Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 191 Test the clone and break through the Tongtian Bridge again

Chapter 191 Test the clone and break through the Tongtian Bridge again

"You don't have to worry about Wei Wen's affairs. It's up to him whether he breaks through the Tongtian Bridge or not..." Lord Nine Swords raised his hand, and King Longyu immediately swallowed back the words he was going to report next.

The average immortal strong man can break through the 10th floor of Tongtian Bridge, the lord can usually break through the 15th floor of Tongtian Bridge, and the king can usually break through the 18th floor of Tongtian Bridge.

Others may not know much about Wei Wen's situation, but Master Nine Swords, as his teacher, naturally understands it.

Considering the current cosmic-level situation of Wei Civilization, it is simply unbelievable that he can break through the 17th level of Tongtian Bridge and the Domain Lord-level Tongtian Mountain.

If he really goes to break through the overpass, I really don't know what trouble will happen.

"Come see me quickly!" A voice sounded directly in the ears and minds of Wei Wen and others.

"Come see me quickly!"

"Come see me quickly!"

"Come see me quickly!"

"Come see me quickly!"


The sound echoed in the ears of Wei Wen and others again and again, causing all the more than 800 geniuses who were still alive to stop practicing.

Wei Wen, Luo Feng, Bo Lan... all the other geniuses raised their heads.

"Is it time to leave?" Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly asked.


The figures of Wei Wen and others rose into the sky and flew in the same direction.

The Lord of Nine Swords stood in the air in front of 817 geniuses including Wei Wen and nearly a hundred immortal beings.

"Except for a few people, your performance has disappointed me." Lord Nine Swords glanced at everyone.

"In the safest place like Chaos City, nearly 200 people can die."

"When you go to the four secret realms, I'm afraid that in less than a hundred years, only half of you will be dead."

"No more nonsense, you should seize the last 10 days, go to the Tongtian Bridge when you need to, and go to the Chaos Monument to understand when you need to."

"When you leave Chaos City...if you want to do it again, it will probably be a long time later."


"Haha, it's rare for Nine Swordsmen to come to my place." Candli's voice sounded.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, so I came to see you again." Lord Nine Swords smiled.

"Don't talk nonsense. You won't come to my place if you have nothing to do. Let's be honest. What do you want from me?" Candli asked doubtfully.

"Haha, I just discovered a new cosmic secret realm in the territory of the Machine Tribe. It is estimated that it is definitely an extremely high-level secret realm." Lord Nine Swords said with a smile.

The secret realms of the universe are some strange environments created during the evolution of the vast universe. They have given birth to a large number of treasures, but they are also accompanied by crises.

The various levels of cosmic secret realms in the original universe have different levels of danger, and the levels of treasures they contain are also different.

Generally, only the Master of the Universe dares to try out secrets like the ones mentioned by the Master of Nine Swords.

"How high is it?" Candry asked expectantly.

The newly discovered secret realm is obviously unexplored, the treasures in it have not yet been discovered, and the yield is higher.

But precisely because you don’t know anything, the level of danger will be even higher.

"A person below the venerable level will almost certainly die if they enter." The venerable Nine Swordsman simply explained, "The probability of survival for those ordinary venerable cosmic lords is not high."

"Oh? It's interesting!" Candli was excited.

In a secret realm of this level, if you are lucky, it is easy to obtain valuable treasures. And the more terrifying the danger, it means that some real cosmic treasures are likely to appear, and treasures that make them, the venerables, even excited, may appear!

"I just discovered not long ago that people you don't trust will never invite you. I'm here to invite you specially this time. Are you going?" Lord Nine Swords said with a smile.

"I haven't been out for tens of thousands of epochs. I've encountered a bottleneck in my enlightenment over the years. It's time to give it a try. Maybe there will be a big opportunity!" Candli's eyes lit up.

Candli is an ancient cosmic sage in the universe. For example, other super powerful people from all races in the universe call him the 'Guardian of Chaos City'.

The reason for this is because his clone technique is his most famous move.

In fact, it is very easy for the Master of the Universe to create an incarnation of divine power.

But 'Kandri' is different from other cosmic sages. Every clone he creates has almost 60% of the strength of his original form!

There are 52 in the Chaos Monument space alone, which means that he has at least 52 clones, which is even more incredible than the number of Tao Wu's eighteen divine and demon clones.

Therefore, in some special dangerous places, using a clone to explore is a very safe way.

Even if his clone is destroyed, his clone will have almost no influence on Kandri's original body just like Tao Wu's Eighteen Gods and Demons.

Speaking of the Eighteen Gods and Demons of Tao and Wu, Wei Wen actually hopes to use it in the Devouring Starry Sky, but Wei Wen has tried many times and has not yet been able to thoroughly study it.

After all, there is a difference between the soul that swallows the starry sky time and the soul that devours the wild era time. In addition, the power of the two worlds is also different.

He must find a way to adapt to swallowing the stars before he can become the Eighteen Gods and Demons of Tao Wu.

However, Wei Wen has been studying the deity, the second spirit, and the idle golden-horned beast in the world of the Wild World for 30 years.

According to his estimation, the research will be successful soon.

Once Wei Wen can find a way to perfectly divide his soul, he will instantly have the possibility of cultivating the Eighteen Gods and Demons of Tao and Wu.

As for how to build the second level, all that is needed is resources.

Wei Wen has a lot of points, which can be exchanged for massive resources. With these resources, it is not easy to give birth to the clones of Tao Wu's eighteen gods and demons.

As for the third level, which is all about perception, Wei Wen already possesses these.

It can be said that as long as Wei Wen can reach the first level of Tao Wu Eighteen Gods and Demons, he will soon reach the third level.

With the life gene level reaching Wei Wen's level, he estimated that the Blood Luo Crystal would be useless to him.

After all, under the realm of the Lord of the Universe, the limit of the gene level of life is 100 times!

Unless you have the Secret Book of Nine Tribulations like the Mountain Guest, it will be difficult to break through this limit.

However, the eighteen gods and demons of Tao Wu are different. If they reach the second level, the 18 clones will all have the same genes.

The third level is the fusion of 18 clones. For example, the strength of the Wild Age world will skyrocket, so the Devouring Starry Sky World is estimated to be 18 times the basic life gene level.

Wei Wen's true form, the golden-horned behemoth, will have 1800 times the genes, and even the void clone will have 180 times the genes.

If you include the Secret Book of Nine Tribulations, it would be easy to have perfect genes.

Candli and Jiujian were discussing the details, and suddenly the Lord Jiujian frowned slightly.

"What's wrong?" Candry asked confused.

"It's just a trivial matter." Lord Nine Swords smiled lightly, "There are indeed many dark horses among the talented young guys in Virtual Universe Company."

"For example, Rong Jun, who was accepted as a disciple by Yuan Chen, just passed through the fourth floor of Tongtian Bridge."

"Fourth level? Although it's not as high as those monsters, it's still pretty good." Candry praised.

"It is the first time for new geniuses from previous genius battles to come to Chaos City. Very few of them can pass the fourth level. Not even one in 1000 will be able to do so."

"Yes, huh?!" Master Nine Swords' expression suddenly changed drastically, "I guess something big is going to happen!"

"Something big happened?" Candli seemed to have thought of something, "Is it possible that Wei Wen wants to break through the overpass?"

(End of this chapter)

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