Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 265 Shocked Yu Jingqiu, Lord of Moxue Kingdom

Chapter 265 Shocked Yu Jingqiu, Lord of Moxue Kingdom

Of course, it's right to say that Yu Jingqiu's second-grade divine mind is outrageous, and it's okay to say that it's not outrageous.

After all, Yu Jingqiu is the reincarnation of the world god, and his memories will continue to awaken as he grows up.

She became a god with a second-level divine heart, but she obviously had reservations because she was a third-level heavenly god in her previous life!
The third-level heavenly god is actually not a small figure in the abyss of the divine world, but her enemies are true god-level experts.

It would not be a good thing for her if she rashly breaks through to the Realm God with a first-grade god's heart and is detected by the true god level through cause and effect.

Except for Wei Wen, who had known the truth for a long time, almost no one noticed that at the moment of breakthrough, a strange color flashed in Yu Jingqiu's eyes.

At the same time, the aura on her body also changed slightly. If it was only a part of the memory that was awakened before, it is obviously completely awakened now.

As long as Yu Jingqiu (Xingxuan) wants, she can directly reach the third level of heaven.

She is about to break through before reincarnation, and with the accumulation in this life, she can actually easily reach the fourth level of heavenly realm.

"Jingqiu, why are you unhappy after breaking through to the second level of true meaning and becoming a god?" Dongbo Snow Eagle asked in confusion.

"It is said that he was a fourth-level heavenly realm god a few years ago, and since we are both in the Xia Clan world, the true spirit should be in Changhe at the same time!"

"I heard that your Hongshishan Realm God brothers said that your teacher might be the reincarnation of the Realm God?" Yu Jingqiu said after a moment of silence.

Suspicious, Yu Jingqiu used a bit of divine power to investigate, and found that Wei Wen's aura was so perfectly restrained that she could not detect even a trace of it even with her third level of heavenly realm.

The divine heart that Yu Jingqiu controlled in his previous life also had the divine heart of time and space. As a strong person who controls the divine heart of time and space, he can naturally see the long river of time.

If the shadows of other powerful men are sinking in the long river, even the fourth level of the Heavenly Realm God Council is huge, but it is still like a fish in the long river of time, sinking in it.

But Wei Wen's shadow was so huge that it was more terrifying than the river of time and space. The river of time and space turned into a line of water in front of Wei Wen's shadow.

Not to mention anything else, the Hongshishan Realm God knows that Wei Wen has rapidly broken through to the fourth level of Heavenly Realm God in the Xia Clan world and has grown very fast. It is normal to have this kind of speculation.

"Hey, I am nothing, I am far worse than the teacher." Dong Bo Xueying shook his head slightly.

Yu Jingqiu is only in the realm of the realm god and has not transcended the river of time and space, so she is naturally among them.

Standing on the long river of time and space was an extremely terrifying shadow. If she saw it correctly, it was Wei Wen.

"..." Yu Jingqiu did not answer.

"The teacher didn't admit it, but he didn't deny it either!" Dongbo Xueying nodded, but felt a little strange.

"You...I am just a god, far behind you." Yu Jingqiu glanced at Dongbo Snow Eagle and discovered Dongbo Snow Eagle's current state.

"Not transcendent? How is this possible?" Yu Jingqiu was completely confused. She couldn't understand it at all.

"Jingqiu, I know your talent very well. Speaking of which, you became a god with a second-grade divine heart so quickly. Could it be that you are also the reincarnation of someone?"

There seems to be a strange, surging river here, and within the long river are the shadows of countless lives struggling and sinking in it.

Yu Jingqiu was confused, and then turned around to search, but as soon as she turned around, she was confused.

Yu Jingqiu's eyes passed through many spaces, and finally stopped at the deepest level of the space.

And as her eyes entered this place, her originally dull shadow became full of wisdom.

In fact, the shadow of the long river of time is the reflection of the soul and the heart of the deity. In her knowledge, even the master's deity's heart cannot be so powerful.

And Wei Wen, who has such a powerful divine heart, has not yet transcended?
But suddenly Yu Jingqiu let out a muffled groan, feeling a little horrified. She was in such a state that she could get backlash just by looking at her.

Wei Wen is at least powerful, and definitely not an ordinary powerful person! "Senior Brother Xue Ying, you have to hurry up and practice, then I might not have any worries!" Yu Jingqiu said suddenly.

"I...actually am already very strong and already a world god. What's there to worry about?" Dongbo Snow Eagle was suddenly startled.

Isn't this about reincarnation? Why does it involve him?

Previously, under Wei Wen's guidance and deliberately accelerating time, Dongbo Snow Eagle's strength improved by leaps and bounds.

Under normal circumstances, if there was no time to accelerate, Dongbo Snow Eagle would break through to the World God around 900 years ago.

Although time acceleration has an impact on enlightenment, after all, time acceleration uses the way of time and space, which will affect the enlightenment of the world's divine heart, but Dongbo Xueying still quickly broke through to the world god.

Anyway, now Dongbo Snow Eagle has his protection, even if it ruins the plot, it doesn't matter.

"Then do you know Teacher You?" Yu Jingqiu continued.

"According to my senior brothers from Hongshishan, Teacher has become a fourth-level heavenly god a few years ago." Dongbo Xueying explained simply.

Yu Jingqiu obviously didn't believe that Wei Wen was only a fourth-level heavenly god, because how could a fourth-level heavenly god be so outrageous as Wei Wen?

After a slight hesitation, Yu Jingqiu followed the cause and effect and called out his father, no, it should be said that he was his father in the previous life, the Lord Moxue.

In the God Realm, there is a force established by a powerful fourth-level heavenly realm god called the Moxue Empire, and the leader is Yu Jingqiu's father in his previous life.

The Lord of Moxue Kingdom is also somewhat famous. Even though he is a fourth-level heavenly realm god, he is one of the few realm gods with the strength of a true god. He has once faced an ordinary true god head-on without losing.

At this time, the Lord of Moxue Kingdom was retreating in his temple, and suddenly he noticed the voices coming from strong people through the causal line.

"Xingxuan?" Lord Moxue suddenly opened his eyes, suddenly a little excited.

"Father, it's me!" the voice on the other side of the causal line responded, "but my name is Yu Jingqiu now!"

"Yu Jingqiu..." Lord Moxue nodded.

In fact, he understood what his daughter meant and took the initiative to name her after this life. Obviously he recognized this life very much and was willing to live as this life.

"Daughter, where have you been reincarnated?" the leader of Moxue Kingdom asked in confusion.

"A Xia Clan world in the mortal material world!" Yu Jingqiu said.

"You actually reincarnated into the Xia Clan world?" The leader of Moxue Kingdom was immediately shocked.

"Father actually knows about this material world?" Yu Jingqiu was also surprised, "Is the Xia Clan world famous?"

None of the senior gods in the Xia Clan world has broken through the realm, so they should not be famous.

"A time and space Taoist from the Xia Clan world is very powerful, so he and the Xia Clan world are very famous in the entire God Realm. By the way, you have become a god now. When will you return to the God Realm?" the leader of the Moxue Kingdom continued.

"Taoist of Time and Space?" Yu Jingqiu was stunned, "Then he should be my husband's teacher in this life."

"I have a husband now. When my husband goes to the God Realm... I will go back."

"Husband?" Lord Moxue's eyes widened.

Although he knew that his daughter had a high chance of getting married after reincarnation, he still felt extremely complicated at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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