Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 249 Dream Demon Ancestor Surrenders

Chapter 249 Dream Demon Ancestor Surrenders

The Dream Demon Ancestor relied on Meng Lin, the most powerful and precious armor, and his divine body suddenly expanded to a light-year size.

The enlarged Dream Demon Ancestor swung out his tail to block the most powerful sword.

As expected by the Dream Demon Ancestor, Wei Wen might be stronger than her, but it was impossible to kill her!
But - the terrifying power surged out crazily, seeming to be integrated into the most powerful and precious armor, and through the most powerful and precious armor, it directly hit the true god body of the Dream Demon Ancestor!
Even the True God's Heart in her body was rumbling and trembling at this moment.

"What kind of secret method is this?!" Dream Demon Ancestor was confused.

Perhaps the strongest Taoist secret method is only at level 8, but in terms of level of mystery, even the True Mysterious Technique of the Void may not be able to match it.

Just like the original ancestor's virtual universe secret method, even though it is only 10 levels, even the True God of the Void and even the Eternal True God may not be able to create it!

Wei Wen's secret method turned into Menglin armor in an instant, deceiving the most powerful treasure of the Dream Demon Ancestor, and directly hit the divine body and even the heart of the true God!

Dream Demon Ancestor's heart was filled with disbelief, but no matter how unbelievable it was, this was all true!

Must run!
Otherwise, with just a few attacks like this, her True God's Heart would completely collapse.

In fact, Dream Demon Ancestor has already seen that Wei Wen does have the strength to kill her, but now the choice of his life and death is not in his hands?
However, after the dream demon ancestor made a rational analysis, he had to admit that what Wei Wen said was the truth.

This time, the Dream Demon Ancestor was not stupid. He had no intention of resisting and frantically tried to avoid Wei Wen's attack.

"Dream Demon Ancestor, how long can you hold on?" Wei Wen smiled lightly, and the next moment, he suddenly swung his sword again.

But Wei Wen's secret method of time and space simulation is very mysterious. Simply put, it is a shot that penetrates the soul and directly strikes the heart of the true god of the Dream Demon Ancestor.

Maybe the original ancestor could easily kill him in the cosmic sea, but his moves were not so weird, completely rendering his supreme treasure armor useless, which simply refreshed her three views.

And this is not the key. The key is that Wei Wen is still just a master of the universe who has been practicing for hundreds of years and has just made a breakthrough. There is no doubt about this.

Although the supreme treasure of the Dream Demon Ancestor and the strongest divine body in the universe is strong, the Heart of the True God is not much stronger.

To put it simply, based on the total amount of divine power of the strongest people in the universe, they may need to fight for a long time, long enough for the Monster Shock Ancestor to come to support, and Wei Wen estimates that it will take the Dream Demon Ancestor to death.

"Even if you are the original ancestor, you can't be so weird. Who are you!" Dream Demon Ancestor looked at Wei Wen with disbelief.

Under normal circumstances, the difference in combat power, offensive and defensive strength is only one level, and it would take at least hundreds of millions of moves before Wei Wen could possibly kill the Dream Demon Ancestor.

The terrifying power fell on the divine body of the Dream Demon Ancestor again without any surprise. At this moment, countless cracks appeared on the surface of the Dream Demon Ancestor's True God's Heart.

"According to Cosmic Sea's regular evaluation of the Lord of the Universe, the True God, the Supreme Treasure, and the Supreme Treasure, the Dream Demon Ancestor has eight levels of defense with the help of the Supreme Treasure Armor!" Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

In addition, Dream Demon Ancestor may not be able to defeat Wei Wen. As long as she is not stupid, she will definitely escape in various ways, and then use the domain treasure to contain Wei Wen.

But the secret method of time and space simulation seemed to be locked on the Dream Demon Ancestor, and he passed through the void in an instant and came to the Dream Demon Ancestor.

It is indeed not difficult to kill the Dream Demon Ancestor. Maybe if he attacks a few more times, the Dream Demon Ancestor's true god's heart will be broken, and the Dream Demon Ancestor will die here!

The Lord of the Universe who has just made a breakthrough has the power to kill true gods at will... It's so outrageous!

