Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 180 Ji Ning’s Growth Chapter Anchan County

Chapter 180 Ji Ning grows up and returns to Anchan County

The strength of each clone of Du Chou Celestial Immortal Shao Yan Chou is probably comparable to that of Tonghe Celestial Immortal, but he is best at the art of clones and the method of refining insect beasts. He has 18 clones walking around the three realms.

Even among the immortals of the three realms, he is still a famous immortal.

Because he has so many clones, his clones naturally exist in the world of Daxia, which is the clan's home base.

And just now, the clone he was guarding the ancestral land sent him news that the life slip belonging to Shaoyan Xuanji in the ancestral land had been broken into pieces!

He naturally doesn't care if the average descendant dies.

After all, the Shaoyan clan has been passed down to this day and has more than hundreds of millions of descendants. Even the descendants of Earth Immortals are almost the same as ants in his eyes, and he doesn't care about them at all.

But the Celestial Immortal is the top powerhouse of a clan. His Shaoyan clan has accumulated hundreds of millions of years, and so far there are only more than 10 Celestial Immortals in the clan.

Now one of them died inexplicably, how could he not be angry?

And no matter who made the move, since the opponent could kill Shaoyan Xuanji, his strength was obviously above that of a mid-level immortal.

Coupled with the fact that even Shaoyan Xuanji cannot pass the news back to the clan, the enemy must be at least a top immortal above the high immortals, or even the ultimate immortal.

This is no longer just a clone that can kill casually. With more clones, you will have greater certainty.

As for whether it was Shaoyan Xuanji who was killed by a powerful true immortal?

It's not like Shao Yan Chou has never thought about this possibility, but there are only a few true immortals in the whole of Daxia.

According to the information he found, Shaoyan Xuanji's death in Anchan County was obviously not caused by the real immortal.

Shao Yan Chou's clones in other big worlds tore apart the void, used great teleportation and headed straight for the world of Daxia.

And to solve the problem, his main battle clone can only go back.


The world of Daxia, the land of the Shaoyan clan.

The surrounding void was distorted, and Shao Yan Chou's clones stepped out of it one after another.

After briefly identifying the direction, he headed straight for Anchan County and moved away.


In another space, in the Zhaixing Mansion, Ji Ning's figure appeared in the main hall, and he saw the big yellow-haired bear and the old black cow at a glance.

"Senior." Ji Ning said nervously.

"Did you cause a big trouble outside? You were busy using the God-Destroying Circle before?" The big yellow-haired bear asked in confusion, "And you ordered the tribesmen on Mingxin Island and Yanshan to relocate in such a hurry?"

"It is indeed a big trouble." Ji Ning took a deep breath, "I have..."

"So everything outside has been arranged?" The big yellow-haired bear interrupted Ji Ning.

"It has been arranged." Ji Ning said doubtfully.

"Yeah." The big yellow-haired bear said with a smile, "I can feel the surge and anxiety in your heart, but your heart is too confused at the moment."

"You go to the Hall of Stars first. Read more of the old master's Star Scroll. After reading it, calm down and then come and talk to me about what happened before."

"Reading?" Ning was stunned.

"Go." The big yellow-haired bear ordered.

"Yes, senior." Ji Ning did not disobey and went directly to the Star Palace to start studying.

Ji Ning's voice echoed throughout this world, and the voice seemed to contain endless magic power. It naturally calmed Ji Ning's heart, and even gradually entered a deep state of enlightenment.


distant. Ji Ning's inner impatience disappeared and he couldn't help but look up at the stars in the sky.

Suddenly... it started to rain in the void, and the rain fell on Ji Ning's body like strands.

This was not real rain, but a manifestation of the power of heaven and earth. At the same time, an inexplicable aura began to envelope Ji Ning. It was the aura of the trail!

"The way of rain?" Ji Ning's whole person seemed to exist like a way.

"I actually understood it. Even though I immediately became the Dragon Guard, I have made great progress in Winged Snake Lake in the past ten years, and I have a deep understanding of the way of rain, but I am still not close to the last step."

"And enlightenment is generally more difficult toward the last step. Unexpectedly, the worries and other emotions before seemed to have made me go through baptism, and I finally understood the way of rain in one breath."

"I have completely understood the way of rain. I even feel that I have some insights into other ways of 'water movement'. This should be the so-called analogy."

As Ji Ning grew, so did Wei Wen.

However, Ji Ning's current understanding is far from enough to allow Wei Wen to reach the immortal level of understanding the law of the origin of water.

The understanding of the way of time and space has actually surpassed the threshold of immortality.

Wei Wen didn't think much about this. Ji Ning still had to wait until he passed the Immortal Fate Conference and entered the Xianyue World before he really started to make rapid progress.

"I have now mastered a complete Tao. According to the rules of the Black and White Academy, I can break through and become a Yuanshen Taoist." Ji Ning looked at the big yellow-haired bear.

"Secondly, this time I killed a young master of the Shaoyan clan of the Tianxian tribe. This strong Shaoyan clan will definitely hunt me down. I would like to ask the two seniors, what should I do now?"

"And what makes me feel strange is that after so many days, why hasn't there been any movement from the Shaoyan clan?"

The black old cow has followed Immortal Juhua for millions of years, and his experience and vision are naturally broad.

The yellow-haired bear also followed the top true god Sanshou Taoist, and his strength was unfathomable. Ji Ning thought he should ask them.

"This is a bit strange..." The big yellow-haired bear also looked confused.

The Shaoyan clan is one of the top ten clans in the Daxia world. There must be many powerful immortals in such a clan. It is really not difficult to find out that the murderer is Ji Ning.

Ji Ning and Huangmao Daxiong really couldn't figure out the reason, so they stopped thinking about it and began to make suggestions for Ji Ning to ensure Ji Ning's future safety to the greatest extent.

After that, Ji Ning checked Shao Yannong's relics and resources, and successfully gave birth to the second soul, allowing the second soul to break through the realm of soul.

After breaking through the second soul, before entering the capital of Daxia, Wei Wen planned to go back to the Black and White Academy to take a look, and take a teleportation array to enter the capital.

The Three Realms are different from the original universe of Devouring Starry Sky. The so-called void movement, that is, teleportation, is the foundation of the 'Great Way of Universe'.

Generally speaking, those with the strength of loose immortals and earth immortals can almost move through the void.

It is because most of the loose immortals and earth immortals have mastered a complete Tao.

After all, as long as you master a complete Tao, you can control a world.

With just a thought, the power of Tao can come, and a whole world can be controlled.

Therefore, the loose immortals and earthly immortals, no matter which complete path they control, can realize the 'teleportation', but the time required to perform it, the amount of mana consumed, and the teleportation distance are different.

Moreover, when controlling a part of the world, the immortal cultivators will have a very clear sense of the so-called 'Dao of Heaven and Earth' (Dao of Space).

The understanding of space will become clearer, and naturally, over time, you will be able to realize the great shift of space.

In the original universe, space must be mastered to an extremely advanced level before it can be recognized by the original laws of space, and then it can teleport.

(End of this chapter)

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