Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 237 Mood comparison and test

Chapter 237 Mood comparison and test

The world inside the body, inside the true artifact.


This is a unique void that also has a 'Heart of the World' similar to the mortal world.

And within the void of this true artifact, there are countless rules and mysteries surging, and countless rules and mysteries eventually form a complete whole.

"The clarity with which the divine world understands the rules of heaven and earth itself is far superior to that of the mortal world. Now that I have a true artifact, God is helping me."

Wei Wen's consciousness wandered in the real artifact, as if in the vast ocean of rules of the universe.

The complete rules of the heaven and earth realm should be very balanced and without any aggression.

However, the complete rules of heaven and earth inside this true divine weapon, the Divine Sword, are full of murderous intent and aggressiveness, and are obviously also suitable for masters of swordsmanship to understand.

"Huh?!" Suddenly Wei Wen's other clones raised their eyebrows, "Here...the cause and effect here?!"

Wei Wen's other clones suddenly paused. Those clones in the outside world couldn't sense this clone.

Moreover, they can obviously communicate with each other in memory, but in their own induction, it is as if this clone no longer exists, which is extremely weird.

This is a world with strong sword energy. In the distance is a black sword that shoots straight into the sky, like the sword of a mountain peak.

There were only two people who passed the first level, and one of them was the Blood Blade God Emperor, the strongest person in the God Realm today.

"Go ahead. Although this path of seeking has three calamities in total, it must not be difficult for you..."

"Don't underestimate this path of seeking Taoism. According to historical records, there are twelve true gods and powerful men in your universe who have tried it, but only two have successfully passed the first level and reached the top." The woman smiled.

"And this pursuit of the road tests the practitioner's heart of seeking the Tao. Only if your Tao heart is firm and unswerving can you break through all obstacles."

"I'm just wondering why you are so lucky. The real artifact is just a fishing bait." Wei Wen twitched the corner of his mouth by relying on the avatar condensed by Tao Wu's eighteen gods and demons.

Wei Wen did know that whether entering the 'Sword Realm', or the 'Eternal Palace', 'Gate of Blood and Fire', 'Destruction Cave' and other secret realms, there are indeed prerequisite tests.

"Mountain climbing?" Wei Wen looked at the fog-shrouded Jianfeng Mountain Road, "It doesn't seem to be difficult."

"I'm waiting for you at the top of the mountain. If you can't come up, there will be no future test."


The legendary owner of the island in the middle of the lake seemed to have reached the realm of chaos when he left Tianyu Universe, which was probably comparable to swallowing the chaos lord of the starry sky!

But Wei Wen couldn't help but be shocked now just looking at the methods he had left behind several universe eras ago.

Obviously they can communicate with each other in memory, but in the induction, it is as if the body no longer exists, which is extremely weird.

"The first test in the sword world is to climb the ladder of seeking the path. Reaching the top is considered a success."

There are only two passes in the entire universe, which shows how difficult it is.

"Boy, your swordsmanship talent is quite good, otherwise I wouldn't give you a real artifact for nothing." A female voice sounded.

There are stone steps at the foot of the mountain. If you keep going up the mountain, you can reach the top.

"Without further ado, have you seen the mountain peak in front of you?" the female figure continued.

In the mysterious space of the Sword Realm, Wei Wen was moved to the Sword Realm in an instant through the guidance of the true artifact.

The longer Wei Wen practices, the more he comes into contact with, and he discovers that there are too many unknowns in the universe.

However, Wei Wen remembered that the main test in this first level was the heart of seeking Tao, which is the consciousness and will to devour the starry sky world!

Wei Wen now relies on the Chaos Restriction of the World of the Wilderness and the feedback from the Eighteen Gods and Demons of Tao Wu, and his consciousness and will are close to the True God of the Void.

And as time goes by, the impact of the projection on the deity will reach the extreme, and the true god-level will of the void will definitely come naturally.

And the so-called True God of the Void, in the world of Lord Snow Eagle, is comparable to the God of the Void and surpasses the Blood Blade God Emperor!

"It seems that everyone only has one chance." Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought. It's normal to think about it. If outsiders can try again and again on the island in the middle of the lake, then the island in the middle of the lake must be the busiest place, rather than not having many people coming.

Wei Wen took one step forward and walked towards the mountain peak.

And as the distance approaches, the invisible pressure of will becomes stronger and stronger.

"I'm afraid the ordinary fourth-level heavenly gods will not be able to approach this path of seeking, and they will be overwhelmed by the coercion of will." Wei Wen said briefly.

Da da da……

Wei Wen's firm steps did not hesitate, and he continued to climb up the stairs step by step towards the mountain peak.

And every step he took on the steps was like stepping on his soul, making his whole soul roar.

And every time you go up a level, the impact will be stronger, which is a bit similar to the inheritance of the Demonic Sound God that swallows the starry sky world.

In response to this unique impact of consciousness and will, Snow Eagle Lord World also has a similar state of mind.

The first level of state of mind, the heart is like glass!

There is no confusion, worry, or fear. The mood is empty, indomitable, and the only thought.

A strong person in this realm can have his mind and body as clear as glass. If his state of mind and will are deliberately released, he can kill a first-level heavenly god.

The second level of state of mind is like a knife!

All obstacles are cut through with one stroke of mind. No one can change his mind on the path of spiritual practice!

And when you reach this second level, you have the potential to become a super strong person.

Even some cultivation schools that do not have high requirements on the soul, such as the Devouring Class, may reach the Chaos Realm (Lord of Chaos) but only stay at the second level of the soul.

The third level of state of mind, my heart is the heart of heaven!

This realm is even more mysterious. Once you break through the realm, your soul will also be essentially improved, and your will alone can easily kill the dominant true god.

The heart is like a knife, which can be regarded as the first level of the state of swallowing the stars, the unity of heaven and man. Wei Wen has reached the second level of this state of mind by relying on Luo Feng's improvement of the state of mind.

Maybe this second level is not as good as my heart is the heart of heaven, but it is probably very close.

"The practice is so short, the cultivation state is close to the open state, and the state of mind is close to the third level of the soul." The woman admired in a low voice.

"If the sword master is still here, he will definitely be willing to accept him as his disciple."

"And the first level of spiritual power tribulation is really nothing to him. He is about to reach the heart-strengthening tribulation... It depends on whether he can sharpen his mind even stronger."


On the steps, Wei Wen had now reached almost the top of the mountain, and the mist surrounding him condensed into countless water droplets in the air.

The impact of the soul and will at this moment was countless times stronger than before. Wei Wen had to simply slow down every step and withstand the soul impact.

Of course, in fact, when Wei Wen had just stepped halfway up the mountain, he had obtained a secret technique for refining the mind.

If it can be fully cultivated, it will be enough to pass the first three kalpas of the state of mind, that is, pass this level and reach the first level of the state of mind.

However, with Wei Wen's state of mind, there was no need to practice this secret technique.

He simply flipped through it to compare the difference in mood between the two worlds.

(End of this chapter)

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