When Dream Demon Ancestor heard Wei Wen's words, he found it hard to accept.

"Dream Demon Ancestor, how about another deal?!" Wei Wen smiled and did not continue to attack, "Do you want to die or live?"

If Wei Wen wants to kill him, it may take just a few more moves before his True God's Heart completely collapses.

"Of course I don't want to die!" Dream Demon Ancestor didn't want to die, so he could only hope that Wei Wen wouldn't kill him.

"I guess you don't want to die either, so do you think the Demon Zhenzu and the Master of the Universe of the Monster Clan can compete with me!" Wei Wen continued. "If you can't compete, what do you think is the best outcome for the demon clan?"

"..." The Dream Demon Ancestor suddenly fell silent.

It can't be fought, it can't be fought at all.

Even in the original universe, Wei Wen's attack level only had level six power, but how long could he resist? !

To be honest, even after killing the Dream Demon Ancestor, she didn't expect things to turn out like this.

A master of the universe who had just made a breakthrough actually defeated him with two moves. Who would dare to believe this?
As for the results of the demon clan, there are actually only two results, one is annihilation, and the other is surrender.

Dream Demon Ancestor also understood what Wei Wen meant. If Dream Demon Ancestor were to choose, it would be better to die than to live. At least she didn't want to die yet.

Moreover, Wei Wen will grow rapidly, and the demon clan has no choice at all!
"By the way, the Lord of Black Scales can be released!" Wei Wen said casually.

The Lord of Black Scales, who had just been taken into the palace as a treasure by the Dream Demon Ancestor, appeared on the spot. At this time, the face of the Lord of Black Scales was full of doubts and confusion.

According to their previous plan, shouldn't Dream Demon Ancestor and Wei Wen fight?
Why is it that the fight has just started now, and the fight has stopped immediately, and the expression of Dream Demon Ancestor is very strange!

"You first go to the black-patterned stone pillar space to practice cultivation, and don't leak what's going on here!" The helpless voice of the Dream Demon Ancestor sounded in the heart of the Lord of Black Scales.

"Demon Ancestor?"

The Lord of Black Scales still wanted to ask, but the Dream Demon Ancestor didn't want to pay attention to him at all. She wanted to be quiet.

"Get out of here!"

Wei Wen waved his hand and kicked the Black Scale Lord away.

Even if Wei Wen only exploded with the fifth-level Lord of the Universe combat power, he would directly kick the Lord of Black Scales far away.

The Lord of Black Scale felt a little aggrieved, but at this time he did not dare to say a word.

He had no idea what had just happened, but it seemed that they had reached a deal.

Dream Demon Ancestor knew the inside story, but didn't tell him at all, because it didn't make any sense!
The Dream Demon Ancestor, one of the two pillars of the Demon Clan, can only surrender at this moment. Even if the Lord of Black Scales knows the inside story, what else can he do?
Even if the Demon Shocking Ancestor comes, the Demon Shocking Ancestor will still have to kneel down!

If the Dream Demon Ancestor could still make her previous choice now, she would not come even if she was killed!


primordial universe.

The incarnation of the demon-shaking ancestor's divine power looked at the black-scaled master in front of him. He was a little confused at the moment.

"You mean, Meng Tu and Wei Wen fought with all their strength, but the result is unclear. What kind of deal did they seem to have reached with Wei Wen?" Demon Zhenzu asked in a low voice.

The Dream Demon Ancestor had just fought Wei Wen with all his strength, so naturally the incarnation of his divine power could not be maintained.

The strength of the Dream Demon Ancestor and the Demon Demon Ancestor Zhen are naturally well aware of it, but it is a bit hard to believe.

We must know that Meng Tu has the most powerful and precious armor on his body, so what kind of strength does Wei Wen, the Lord of the Universe who has just made a breakthrough, have?
"Zhenyao Ancestor, I guarantee with my life that everything I say is true!" The Lord of Black Scales said solemnly.

"The Dream Demon Ancestor said he would not let me reveal this matter. He must have benefited from it. He is afraid that the Zerg and Machine Tribes will find out about this and get a piece of the pie..."

(End of this chapter)

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