secret realm.

This time the arena battle is a reincarnation battle. Everyone has to fight against the other four. The winner gets one point and the loser gets zero points.

Wei Wen's first opponent is Luo Feng.

"Wei Wen, I haven't fought with Qian Zheng'er Bajing for a long time." Luo Feng took a deep breath.

"I didn't expect that we had grown to this point back then. Come on, let me see how big the gap in strength is between us now!"

The Yanshen Weapon behind him erupted instantly, and thousands of golden swords quickly overlapped and merged to form a unique field.

There are countless golden secret patterns densely connected in the field. In the process of shrinking, the golden sword crazily cuts the surrounding space, and the space is faintly distorted.

Luo Feng can use the Divine Weapon to such an extent. His strength has indeed far exceeded that in the original work, and has now surpassed Bo Lan.

One is because the Golden Horned Behemoth and the Demon Killer Clan were able to grow earlier, the other is because of the Space Eye of the Time and Space Nightmare Beast, the third is because of the Secret Technique of Time and Space Essay, and many other advantages.


All the immortals and geniuses watching the battle were paying attention to the duel between the two of them. Even the vast majority of geniuses and immortals stood up in shock!

"Is this really a battle between stellar geniuses?"

"It's simply unbelievable that the stellar level has reached this level!"

"The two of them are so perverted!"    "Wei Wen is definitely from tens of millions of epochs, and Luo Feng is no worse than Bolan."

"If we say who among these little guys is most likely to become a Universe Master, I bet Wei Wen can definitely do it, and Luo Feng's hope is not small!" One by one, geniuses and immortals started talking about it.

Especially those geniuses, who are both stellar powerhouses, but the gap in strength is unimaginably large!

"Wei Wen's potential is too high. It will not be difficult to become the Lord of the Universe in the future, or even reach a higher level." Even the Nine Swords Master was filled with emotion.

Wei Wen and Luo Feng in the ring were not sure about the exclamation of the people outside, but Luo Feng was really trying his best at this time.

However, after Luo Feng's Divine Weapon Domain appeared, Luo Feng, who was locked, felt that the surrounding space was almost solidified, and the Divine Weapon Domain collapsed instantly.


Luo Feng's pupils shrank, and he felt an invisible force stabbing his forehead like a substance.


The sword light penetrated the light film between Luo Feng's eyebrows and extended to a hundred miles away, and the entire arena was almost cut open.

"Sure enough, there is no chance of winning against you." Luo Feng sighed.

Although he had never competed with Wei Wen, in fact, he often simulated battles with Wei Wen in the killing field simulation space, so he was naturally very aware of the gap between the two.

Of course, that was Wei Wen a year ago, and now Wei Wen's strength made him feel terrified.

"I have progressed so quickly because of the Lord of the Universe secret method given to me by Wei Wen. Why do I feel that Wei Wen's progress is faster than before?" Luo Feng looked confused.

"I bought the secret method for you, and I must have bought it myself." Wei Wen said with a smile.

In fact, not only did he buy the secret method, Wei Wen also relied on Luo Feng's feedback to obtain more valuable secret methods.

Secondly, Luo Feng's practice will also give feedback to Wei Wen, and the feedback will give him a higher level of understanding than Luo Feng's own practice.

Therefore, if Luo Feng wants to defeat Wei Wen, there is no hope at all.

As for the next battle, Wei Wen naturally won all four games.

Luo Feng faced off against Bo Lan, but Bo Lan only held on for a moment and was still killed by Luo Feng's Divine Divine Weapon.

The original laws of space are inherently more powerful, and the secret methods related to the Divine Weapon are naturally abnormal, not to mention that Luo Feng's understanding is already superior to Bolan's.

Even though Luo Feng is not as good as Wei Wen, he has already made a name for himself.

In the end, Luo Feng, Wei Wen, and Bo Lan entered the original secret realm.

"There are three perverts in this genius battle. I don't have to think about the 'Original Secret Realm'!" Rong Jun scratched his messy hair and glanced at Thor.

"I didn't expect that you, who was easily defeated by me in the qualifiers before, could almost defeat me just now."

"Speaking of which, you're not hiding your strength, are you?"

After seeing Hong's illusion method, he also discovered the advantage of the state of mind over the illusion.

Although he had never seen Thunder God's state of mind and will, judging from some details, he might not be inferior to Wei Wen.

"There's no point in worrying about this. You can't enter the primitive secret realm anyway." The God of Thunder shook his head slightly.

In any case, after the battle for places in the Taichu Secret Realm and the Original Secret Realm is over, the entire genius war is over!

"The results of this virtual universe's peak human genius selection competition are very surprising!" The Lord of Chaos City looked at the many geniuses in the genius battle plane.

"This is a very outstanding battle of geniuses. I believe that dozens of epochs or hundreds of epochs later, many of them will be famous in the original universe."

(End of this chapter)

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