Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 159 Chaos City Lord’s Surprise

Chapter 159 Chaos City Lord’s Surprise

Speaking of the Cosmic Chaos Monument, Wei Wen had a good idea. His void clone had two unique talent domains and control space.

With this talent, maybe he can stay in the Chaos Monument space forever, and then he can continue to comprehend the Chaos Monument.

In this case, his progress will be faster, but I don't know if it will be allowed.

But it must be possible, after all, he does have the capital to do so...

"I'd better forget it. I've figured it out over the years. I don't have that fate." Bolan sighed.

Wei Wen didn't expect that even Bo Lan would change because of his appearance.

But if you think about it carefully, it is right. After all, this is not the pure world of the original Devouring Starry Sky. Because of his appearance, many people have undergone huge changes.


primordial universe.

After three years of sailing, the spacecraft entered the original universe. Through exterior scene simulation, a vast starry sky suddenly appeared around it.

Far ahead, there was a huge piece of land floating in the deep space of the universe. This scene shocked Luo Feng unexpectedly.

"There are various celestial bodies in the starry sky of the universe, but this is the first time I have seen such a continent!" Luo Feng looked surprised.

"The key is that it's really big. It's said to be billions of light-years in diameter!" Wei Wen's mouth twitched.

No one knows the exact size of the universe in the past life, but the scope of the observable universe alone is only tens of billions of light-years.

But the 'continent' in front of us has such a large size and mass.

After all, it is the headquarters of the Virtual Universe Company, and the materials used to build it must be at least comparable to E-grade metal. How exaggerated is its density and quality?

But in this case, it didn't collapse into a black hole, which is simply incredible.

Afterwards, through the incredible land, Wei Wen and others entered the initial universe.

The initial universe was even more magical. There was a gray and chaotic air flow in the sky, and there were even a large number of space cracks in the surrounding void.

The fluctuations of the original law of time suddenly appear and then disappear, crossing the sky like a long river of time and space.

"Everything in the original universe has rules, and the same is true for the original universe." The Lord of Nine Swords on the side explained simply.

"Today's primitive universe is probably similar to the scene when the primitive universe first opened, in which the regular operation gradually evolved towards maturity."

"In this process, various miraculous phenomena will naturally manifest."

“Everything you see is the embodiment of the operating rules of the original laws of the universe. In an environment like the original universe, the clarity of understanding the laws is higher.

"Compared to the original universe, since it is fully mature and the laws are operating perfectly, it is naturally more difficult to intuitively comprehend it. This is the preciousness of the initial universe comprehension quota."

"You guys are here. Although you only have thirty years at first, it is extremely valuable. You must take advantage of it!"

"In addition, because the time flow rates of the initial universe and the original universe are different, in these thirty years, the original universe will probably last about a hundred years."

Lord Nine Swords then explained some rules, such as that their training and residence are in Chaos City.

After arriving at Chaos City, Lord Nine Swords left, and an envoy led them into Chaos City. During the entry process, he also briefly explained the rules of Chaos City.

"The feeling here is very comfortable, such as the improvement in the clarity of understanding the original law!" Luo Feng looked surprised. Even though the initial universe has not yet fully evolved, Chaos City has a very long history, longer than the establishment of many cosmic nations.

The current Chaos City is jointly managed by five giants including Virtual Universe Company and Giant Ax Arena, so there are many practitioners here, all of whom are elites of the human race.

Wei Wen listened to the explanation of the black-robed messenger and looked at the strong men and their residences around him.

To be honest, Wei Wen's previous guess was not sure whether it would be successful or not.


And in the city lord's mansion deep in Chaos City, the figure of the city lord of Chaos appeared silently.

The reason why he appeared was to identify the new generation of geniuses of the human race and see if there were any alien spies among them.

After all, it would be a joke if at the end of the training, you find out that you are actually training geniuses for aliens.

The eyes of the Chaos City Lord were like a vast ocean and an endless starry sky, silently paying attention to Wei Wen, Luo Feng and others.

The Lord of Chaos City glanced at the many geniuses one by one, and after seeing Luo Feng's golden-horned beast's original core, he smiled.

In fact, he knew before that Luo Feng took away the body of the golden-horned giant beast and gave birth to a clone. This was definitely a good opportunity.

Wei Wen naturally didn't need to say more, he had seen it before.

However, what he saw at first was Wei Wen's true form, and his clone was not on the same planet as the true form. Now he was aware of Wei Wen's void clone.

At first, he thought it was some kind of spy, but now judging from the aura of the soul, the Lord of Chaos City naturally realized that it was Wei Wen's clone.

"Huh?" The Lord of Chaos City was stunned. "Is it possible that in addition to the secret method of controlling time, his World Lord-level bloodline also has the secret method of clone talent?"

The Chaos City Lord didn't know much about Wei Wen's situation, but Wei Wen had told him before that he only had one secret method for his world lord-level bloodline talent, so where did his clone come from?

The Lord of Chaos City couldn't figure it out after thinking for a long time, but he was too lazy to think about it.

Anyway, for Wei Wen, the more outrageous he is, the better. If he has a clone, his life-saving ability will be stronger, which is definitely a good thing.

Afterwards, the Lord of Chaos City was even more speechless, because with his strength, he could already secretly see Wei Wen's clone using his innate secret method and sneaking into the Chaos Monument space.

"Is it possible that this guy wants to secretly comprehend the Chaos Monument?" The corner of Chaos City Lord's mouth twitched.

Under normal circumstances, only if you enter the Chaos City Lord for the first time, you will get a chance to understand the Chaos Monument for free, and it only lasts for seven days.

If you want to get more opportunities and gain more time to comprehend in the future, you still need to cross the Tongtian Bridge.

The reward for crossing the Tongtian Bridge on the first floor is only once, and the maximum is more than 30 times, which will not even last a year.

And Wei Wen's behavior... definitely lasted far longer than a year, and it was definitely cheating.

"Forget it, with such incredible talent, he is indeed qualified to cheat, and with his talent, it would be better for the human race to grow up as soon as possible." The Lord of Chaos City smiled.

Although the Lord of Chaos City attaches great importance to fairness, he also knows that there is no absolute fairness in the original universe. As long as the bottom line is not touched, he doesn't bother to care.

Just like the original Chaos City Lord discovered that Luo Feng had become a Realm Lord, others did not notice this and did not regard Luo Feng as a World Lord. Luo Feng made a lot of money because of this, and the Chaos City Lord was too lazy to interfere.

After all, if Luo Feng can do this, that is Luo Feng's ability.

It’s a good thing if you have the ability, but I’m afraid if you don’t have the ability!

(End of this chapter)

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