Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 251: Enlightenment, the second strongest way

Chapter 251: Enlightenment, the second strongest way

"This vision, based on the information we exchanged from the Eastern Emperor's Holy Land, seems to be more than just the birth of the most powerful treasure!" The fourth master of the Divine Eye Clan suddenly became excited.

Not all true gods have the most powerful treasure, just like the founder of the giant ax of the human race. He has an 8th level secret method, but still has no luck in finding the most powerful treasure.

And today's scene, at least the most powerful treasure is born, which is very attractive to the true god.

The Divine Eye Clan has received the inheritance of ancient civilizations, that is, the inheritance related to the civilization that originated from the mainland, and they know a lot of information.

For example, the Eternal True Mystery Technique related to the Supreme Treasure of the God Eye Clan is one of the inheritances they have received.

"Such a strong sense of oppression, even the eternal true god composed of many of the most powerful treasures of our God's Eye Clan cannot match it." The Fourth God's eyes narrowed.

"I'm afraid only treasures that far exceed the ordinary treasures of true gods can have such strong pressure. This is our great opportunity."

Why can the fifth-level universe master obtain the most powerful treasure and explode the sixth-level true god-level combat power?

Because there are secret patterns on the most powerful treasure, the Lord of the Universe can understand the secret patterns and drive the most powerful treasure to explode with stronger power.

"Besides, with my understanding, it would not be difficult to understand the secret method beyond my own realm."

With a thought, Wei Wen sent a clone deep into the black hole space in the core area.

"In terms of cultivation alone, I am no weaker than the eighth-level true god who swallows the starry sky world."

The ordinary core area can give a true god a high chance of falling. Now, even the eighth-level true god does not dare to set foot in it easily.

Of course, according to Wei Wen's prediction, since the level of this treasure is not low, it must have been born quite a while ago.

And the secret patterns on the Void True God-level treasure, which surpasses the True God Treasure, will definitely greatly increase their chances of breaking through to the Void True God.

There are various forces involved in the space ship. For example, Luo Feng received the inheritance of Duan Donghe. The previous Duan Donghe only boarded the space ship following the so-called 'general'.

After all, the black hole space is the core area, and at this point in time, it can also be regarded as the range where the power is extremely sublimated.

"With the realm of the eighth-level true god, it is not difficult to create your own eighth-level secret method."

"The treasure was born?" Wei Wen vaguely seemed to have guessed something, "It seems to be a good treasure."

"I hope that the black hole space here will be more powerful, allowing me to understand the secret method that is as subtle as the strongest."

According to Wei Wen's estimation, the previous Duan Donghe might be the Eternal True God or the Void True God.

Anyway, idleness is idleness. It is better to comprehend the black hole space around you while waiting for the treasure to be born, and realize the way of the black hole of space and time at the strongest level as soon as possible.

"The speed of my current progress is no less than that of Luo Feng when he accepted the inheritance of Duan Donghe. Of course, what he can do, I can also do."

"With my current understanding, it is actually very easy to understand the ordinary 8th level secret method. After all, I have already broken through to the realm of true god creation in Lord Snow Eagle's world." Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

From this point, it can be seen that there is no shortage of Void True God and Eternal True God-level treasures in the cosmic boat.

"It's just that those are secret techniques in the ordinary sense. If it is an 8th-level secret technique that can rival the strongest in terms of mystical level, it will probably take a lot of energy."

"Like Luo Feng, he can understand the secret method of the Lord of the Universe at the immortal level, and he can understand the secret method of the strongest person in the universe with the Universe Venerable level."

Wei Wen went deep into it. Relying on the mystery of the time and space simulation secret method, he was able to penetrate deeply for a short time.

But as he continued to deepen, Wei Wen discovered that the mysterious levels of black hole space are no worse than space-time simulation.

First, there is a huge gap in levels and realms. Second, the black hole here is definitely comparable to a time and space simulation in terms of mystical levels. His time and space simulation is only the strongest method at one level, and there are some level differences between it and here.

According to Wei Wen's speculation, the mystery of the space-time black hole here may be comparable to the level of the strongest path of the second step or even the third step.

"How can we go deep into it?" This was the first time Wei Wen felt the frustration caused by the gap in realm and mysterious level.

Generally speaking, the power level of black holes is not high, probably the main level of the universe.

This was also what Wei Wen expected, but the mysterious level of the black hole space is very high.

If the power comes close to him again, then he may not even have the ability to fight back!
But even though the black hole itself was weaker, Wei Wen always felt like a punch hitting empty space.

This is the feeling of frustration caused by the huge gap in realms. The black hole is originally the power of the lord of the universe, but here one point can exert tens of millions of effects.

However, as Wei Wen understood, he gradually showed a smile.

"Time and space are not simply time and space. Time and space are both difficult to support." Wei Wen felt a clear understanding in his heart.

"Things like space-time poles, space-time fusion, space-time black holes, and space-time worlds are actually the combination and fusion of time and space in different ways."

"No wonder I figured out the strongest way so easily when I comprehended the time and space simulation, but other ways of time and space have been stuck at some inexplicable bottleneck."

"It turns out that I got into a trap. No, it's not a trap, but there are obvious differences between space-time simulation and other time-space methods."

"As long as I find the difference, the other strongest ways seem to be nothing more than that in my eyes!"

After Wei Wen's realm perception reached the realm of true god opening up, he felt that he should easily understand the other strongest ways, but he fell into a strange bottleneck and remained stagnant.

And as long as Wei Wen realizes the nature of the bottleneck, the bottleneck is just a layer of window paper in front of Wei Wen.

Once he breaks through this layer of window paper, the so-called bottleneck will be nothing at all. After all, his talent is really strong.

In the words of Sishanke, he has the qualifications of a divine king!


Wei Wen waved his hand, and strands of divine power suddenly turned into square black holes.

The black hole completely surrounded Wei Wen, and the edges of the black holes began to fit together like ripples. Gradually, the black holes in each square made slight adjustments to each other.

"The black hole of time and space has finally reached the strongest level." Wei Wen showed a smile.

"After realizing this most powerful way, I finally understood why when space-time simulation faces a space-time black hole, it always feels like a punch hitting the empty space."

“It’s not that space-time black holes are weak, but that the power of space-time simulation itself is too scattered.”

"This is the same as Ji Ning's strongest sword. Different strongest swords have completely different functions."

"The way time and space are combined is different, and the power and expression are also very different."

Space-time simulation tends to be weird, invisible, and formless.

The space-time black hole is more inclined to defense. Of course, its power cannot be ignored. After all, the black hole itself is not simple.

It may not be as explosive as the extremes of time and space, but its power is definitely not that bad.

(End of this chapter)

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