Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 262 Wei Wen No. 1 on the Universe Gods and Demons List

Chapter 262 Wei Wen, No. on the list of gods and demons in the universe
The secret technique theory organized by the sword master happened to be his learning process, which made Wei Wen analyze it more easily.

Maybe these hundreds of time and space secret techniques are not very clever, but they also provided hundreds of inspirations to Wei Wen.

Under the collision of inspiration, Wei Wen's understanding of the way of time and space rapidly improved. The bottleneck that originally trapped Wei Wen was now a natural breakthrough.

"I have realized the third most powerful way of time and space. This place is no longer very helpful to my way of time and space." Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

"The inheritance here is mainly related to swordsmanship. Swordsmanship...actually just depends on Ji Ning lying flat."

"I should also go out and walk around to see if I can get any opportunities."


Wei Wen thought and appeared outside the island in the middle of the lake.

Wei Wen suddenly felt that he had entered the boundless starry sky, and there was a figure exactly like him in the starry sky.

The figure didn't say anything. The moment Wei Wen just entered the place, he went straight towards Wei Wen to kill him.

"Huh?" Wei Wen raised his eyebrows.

This is a sound transmitted through cause and effect. Obviously, the master of the Yuan Dynasty is not here.

Seriously speaking, he is the first being in the God Realm to break through to the Dominator level, and can be said to be the oldest.

"The Lord of the First Yuan Dynasty?" Wei Wen felt enlightened.

Wei Wen thought, and a black hole in space and time appeared.

"It's just that most of the people on this list have some titles, and not many use their real names. Do you want to use your real name or your title?"

Under the twist of time and space, the figure's punch had already hit Wei Wen's chest.

"What are you doing with me?" Wei Wen asked doubtfully.

Just a moment later, a new list was delivered to Wei Wen's hands.

"Taoist Taoist of Time and Space is similar to Master of Time and Space Island, but you are indeed the master of Tao of Time and Space, so it is normal to be called Taoist of Time and Space." Master Yuanchu was slightly surprised.

Because not only does his opponent have the same silhouette as him, but he also seems to have the same domination rules.

Although this master of the early Yuan Dynasty is not as famous as the Blood Blade God Emperor and the Master of Time and Space Island in the abyss of the God Realm, he is actually a powerful master.

"I am the Lord of the First Yuan Dynasty!"

"The title!" Wei Wen said, "Let's call him 'Taoist of Time and Space'!"

The reason why he is not very famous is because he is very low-key and always lives alone. He has no power, territory, or subordinates, so naturally no one knows about him.


But he didn't say much, after all, it was just about the same title.

Just when Wei Wen was about to use the method of time and space fusion and prepare to counterattack, a voice suddenly sounded in Wei Wen's ears.

"I'm here to test your strength!" The master of Yuanchu said with a smile.

He subconsciously wanted to strike back, but the moment he struck, he was slightly startled.

"I compiled a list of gods and demons in the universe a long time ago. Now, as the master, you are qualified to be on the list even though you have no impression of it before."

First place: Taoist of Time and Space.

Second place: Blood Blade God Emperor.

The third place: Ancestor of the Abyss.

The fourth place: the master of the early Yuan Dynasty.

Fifth place: Lord of Purgatory. Sixth place: Lord of Time and Space Island.


"You are so efficient, and I rank first?" Wei Wen couldn't help but look puzzled as he looked at the list that was completed in the blink of an eye.

Isn’t it too hasty to simply compete and rank directly?
Moreover, the Blood Blade God Emperor did not reach the master level in one way, and directly ranked him first. Isn't this the master of the early Yuan Dynasty trying to conquer the fire?
"It's not false. I just used my Tao to test it briefly. I found that your Tao is weirder and more mysterious than mine. No one can compare it!" The Lord of the First Yuan Dynasty smiled.

Why the Lord of the First Yuan Dynasty can evaluate and rank the strength is because his Tao has a similar simulation effect.

However, in terms of the level of mystery, his simulation method is far inferior to Wei Wen's time and space simulation method.

"It's up to you." Wei Wen actually doesn't care too much about this list, because there are also a lot of old silver coins in the God Realm and the Abyss, and many people are hiding them.

Just like the bloody master who was ranked ninth before, he was clearly the master, but was ranked one lower by the venerable Pang Yi. It was simply a shame for the master.

The reason for this is that he is the reincarnation of the strong man from the maternal ancestor universe, and he must hide himself.

Seriously speaking, the Blood Lord is really very powerful, stronger than the Abyss Ancestor, and a little weaker than the Blood Blade God Emperor.

But in terms of strength, Wei Wen ranks first and he deserves it, because Wei Wen is worthy of any dominance. This is the confidence brought by the strongest way!

"You are very strong. There are some things that I have to remind you of." The Lord of the First Yuan Dynasty simply explained.

"There is a group of powerful people from different universes with malicious intentions lurking in our universe. They call themselves the Mother Ancestor Cult."

"The purpose is also very simple, that is, to bring trouble to our universe."

"Even changing the course, transforming our universe, making the universe more suitable for the cultivation of powerful people like Mother Ancestor."

"Fortunately, our universe itself has great 'defense' capabilities. Anyone who is master level or below from another universe will be directly killed if they enter."

"But that's not entirely the case. If a strong person from the Mother Ancestor Religion reincarnates in our universe, he will not be killed. So are you a reincarnation of the Mother Ancestor Religion?"

"How is this possible?" Wei Wen's mouth twitched.

"Haha, I think so. Even if a strong person from the Mother Ancestor Cult is reincarnated and re-cultivated, he is not very adaptable to our universe." The Lord of the First Yuan Dynasty laughed.

"If you are a strong person from the Mother Ancestral Cult, you can grow so fast despite being 'abandoned' by the universe, and your potential is obviously huge."

"If you were cultivating in the maternal ancestor universe, you would probably be able to surpass the master long ago. You don't need to be reincarnated. You can just enter our universe with advanced strength."

"Of course, domination level and below will not be absolutely exterminated. There is a unique plane, such as the Six Paths Heavenly Wheel, which does not exclude people from different universes."

"So the strong men of the Mother Ancestor Sect regard the Six Paths Heavenly Wheel as the main place to attack and plunder. However, because of the special nature of the Six Paths Heavenly Wheel, many venerables and masters have long lost the chance to enter it."

"You have left almost no records in this universe. You must have never been to the Six Paths Heavenly Wheel."

"If possible, we would like to ask you to destroy the Mother Ancestral Cult!"

"If you really make a huge contribution, none of our masters will treat you badly!"

The Six-Path Heavenly Wheel swallows all the dark negative energy in the universe and forms layers of dark abyss. The Six-Path Heavenly Wheel is hidden in the mysterious place of the deepest abyss.

The Six Heavenly Wheels are actually six special cave worlds, which breed many super treasures and opportunities.

The most troublesome thing is that any living being can enter the Six Heavenly Wheels at most three times in a lifetime.

It's a pity that many world gods, heaven and earth realms, and venerables have been there three times in the past in order to achieve breakthroughs in practice.

As a result, there are very few venerable-level experts who can enter the Six Paths Heavenly Wheel. Once they find out that the Mother Ancestral Sect has arrived, it will be very difficult to stop them from grabbing treasures and opportunities!

Therefore, the strong men of the Mother Ancestor Sect entered the Six Paths Heavenly Wheel and robbed the treasures and opportunities of Tianyu Universe in order to weaken the strength of the strong men of Tianyu Universe.

(End of this chapter)

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