Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 290 Feedback on the ultimate 3-step kendo

Chapter 290 Feedback on the ultimate three-step kendo
"I'll give you a chance to survive. If all of your Dongqi sect has moved out of the Dongqi Territory, you can still survive." The leader of Xia Jiuchen said directly.

"If we resist stubbornly, we will only die."

"I'll leave my words here. It's up to you how you choose. I'll give you time to think about it. If the Dongqi sect hasn't left in ten years..."

"Please protect our Dongqi sect from the Taoist Master of Time and Space." Taoist Master Lei Xin looked at Wei Wen who was sitting in the corner.

"No problem." Wei Wen smiled calmly, "Jiuchen Cult Master is here, why not compare and learn from each other."

Wei Wen is the ultimate three-step master, but he is disguised as the four-step master on the surface.

"Master Sibu?" Jiuchen Cult Master frowned.

In fact, as an ancient practitioner, he was very powerful, so his apparent Taoist realm was also disguised in a similar way.

Of course, despite the fact that Jiuchen Cult Leader is not a real Four-Way-Way Lord, his strength is definitely not comparable to that of Qingfeng Holy Lord, the top Taoist Lord.

For example, when Ji Ning had just made a breakthrough, his combat power was barely comparable to Holy Lord Qingfeng.

The Space-Time Tower and the long stick that swept the world collided directly, and the leader of Jiuchen felt an endless force coming from the impact point.

Killing the leader of Jiuchen would be of no use to him, and it would do more harm than good.

After understanding the five most powerful two-step swordsmanship, and almost perfect fusion to break through the two-step ultimate, he was no match for the leader of Jiuchen.

"Huh?" Leader Jiuchen didn't dare to raise his voice and rushed out of the temple almost instantly. A long dark red stick appeared in his hand, "Second level!"

I saw the long stick in my hand suddenly skyrocketing by trillions of miles, erupting like a pillar of heaven.

Of course, Wei Wen is now the ultimate three-step master. Even if the way of time and space is not good at killing, and the sword has not broken through the ultimate three-step, he can still crush the two-step ultimate sword master.


Wei Wen thought, and the projection of the world came, but it did not explode with extreme power.

"The projection of the world is coming!"

Only the leader of Jiuchen can lead Wei Wen into the ancient cultivator clan through the space corridor.

However, even though the world of the heart was invisible and quickly returned to normal, the stick still swept towards Wei Wen at high speed.

When the world projection was scanned, the world projection that had not exploded with full force instantly trembled and became chaotic.

"Break it for me." Wei Wen took out the Time and Space Tower and used the Way of Time and Space Extreme.

"Are you a Taoist of Time and Space?" Jiuchen Cult Leader was a little surprised, "Huh, you shouldn't have had this kind of strength back then?!"

After fighting and tempering, he finally successfully integrated and broke through the second step, and his strength was probably equivalent to that of Jiuchen Cult Master.


A horizontal strike with a stick changes the color of time and space.

After seeing Wei Wen's strength, the leader of Jiuchen did not reserve his strength and directly exploded with all his strength.

The power was transmitted to him, and after being weakened by the super powerful ancient cultivator's divine body, the leader of Jiuchen still couldn't help but fly away.

The purpose of his doing this was just to let the Jiuchen leader take the opportunity to rush into the space corridor.

He suddenly waved the long stick in his hand and swept directly in the direction of Wei Wen in the distance.

The leader of Jiuchen was a little surprised and confused, but he was also determined to move forward in the space corridor and could not allow him to back down.

The leader of Jiuchen realized that he seemed to be no match for Wei Wen, and his purpose was not to fight with Wei Wen, so he rushed towards the Dongqi sect brazenly.

"Hmph, maybe I am not a match for the Dao Lord of Time and Space, but what does Dongqi's formation restriction mean?" The leader of Jiuchen did not hesitate at all, and waved his huge long stick.

