Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 260: The power of domination, passing level 3

Chapter 260 The power of domination, passing the third level

"The master is completely different and can use the power of rules." Wei Wen smiled.

He raised his head and looked into the distance, his eyes instantly penetrated the entire material world, and saw the distant Blood Blade Divine Court, and even the Master of Time and Space Island.

The Blood Blade God Emperor, Abyss Ancestor, Purgatory Master, Qianhe Empress, Time and Space Island Master, Pantheon Master, Yuanchu Master and other masters are quite strong.

When Wei Wen saw these masters, those masters also felt the emotion, and they all looked over in shock.


"New master?!"

The Blood Blade God Emperor, the Master of Time and Space Island and other powerful people looked over one by one according to the induction, and soon met Wei Wen's eyes from afar on the island in the middle of the lake.

"Isn't he that person?" The Blood Blade God Emperor was shocked.

"Wei Wen?" The owners of the Time and Space Island couldn't believe it, "He, he actually became the master?"

However, only a short time had passed before Wei Wen became the master inexplicably, and he became the master with the way of time and space that he was most proud of.

In the distant dark abyss.

"I have now entered the second level of heavenly realm, but I am hiding in the abyss. As the master of this level of abyss, even the true gods cannot kill me by force."

Mystery means extraordinary, and obviously Wei Wen is definitely not simple.

When thinking about the comparisons and gaps, the owner of the Time and Space Island couldn't help but doubt life. Is he not suitable for following the path of time and space at all?
"Congratulations, fellow Taoist, for becoming the master." Although each master did not know Wei Wen, they came to join in the fun. After all, every master is not simple.

Think about how long he had been practicing back then, and how long had Wei Wencai been practicing?

With a thought in Wei Wen's mind, his 'eyes' instantly penetrated the entire God Realm and the abyss.

He was in a very good mood at the moment, especially after he had just confirmed the next plan through the causal connection with the lord of the material world, the Witch God, who was hiding in the mortal world.

With a thought in Wei Wen's mind, the invisible power of time and space condensed into two dazzling sword lights, following the line of cause and effect, and instantly broke through the endless time and space.

It is very difficult to go from the extraordinary level of true meaning to domination. This can be seen from the fact that there are only a few dominators in the entire universe.

A master-level powerhouse can use the line of cause and effect to forcibly kill the true god of the heaven and earth realm who is not in the material world and is close to the realm of creation. He can kill the material realm lord of the second-level heaven realm god who is in the material world with a single thought!

In a magnificent temple, the great demon god Dalhao wearing black armor is enjoying the fun of being the god of the abyss.

Before Wei Wen refused the invitation from the Temple of Time and Space, the owner of the Time and Space Island secretly mocked Wei Wen.

The strongest among the Witch God and the Great Demon God is nothing more than a second-level heavenly god!

First-grade true meanings are extraordinary, and most of them may only reach the fourth level of heavenly gods!
But being a master is extremely rare, and not even one of 100 million first-grade true meanings can achieve it.

However, Wei Wen was able to become the master without them noticing, which was simply incredible.

The will of the masters resounded throughout the God Realm and the abyss one by one. Of course, only the master level could hear it. Wei Wen also responded to them with a smile.

"Although he is invincible in his own world, he will still die if a powerful true god comes and kills him with his thoughts."

"The plot of the Xia Clan world is almost over, so there is no need to keep the Witch God and the Great Demon God." A cold light flashed in Wei Wen's eyes.

"What can that guy like the Witch God do, even if he is the lord of the material world?" The Great Demon God smiled indifferently.


Suddenly, a sword light appeared in the hall, and the expression of the Great Demon God Dalhao suddenly changed.

He didn't even have time to think about it, and he immediately jumped away from the throne and ran away.

Maybe the sword light in the air seemed ordinary, but the power contained in it was extremely terrifying, causing endless fear in his heart, without any thought of resisting.

"Spare my life." Dalhao dodged while shouting, frantically sending a message to his master, "Your Majesty, please spare your life, Your Majesty, Your me." In the eyes of ordinary abyss extraordinary gods and demons, the Great Demon God seems to be invincible. , this time before he could escape ten meters, he was instantly killed by the sword light.


The extremely tyrannical power of time and space easily penetrated his divine body and sea of ​​consciousness, and the second-level heavenly god Dalhao had no resistance at all.

Even the scales on his body showed no scars, but the divine heart within his body had been instantly annihilated.

After killing the Great Demon God, under the influence of his master, the cause and effect between him and the Great Demon God was severed, and Dalhao's aura completely disappeared from this world.

In the depths of the abyss, an angry figure in golden armor soon appeared, passing through the layers of abyss and descending on the plane of the great demon.

Seeing Dalhao in the hall whose divine body was intact and without any injuries, but whose spiritual heart had collapsed and could no longer die, the visitor was furious.

"Who came to my territory to kill my subordinates?" The golden-armored figure thought, looking back in time to see what happened before.

When he saw a sword light condensed in the void, directly following the causal link and killing Dalhao's original body and clone instantly, the man in gold armor's face, which was still a little angry, instantly turned pale.

"The thought comes to kill...who is this master?" The look of the golden-armored Abyss Monarch changed drastically.

"No matter who the master is, I can't afford to offend an ordinary open realm like me. I don't care, and leave quickly."

The Abyss Lord did not dare to stay too long, fearing that the being would still be paying attention to the abyss after killing Dalhao, so he quickly teleported away from this place.

In fact, not only the abyss, but also the Witch God in the material world was killed by a sword light at the same moment!

Many abyss masters saw Wei Wen's actions and said nothing.

For an ordinary second-level heavenly world god, there is no need to provoke a new master.


Lake Island.

"What is the third level?" Wei Wen said calmly.

"Uh... that's not necessary. You have already broken through to the Dominator level and there is no need to take the third level assessment." The corner of the woman's mouth twitched.

"That's fine." Wei Wen nodded slightly.

The first test is obviously only for ordinary heaven and earth realm true gods.

The difficulty of the second level test is probably to break through the Venerable level difficulty.

So the difficulty of the third level is the difficulty of breaking through the dominance level.

And Wei Wen is already the master, so it is normal to count him as passing the third level.

The woman waved her hand, and the spatial dimension was distorted, and a spatial passage appeared.

Then the two of them turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the passage high in the sky in the distance.

This is a special realm. What comes into view is a series of palaces, and at the core is an extremely dazzling sword light.

Even with Wei Wen's master-level strength, he was still frightened by this sword light.

"He is worthy of being a genius who broke through the Chaos Era in one era. This Realm Lord may have obtained the Realm Heart Order from Hunyuan Lord Yuan before entering the Chaos Void." Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

The Sword Master broke through the realm of chaos in one era, and by the time the plot of the Sword Master begins, he is already at the second level of the Universe God.

During the finale, the sword master has reached the ultimate level of swordsmanship. It is obvious that the sword master's swordsmanship talent is definitely not bad.

(End of this chapter)

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