Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 307 Genetic Limits, Supreme Rules

Chapter 307 Genetic Limits, Supreme Rules

No matter how advanced Wei Wen's realm is, enlightenment is only the final three steps.

Seriously speaking, any god king or god of the universe is at least the lord of the holy city, or even the master of the series.

It is difficult for them to transcend the source world, let alone Wei Wen.

Therefore, Wei Wen did not forcefully explore anymore, but sat down cross-legged and continued to understand the perfect level of life genes and these time and space nodes.

Maybe he can't detect the space outside the time and space nodes, but these time and space nodes are also very special, and they seem to breed a unique time and space world.

First, at the level of life genes, he has made rapid progress. Every time he comprehends a part, he reorganizes a part of his own genes and improves rapidly.

When his life gene level easily exceeded 9 times, his divine body reached the so-called 'infinite' state.

His divine body suddenly rose up, reaching the 12-light-year divine body at the limit of the cosmic sea. Obviously, the so-called infinity still has limits in the cosmic sea!
Mountain Guest once said that if he were reincarnated in the Origin Continent, he could easily reach a divine body 9 times greater, and his genetic level would be equivalent to that of Wei Wen today.

Then why can the mountain guest's divine body reach an exaggerated distance of hundreds of millions of light years?
Not to mention the God King-level divine body, such a huge divine body as the Lord of the Universe already contains immeasurable divine power.

"It's just that it has not yet undergone the final transformation. Once it reaches the level of one hundred thousand times, the life will eventually sublimate, and then it will be extremely powerful." Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

There are time and space nodes all over the world beast's lair. It seems that he can control this place with just a little thought.

But Wei Wen also knew that he was still far from true perfection.

If Wei Wen thought that Qingfeng Realm was just a huge mountain range before, he doesn't think so now.

"And I previously guessed that 10 times the divine body should be comparable to the ninth level of Chaos Restriction. Now it seems that I am right and wrong."

No, I am afraid that even the entire Qingfeng Realm can be completely controlled.

He did not stop, and continued to comprehend, 91000...92000...finally reached the level of 99999 times the gene, and Wei Wen stopped.

"Because 10 times the divine body is not the true limit of breaking the genetic limit of magic, and secondly, the ninth level of chaos restriction is not a perfect chaos restriction."

"After all, the difficulty of the perfect chaos restriction and the ultimate perfect gene is no less than the ultimate eternal way, that is, no less difficult than the ultimate realm of the God King!"

This time, his powerful divine power seemed to be able to fully withstand the full force of the god-king level will.

And as the genetic structure becomes more perfect, there seems to be no shortcomings or flaws.

"Look at the time and space nodes again." Wei Wen's divine body improved greatly and once again mobilized all the power of his will.

He is only one step away from the true genetic perfection of Cosmic Sea.

"So the last step of improvement probably won't have any impact on my understanding of the Perfect Chaos Restriction!"

The Qingfeng Realm can breed realm beasts, and this unique time and space node is definitely more than the three Jedi, and may far exceed the Chaos Dominator level treasure space craft!
"The most important thing now is to explore this place!"

Even if he stands still now, even if any true god holds the most powerful treasure, he will not be able to hurt him at all!

The mighty power of God-King-level will swept through the lairs of the beasts and even every inch of time and space in the Qingfeng Realm.

He combed through everything here from the smallest detail, but found nothing unusual in Qingfeng Realm.

It seems that the reason why Qingfeng Realm is special is because of the time and space node of the beast's lair. Wei Wen's thoughts moved, and the long river of time and space divided into 10 billion phantom bodies, standing at the nodes of time and space.

This time he seemed to have reached a certain critical point. One billion phantom bodies suddenly fell into a trance, and finally vaguely condensed into a hundred thousand nodes.

"This should be a map of the gene level of life that is 100,000 times greater than ever before!" Wei Wen was shocked.

It is said that the analysis diagram of the life gene level obtained by the mountain guest seems to come from the Hunyuan Lord Yuan. However, after this analysis diagram reaches 6 times, there is no way forward.

But the power of Lord Hunyuan far exceeds the supreme rules, and he can change the supreme rules at will, and he can follow his words in any source world.

It stands to reason that you can fabricate a genetic map at will and say that the map is correct, then the map is absolutely correct, and it is also correct if it is not correct!
But why is there no way forward?
And he didn't understand, how could such a level of genetic map be hidden here?
No one noticed it before?
But it has to be said that the world beast's lair is located in the deepest part of Qingfeng Realm and is extremely hidden. Ordinary strong people cannot enter here at all.

After all, there are too many dangers here, and the ordinary True God of the Void would probably not pay attention to them when he enters reincarnation.

Only when Wei Wen's knowledge of time and space reached this level could he feel the inexplicable influence at the entrance of the passage.

Of course, there are still many things that Wei Wen can't figure out, but he doesn't bother to think about it. Anyway, he has the map, which is enough to break through 10 times the gene.

It has nothing to do with him whether others have a way forward to follow.

At least for this genetic map, if he were to deduce the 10x gene by referring to the space-time nodes of the world beast's lair, there would be no error at all, and there would be no difference in the structure of Luo Feng's 10x gene.

"No, just because there is a complete life gene map here, it can breed world beasts?" Wei Wen's phantom body prepared to conduct in-depth exploration.


Suddenly there was a roar in his mind, and he found that the genetic map he had deduced began to rotate rapidly, and finally converged to form a channel.

The aura that transcended time and space was here, and the eternal and ancient Taoist rhyme was also released from it, making Wei Wen's expression freeze and look shocked.

In this unique passage, Wei Wen felt the supreme rules, which completely surpassed the power of rules in the original universe and even the Origin Continent.

Every rule flowing inside seems to contain supreme truth.

"Isn't this the place where the Supreme Rules originated?" Wei Wen took a breath.

Just like when Wei Wen was in the Realm Lord level, his consciousness could descend to the origin of the original universe.

As for the current situation, Wei Wen guessed that this was probably not the origin of the supreme rules of the Origin Continent.

Why can a strong person advance by leaps and bounds at the realm lord level, and his comprehension efficiency is greatly increased compared to the realm lord level, with one day reaching the same level as one year?
It's because of the unique advantage of the world lord level consciousness to enter the place of origin!
Of course, for today's Wei Wen, there is no secret about the origin of the original universe.

But now Wei Wen seems to have discovered the origin of the supreme rules here, and has the advantage of making rapid progress.

"The path to the ultimate time and space becomes more and more difficult the further you go. Now with this advantage, I can reach the final four steps faster." Wei Wen looked excited.

"After reaching the final four steps, you will be directly on the edge of the Hedao."

"At that time, by relying on the breakthrough of the true god and the evolution of chaos, we may be able to evolve the ultimate combination of time and space."

(End of this chapter)

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