The leader of Jiuchen pierced through the Dongqi sect's formation restrictions and flew directly into the Dongqi sect.

When he rushed into the Dongqi Sect, the leader of Jiuchen simply sensed it, and a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes. "The Lord's deduction is indeed correct. My opportunity definitely lies in this territory." Jiuchen Cult Master's eyes narrowed.

As he approached the space corridor, Master Jiuchen found that his induction was getting stronger and stronger.

"Break it for me."

The leader of Jiuchen suddenly swung the long stick in his hand and directly bombarded the entrance of the time and space corridor. Of course, he was not doing it to destroy, but to search.

Boom boom boom——

Many formation restrictions in the space corridor were activated, and the strongest protective formation also broke out instantly.

Little golden snakes were appearing one after another, besieging the Jiuchen Cult Leader from all directions.

Each little golden snake may seem inconspicuous, but together they surprised the leader of Jiuchen.

"The degree of danger is indeed not low, but the bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish!" Without saying a word, the leader of Jiuchen rushed directly to the entrance of the space corridor.

As a Dao Lord who practices the strongest way of fusion, the difficulty of combining the Dao is incredible.

It can be seen from the fact that there are only three masters since the Endless Chaos Era in the Endless Territory. Most of the first-level peak Dao Lords have no hope of succeeding in joining the Dao.

Therefore, the vast majority of peak Taoists are willing to risk their lives for the opportunity. Even if they die because of it, it is better than the endless despair after the failure of Hedao.


Space corridor.

"Yes." Ji Ning looked at the Jiuchen Cult Leader in front of him and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Now, with more time spent in the space corridor, Ji Ning has broken through the ultimate two-step kendo.

Based on Ji Ning's feedback, Wei Wen's understanding of kendo greatly increased and he directly mastered the ultimate three-step kendo.

Although there was no qualitative improvement for Wei Wen after he mastered the ultimate three-step kendo, it also slightly improved Wei Wen's combat effectiveness.

"According to Daojun Lei Xin's information, this person is the leader of Jiuchen. It's too arrogant for you to dare to break into the Dongqi sect." Ji Ning said in surprise.

In addition, Ji Ning was also puzzled, why did Wei Wen fail to stop the Jiuchen leader?

You must know that the way of time and space may not be powerful in killing, but there are endless weird methods.

Wei Wen seemed to have made another breakthrough before, and his strength had greatly increased. Even if Wei Wen used the means of time and space channels to directly exile Jiuchen from the endless territory, it would not be difficult.

Because Dongqi Territory can be called the boundary of the endless territory, it is not far from the endless absolute dark space outside the territory.

Even if Wei Wen doesn't intend to banish him, it must not be difficult to stop and suppress the Jiuchen leader?
Ji Ning couldn't understand Wei Wen's thoughts, but he didn't think much about it. He directly controlled the nine secret arts and used the ultimate two-step sword technique to fight against the leader of Jiuchen.

There was a fighting spirit in Ji Ning's eyes, because Jiuchen Cult Master was at a very high level, and the aura and feeling brought to Ji Ning by the battle were also different.

It was of great help to him in understanding the three-step most powerful way, and even the three-step ultimate way.

After all, in terms of enlightenment, Jiuchen Cult Master is indeed the strongest of the three steps.

Ji Ning will definitely gain something from the battle with Jiuchen Cult Leader.

"call out."

"Damn it, this Sanpaijun is also very difficult to deal with."

The sword light flew towards him, and the leader Jiuchen felt the power of the sword light, and his expression suddenly changed slightly.

Moreover, Ji Ning's sword was invisible and absolutely silent, and it struck from all directions, making Jiuchen Cult Leader feel even more troublesome.

"His swordsmanship is inescapable and inescapable. Fortunately, ancient practitioners have immortal bodies. Attacks at the same level will never hurt me." Jiuchen Cult Master's eyes narrowed.

(End of this chapter)

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