Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 256 The Suspicion of the Mountaineer

Chapter 256 The Suspicion of the Mountaineer
"What kind of weird method is this?"

Beizhen Star Master has a high realm and quickly realized that this was an unknown space-time secret method. He quickly stopped conventional attacks and instead used time-space methods for defense.

Space-time simulation is now only a true god-level secret method, so it is not unsolvable. The nemesis is the time-space secret method.

But after all, it is the strongest way, so it can be seen that it is the most mysterious secret method at the true god level.

Wei Wen's attack stubbornly passed through the most powerful protection of the flying palace and exploded in the flying palace.

In the shocking fluctuations, dazzling divine power lit up one after another, engulfing Beizhen Star Master.

Using the assault power of the secret method of time and space simulation, Wei Wen was able to effectively attack the Beizhen Star Master.

Even though Beizhen Star Master seems to have a higher level of realm and secret skills than Wei Wen, it is Beizhen Star Master who suffers the loss.

For this kind of black technology secret method, Beizhen Star Master did not have a good solution. He also encountered the same predicament as the Dream Demon Ancestor.

Even if his strength is higher than that of the Dream Demon Ancestor and he can resist for a longer time, something will happen sooner or later.

Human beings born on earth have gained spiritually and have extremely high understanding.

Wei Wen, Luo Feng, and Hong, I am afraid that any one of these three people is better than any genius cultivated in the first two excellent eras of the earth.

In a sense, the earth is the most outstanding creation of Mountain Guest.

It is not true that super geniuses have never been born in history, but they unfortunately failed when refining the Star Tower, the Supreme Treasure of the God King.

As for Hong, although he is still a bit secretive now, in fact he has a terrifyingly strong character and will become a true god in the future.

In fact, among the three people, the person who Sishanke first wanted to choose as his disciple was indeed Wei Wen, not Luo Feng.

It was not until City Lord Luo lived in this era that the earth's talents truly exploded with a group of geniuses.

Coupled with Wei Wen's harassment from time to time, Beizhen Star Master did not dare to stay where he was and relied on the most powerful palace-type treasures to resist, and was temporarily confused.

But even if the people on Earth have low brain breadth and seem to be a little not very smart, there are warriors who can understand the realm at the planet level and the artistic conception at the God of War level.

"We must drive this Beizhen Star Master out first!" Seeing that Beizhen Star Master was inexplicably weak, the true gods immediately began to beat the drowned dog.

"This guy has actually touched the essence of the way of the God King, even if it is just a prototype, it is too unbelievable." The mountain guest took a deep breath.

Obviously, people on earth are very different and cannot judge based on common sense.

Like the vast majority of cosmic-level powerhouses who are unable to comprehend the realm, it means that they only stay at the artistic conception level.

Just because the mountain guest didn't fight for the treasure, it didn't mean that he left directly. After all, in his eyes, Wei Wen was very mysterious and a very special earthling.

"You idiots!" Star Master Beizhen was thinking with Wei Wen while feeling a little troubled.

"Get out!"

Even a weak Thor can break through the Lord of the Universe.

Naturally, there is no need to say more about Wei Wen and Luo Feng, after all, their talents are obviously strong.

The strongest people in the universe used their own methods. Although they could not defeat the flying palace-type treasures, they could still drive the Beizhen Star Lord who possessed the most powerful treasure away from the black square.

In fact, the earth has also gone through one era, the most famous of which are the three eras of Shanhaijie, Yuanxing, and the earth.

However, before he could take any action, Wei Wen had already grown to an outrageous level.

For example, now, the Lord of the Universe has realized the 8th-level secret method, which is not something the mountain guest has never seen before.

But the Lord of the Universe has realized the rudimentary form of the God-King’s way. This is so damn outrageous. And from the fact that Wei Wen was able to break the shackles of perfect genes, this road that no one has ever walked before, or even heard of, shows that there are too many secrets in him.

A life gene level of 20000 times... If it were on the Origin Continent, it would not be high enough to attract the attention of a god-king level powerhouse.

But this is the cosmic sea, and Wei Wen's life gene level has reached such a terrifying level, which makes him feel even more outrageous.

Moreover, Wei Wen used a strange method to break through the perfect gene, which was a bit like a hierarchical analysis of life genes, but not entirely.

Mountain Guest felt that it was a genetic secret method that could surpass the analytical diagram of the genetic level of life, easily allowing him to break through to the perfect genetic level.

This made the mountain guest vaguely doubt whether Wei Wen, like him, was the reincarnation of a super powerful person from the Origin Continent.

However, as the reincarnated Mountain Guest, he was obviously feared and targeted by the original will of the original universe, but Wei Wen was not, and he grew up smoothly all the way.

If Wei Wenzhen comes from the Origin Continent, then the original will of the original universe should also be directed at Wei Wencai, which makes the mountain guest feel very strange.

But I have to say that in fact, the mountain guest also guessed part of the truth, and Wei Wen was indeed a reincarnation.

It's just that he doesn't come from the continent of origin, but from a relatively low-level parallel world.

"I don't know who this Wei Wen is?" The mountain guest took a deep breath.

No matter who Wei Wen is, at least they are considered to be on the same team now.

Of course, for the sake of safety, Mountain Rider also planned to choose Luo Feng. After all, one more person would give him more hope.

And Luo Feng is also the kind of genius who grows faster the more he grows. When he reaches a certain level in the future, he may not have the qualifications of a god king.

As his third disciple, Luo Feng is also a good choice.

Wei Wen didn't know that Mountain Guest had thought of him as a suspected reincarnated strong man, but he was trustworthy to Mountain Guest.

After all, Luo Feng has always been very accurate in judging people. Luo Feng was able to choose Mountain Guest and eventually grow into Lord Hunyuan, which naturally proved that his choice was right.


"Everyone, can't you see the form clearly?" Star Master Beizhen said with an ugly expression.

"This strange and powerful man is the most bizarre existence. If we continue to fight like this, we can only benefit him alone."

"Why don't we each take a step back and work together to drive him away, and then we can fight for the black square."

Star Lord Beizhen was facing a siege before and could not spare any effort to face Wei Wen.

Otherwise, Wei Wen would not be able to easily handle his ninth-level explosion.

After all, he does not have the most powerful and most precious palace, only the most powerful and most precious armor.

The true gods were thoughtful, and Wei Wen's explosive method made them feel very troublesome.

They had been fighting for a long time before, but in fact they didn't break the defense at all, but Wei Wen seemed to have hurt the Beizhen Star Lord's divine body with just one move.

Maybe Wei Wen's explosiveness is not the highest, but in a real fight, Wei Wencai is most likely to be the final winner.

There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests.

One by one, the true gods turned towards Wei Wen, and various attacks were directed at Wei Wen's area.

"You don't even have the most powerful treasure in the field, and you still dare to mess with me. You are really looking for death!" Wei Wen's eyes narrowed.

(End of this chapter)

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