Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 320 The shocked Lord of Mangya

Chapter 320 The shocked Lord of Mangya

"The ultimate way? What is going on?" Master Mangya frowned and pulled off a handful of his white beard, "I have never even heard of it."

The secret of the ultimate way is that the Flame Dragon Realm is a remote place in the chaotic universe, so no master knows about it.

In some realms where strength is flourishing, many masters more or less know some secrets of the ultimate way.

"Master, you must have felt that you still have room for improvement after becoming the Master, right?" Wei Wen said with a faint smile.

"That's true. My previous guess was correct. There are more than three strongest ways of time and space. Now you are a living example." The Lord of Mangya nodded.

"Secondly, the Endless Territory also gave birth to three powerful lords of the Holy City in time and space. One of them realized the strongest way that is completely different from my three strongest ways."

"The master should also know very well that there are superior and inferior Dao kings and emperors." Wei Wen continued.

"Under normal circumstances, if a person in the World Realm realizes his or her own Tao, then he or she can step into the Realm of the Tao Lord of Life and Death."

"And some have realized very ordinary Tao. These are ordinary Taoists."

Wei Wen's performance seems to be a subversion of the path of spiritual practice.

"The fusion of the strongest way is already the ultimate. No matter how much the strongest way is fused, it won't improve much."

"There are even those who can realize one or several of the strongest ways, or even the strongest ways that are perfectly integrated together. These are the pinnacle Taoists."

"Your consciousness is that the ultimate way is above the strongest way?" The master thought thoughtfully, and soon showed a look of surprise.

Just like Ji Ning back then, when he entered the Eternal Kingdom, all five of the strongest paths had reached the fourth level.

If it were before, the Mangya Lord would definitely be decisive.

"As far as I know, there are five strongest ways of time and space!"

But now facing Wei Wen, he used a doubtful tone, obviously not as confident as before.

"It stands to reason that the fusion of your five strongest ways of time and space should be stronger than my three fusion ways, but it can't cause a qualitative change, right?"

"At least as far as I know, there are five strongest ways of time and space!"

But this does not mean that he has become the ultimate four-step Taoist master. At least at that time, Ji Ning did not break through to the ultimate four-step Taoist master.

"There is a higher level of Tao above the strongest way of fusion. It is with this way of time and space that I enter the realm of the Tao Lord of Life and Death."

Because the five strongest kendos are just the five strongest kendos, they do not represent the ultimate kendo!

"And some elites have realized a slightly more powerful Tao. These are the top Taoists."

"It's unimaginable that there is a stronger way on top of the five strongest ways?" the Lord of Mangya said in confusion.

"The one who fuses the strongest Tao is already the top Taoist. It seems that countless practitioners think so, but I don't think so."

"The Lord is right, there are indeed only five strongest ways of time and space, but the integration of the five strongest ways is not the ultimate!" Wei Wen said with emotion.

Countless practitioners believe that there are high and low levels of Tao, and the 'integration of the strongest Tao' is the strongest way and also the most difficult way.

Once this path is successfully combined, it will be the eternal master!
But now Wei Wen told them that there is a stronger way above this.

However, with careful practice, after he broke through the master, he also discovered that his way of time and space can also absorb the secrets of other ways of time and space, gradually perfecting his own way, and also able to realize stronger tricks. This is one of the reasons why the Overlord of Mangya is far stronger than ordinary Overlords and is enough to rank among the top five in the Sixteen Domain Alliance.

At that time, he was vaguely confused...why did his Tao continue to become stronger because he was already at the strongest level and could absorb the secrets of other Tao of time and space?
Isn't the strongest way to fuse and fuse the strongest?
Now that he saw Wei Wen, the Mangya Master felt a sense of enlightenment in his heart.

"Among the masters who integrate the strongest path, even if they fuse two or three of the strongest paths, they still fail to include the complete path." Wei Wen continued.

"This kind of Tao can naturally continue to absorb the secrets and gradually improve it."

"But if that's the case, then why can't you realize the most powerful way of time and space from the beginning?"

"My Tao encompasses all the artistic conceptions of the Tao of time and space, and I named it the ultimate Tao of time and space."

"The ultimate way of time and space is enough to resonate with the origin of the universe's time and space. There are no longer several strongest ways."

In fact, the moment Wei Wen realized the ultimate way of time and space, he understood that he had already realized the most complete way of time and space, and he could be regarded as the master of the way of time and space.

"Your ultimate way of time and space resonates with the origin of the way of time and space. No wonder it can surpass the strongest way of fusion and fusion." Master Mang Ya said with emotion.

Wei Wen revealed the secret that there is a higher way to the strongest way of fusion. In fact, he was already prepared.

After all, if you don't say anything, sooner or later it will arouse the suspicion of many powerful people, so it is better to say it directly.

And just stating the concept of the ultimate way of time and space has no impact on him.

Just like the Lord of Mangyya, what can he do even if he knows that there is a stronger ultimate way of time and space?

Apart from anything else, if the Lord of Mangya wants to make progress, even if he realizes all the artistic conceptions of the Tao of Time and Space and reaches the level of Lord, he still has no chance of becoming the eternal ultimate emperor!

It should be noted that many of those World Realm geniuses know that there is a 'strongest way to fuse', and many have even embarked on the strongest way.

Because in every era, there are many people who can become peak Taoists.

But in the realm of Daojun, one step leads to death, one step is wrong, every step is wrong, and there is no turning back.

What's more, the Lord of Mangya has already merged with the Tao. Even if Wei Wen fully discloses the ultimate way of time and space and lets him learn it, there is no possibility of him turning back!
Moreover, the ultimate way is a level more difficult than integrating the strongest way. I don’t know how long it will take Master Mangya to realize all the strongest ways.

"Actually, I have already understood all the strongest ways of time and space, but one of them has not yet reached the master level. Unfortunately, even if I can reach the master level in the future, it will be too late." Mangya Master lamented.

The Mangya Master has long known that there are five strongest ways, and his strength has reached a level far beyond that of ordinary masters, and he can be regarded as a top master.

With his talent, he has naturally understood the other strongest ways, and even four of them have been deduced to the level of dominance.

But even if his understanding is comparable to that of the master of the five most powerful fusion paths, his eternal path can still only be the three most powerful fusion paths.

Because he has become an emperor by uniting with the Tao. Once he chooses to unite with the Tao of his own, there is no way to go back on it!

The endless darkness outside the Flame Dragon Realm is endless darkness in the true sense, and everything is absorbed here.

But at this moment, a space-time channel suddenly appeared around him.

"Finally found it!" Wei Wen stepped out of the space-time channel and looked at the huge stone wall in the distance.

"My deduction is still not accurate enough, otherwise we would have found it a few years ago!" Daojun Damo shook his head slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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