Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 172 Dongbo Snow Eagle breaks out, the Temple of Time and Space

Chapter 172 Dongbo Snow Eagle breaks out, the Temple of Time and Space

"There are so many extraordinary and powerful people, and there are even ancestors of the Xia clan who have become gods, but how could any of them grow up according to a planned path in the beginning?" Dongbo Snow Eagle said with a firm gaze.

"My path of spiritual practice is mainly to follow my original intention. If practice is not enjoyable, then what is the point of practice?"

"That's good." Wei Wen's voice sounded, and Dongbo Xueying looked at the news in surprise.

A figure with a misty light around it appeared in front of him in the void, and it was none other than Wei Wen.

"Still ranked tenth now?" Wei Wen joked.

Wei Wen's eyes swept over Dongbo Snow Eagle. Dongbo Snow Eagle, who he hadn't seen for many years and was still a little immature at the time, has now become calm.

"The tenth actually the last place." Dongbo Xueying said with a slight embarrassment, "Brother Wei, I have embarrassed you by saving our country."

No matter how he behaved in front of others, Dongbo Snow Eagle felt a little ashamed for Wei Wen who really helped him and saved his life.

For this reason, Dongbo Xueying has been holding back and forbearing in his heart. He must prove it to others.

"Why are you embarrassing me? And how can I care about this!" Wei Wen shook his head slightly, "Personal practice is the most important thing."

"The so-called rankings, except for people like Situ Hong who rely on downtrodden and flattering others, don't care about it very much. For example, you. If you really care, you won't not show your strength!"

"It's not like they don't like your cultivation path, so why don't you slap your results in the face!

"When you go through the mountaineering journey, or even break through the saint level, demigod, god, and world god in the future, won't it be clear at a glance who is right and who is wrong in the end?"

"Brother Wei is right!" Dong Bo Xueying nodded with excitement, "Brother, can you give me some advice on the practice of the virtual universe?"

"This is just the inheritance I got by chance. In fact, I haven't done much research on it. I can only give you simple pointers. The so-called virtual universe..." Wei Wen shook his head slightly.

Time flies, and it has been nearly 20 years since Wei Wen came to Lord Snow Eagle.

Under Wei Wen's occasional guidance, Dongbo Snow Eagle made rapid progress.


Fire Palace.

"Huh?" Demigod Sikong Yang suddenly frowned because his communication bracelet suddenly received an important message.

"Alternate Elder Dongbo Snow Eagle has completed the special mission 'Mountain Road'."

"Dongbo Snow Eagle has completed the mountaineering mission?" Sikong Yang was immediately shocked.

He is a powerful demigod who stands at the top of the world. At this moment, he is also confused and his thinking is very confused.

In fact, we can't blame him for losing his composure. It's just that Dongbo Snow Eagle, who had been almost given up, is really shocked by his current achievements.

He knew very well what the "Mountain Road" special mission represented. The more he understood, the more he realized how difficult it was to achieve this step!


"Absolutely impossible!"

But think about it carefully, this news was delivered by the space artifact Xinhuo Palace Artifact Spirit, so there is absolutely no mistake!

But the news was too important, and he wanted to confirm it again.

"Master Sikong Yang, the news is confirmed. Under the guidance of an unknown powerful person, the alternate elder Dong Bo Xueying has greatly improved his strength."

"Today he set foot on the mountaineering trail alone and directly killed the saint-level natives who mastered the seventh-level true meaning of 'Water Wave True Meaning'."

When Sikong Yang saw this, his expression suddenly felt strange, ranging from disbelief, to excitement, to complexity, and even a hint of a wry smile.

What Dong Bo Xueying did was really a slap in the face.

Because he can do this, at least he has realized the prototype of the second-grade true meaning. This is the second-grade true meaning!

Before, he said that Dongbo Snow Eagle had taken the wrong path, but he didn't expect that Dongbo Snow Eagle would realize the true meaning of the second level in the blink of an eye. This is the second-grade true meaning. In the history of the Xia clan, the most powerful was only the second-grade true meaning. It seems that only Wei Wen and others have shown this level of understanding.

"But... well done!" Sikong Yang smiled half-heartedly, "I just don't know who the unknown strong man is? Is it the short-lived Wei Wen?"

Regarding Wei Wen, the Xia Clan demigods didn't know anything about it. For example, Wei Wen was number one on the holy list. For example, Wei Wen had at least realized the true meaning of the second level.

Secondly, after Chi Qiubai broke through the demigods, he also competed with Wei Wen, but he was still no match for Wei Wen.

Although I don’t know Wei Wen very well, and I don’t understand what Dong Bo Xueying did, this is not a bad thing for the entire Xia Clan world.

"Second-grade true meaning!" Sikong Yang felt his heart tremble when he thought of Wei Wen's performance, knowing full well how strong Dongbo Snow Eagle's potential and strength would be in the future.

Sikong Yang was looking forward to it, but at the same time he was a little thankful that he almost destroyed Dong Bo Snow Eagle.

Fortunately, Dongbo Xueying insisted on his own opinion, otherwise, even if he finally mastered the true meaning of water and fire, it would only be the fourth-grade true meaning.

Even if he becomes a demigod with the true meaning of water and fire, he can only reach the level of Sikong Yang at most.

This kind of demigod is just the icing on the cake for the entire Xia Clan. After all, there are still several strong demigods of this level in the Xia Clan.

But if it is the birth of a second-grade true meaning demigod, the meaning is completely different.

For example, Chi Qiu Bai, a demigod with a third-level true meaning, is already considered to be the best demigod in the world.

If Dongbo Snow Eagle becomes the second-grade true meaning, it will be enough to dominate an era, with combat power comparable to that of gods!

When a god cannot descend to the lower world, he is invincible!


Suddenly - a mysterious and powerful fluctuation of time and space came, covering Wei Wen and Dongbo Snow Eagle.

"Huh?" Wei Wen was stunned.

As an extraordinary person who has understood the true meaning of the first level, he is actually extremely sensitive to the power of the world.

An ordinary first-grade true meaning can perceive the origin of the world, not to mention that Wei Wen has reached an extremely advanced level.

So after this power arrived, Wei Wen instantly noticed it.

It's just that this power is so strong that even the entire Xia Clan world can be easily destroyed.

"Extraordinary Wei Wen of the Xia Clan, Dong Bo Snow Eagle, I invite you to join the Temple of Time and Space, are you willing?" A voice like electronic sound came from the mysterious fluctuations of time and space.

Temple of Time and Space?

Wei Wen was just stunned for a moment and quickly reacted.

Because the 'Temple of Time and Space' is very famous, the three strongest forces in the entire God Realm are the Blood Blade Temple, Time and Space Island, and the Pantheon.

The Temple of Time and Space is affiliated with Time and Space Island. It is a top force with legends spread in the divine world, the dark abyss, countless materials, and the extraordinary world.

For example, both gods and world gods are very strong, but there are many existences that transcend world gods in the Temple of Time and Space.

Such an exaggerated power is no less influential than the human race that devours the starry sky world.

For example, the founders of each force, the Blood Blade God Emperor, the Lord of Time and Space Island, and the Lord of the Pantheon, are all true god-level beings who have stood at the true pinnacle of the universe. In terms of strength, they are estimated to be comparable to the 10th-level true gods.

Obviously, the Time and Space Island Master behind the Time and Space Temple is already one of the pinnacle beings standing among the billions of worlds, gods, and abyss in the Tianyu Universe!

(End of this chapter)

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