Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 328: Suppressing the Taoist Lord in Silver, the Lord-Level Puppet of the Four Holy Cities

Chapter 328: Suppressing the Taoist Lord in Silver, the Lord-Level Puppet of the Four Holy Cities

Let alone Wei Wen in the future, just say that Wei Wen is already stronger than them now.


To die?
After some time, the two powerful emperors of the Eternal Clan finally couldn't stand it anymore, and a light suddenly appeared around them.

"Die to me!"

The two emperors roared angrily, and all their power exploded.

Endless power exploded suddenly, arriving in front of Wei Wen in an instant.

After a desperate counterattack before his death, he barely reached the dominance level, and Wei Wen did not dare to be careless at all.


Wei Wen's six natal divine swords turned into sword rays and enveloped himself.

Time and space grant super speed, immortality, the incarnation of the time and space river, and the unparalleled swordsmanship...

They naturally know how strong the Overlord is, and it is naturally more difficult to kill the Overlord.

In fact, it is indeed difficult to kill practitioners who have reached this level. Just like the Lord of Mangya, it is difficult to kill the Lord of Feixue City because there are too many means such as immortality, life-saving treasures, and realm flying boats.

Such a terrifying master-level powerful blow was blocked by Wei Wen head-on.

"What?" Emperor Anchen, who had long since fled, was once again shocked. "You didn't even force your immortal body out?"

Of course, if it were compared to his life-saving ability, Wei Wen might actually be much more disgusting than the Lord of Mangya.

But after just one cup of tea, Wei Wen had already killed the two lords of the Holy City, which was simply outrageous.


The power of the two emperors continued to be weakened, and Wei Wen's figure continued to retreat.

Not only Daojun Damo, but also Ji Ning and others were shocked.

In addition, Wei Wen's cultivation and mental strength, and the feedback of the ultimate sword technique to the four-step level, made him far stronger than the Lord of the Holy City, and it also took a lot of effort to kill him.

As for the supreme blood of the eternal kingdom... Now that Wei Wen has received the inheritance of the ten thousand origins of Supreme Bolin, the value of that drop of blood is naturally far less than the inheritance.

That was a powerful person with the Lord of the Holy City level. They couldn't even defeat him, let alone kill him!

"Finally, I have completely killed these two emperors of the Eternal Clan!" Wei Wen's eyes narrowed.

Any one of these methods is difficult enough to deal with. If they are gathered together, it will be very terrifying.

"How's it going?" Daojun Damo asked in confusion.

"I have killed two of the powerful masters of the three holy cities of the Eternal Clan!" Wei Wen smiled lightly.

Yu Xinghai, Demon Elephant Stone Wall.

Finally, after retreating for about ten thousand miles, he stabilized his figure. The burning eternal body also exhausted its power and dissipated between heaven and earth.


But they didn't expect that the two people who completely burned the eternal body were not able to hurt Wei Wen in the slightest.

And what shocked them the most was that Wei Wen was currently only Dao Lord!

A Tao Lord kills the Lord of the Holy City. Even if his Tao is the fusion of the strongest Tao, it is not that strong!
But at this time, Ji Ning was truly sure that Wei Wen was taking the ultimate path, and had definitely broken through to the fourth step!
"Is the Four-Step Ultimate Dao Lord so strong?" Ji Ning secretly expected.

"You go and comprehend the Supreme Heritage first. I will take some time to retreat, and then I will go and deal with the three silver-clothed Taoist Lords of the Sith tribe!" Wei Wen looked at Ji Ning and the others.

"After I deal with them, let's try the so-called Supreme Test."

"Okay." Ji Ning and others nodded. The three silver-clothed Dao Lords were only powerful in spirit, but the power and level of Dao were incomparably stupid in their eyes.

Wei Wen was able to kill the real Lord of the Holy City, the Emperor. It was not easy to deal with the three of them.

Wei Wenxian practiced in seclusion here and understood the supreme way of his memory.

In the past, because the Supreme Tao was too vast, he simply browsed and memorized it, but now he is comprehending it.

Of course, the main thing is to understand the Tao and the heart, and the Tao heart is perfect. After all, he is just the Taoist now, and there is no need to distract himself from other Tao other than the Tao of time and space.

Time flies, and tens of thousands of years pass in the blink of an eye. As time accelerates, it actually takes longer to comprehend.

At this moment, Wei Wen's aura had undergone earth-shaking changes. He felt more calm and steady. This was a transformation of his soul.

A moment later - in the ancestral land of the Sith tribe, in a ruined palace, a statue of a strange beast suddenly opened its mouth.

"I don't know if those silver-clad Taoists are still here!" Wei Wen's figure emerged from the whirlpool.

The so-called ancestral land of the Sith tribe is not that big. Wei Wen flew high into the sky, and the next moment the world of his heart descended.

The entire Sith tribe trembled, and the huge heart world released its power mightily, unabashedly revealing Wei Wen's existence.

And of course, the strong men in the Sith clan's ancestral land at this time all sensed Wei Wen's location!

In the core area of ​​the Sith tribe's ancestral land, the three silver-clad Taoist kings raised their heads at the same time, and the three of them immediately confirmed Wei Wen's identity.

In fact, they were ready tens of thousands of years ago, but when they searched for Wei Wen and others, no trace of them was found.

They thought Wei Wen and others had left, but they didn't expect they were still there.

"It's the Taoist master who is good at time and space!"

"How dare this guy stay here!"

"How dare you use the world of the heart to challenge us, how brave you are!" The three chiefs of the silver-robed Daojun clan were filled with murderous intentions.

They thought that Wei Wen and others were allowed to run in because they didn't prepare any trump cards last time, but this time it was different!

It's just a little strange, Wei Wen is the only one, where are the others?

"Forget it, let's kill the strongest Dao Lord first. It doesn't matter if the others are hidden. Let's look for him slowly!" Chief Fu Mo's eyes narrowed.

In their view, Wei Wen was the greatest threat. As long as Wei Wen was killed first, the other three would be nothing.

Moreover, when the four of them separated, it was a good time to defeat them one by one.

"Although his trump card is very powerful, his way of time and space is also disgusting. We have to find a way to lure him here so that we are safe." The leader of the Nontie clan was silent for a moment.

"Then I'll take five emperor-level puppets with me. Then I'll pretend that I can't defeat him and lure him here when I escape."

"But if we attack together with three people, if all our cards are revealed, he will definitely die."

Judging from the situation in the last battle, Wei Wen is very powerful, but the three of them can also fight with him.

It would be more reasonable if a single person was used as a bait to plot against Wei Wen.

Wei Wen's heart world swept through everything here, and suddenly found a silver light rising into the sky in the distance.

The Nongtie clan was incredibly fast, arriving at a speed that exceeded a hundred times the limit of heaven, and soon arrived at the area where Wei Wen was.

He waved his hand, and five emperor-level puppets instantly appeared around him.

"Huh, last time I allowed you to enter the ancestral land by chance, I didn't expect you to dare to stay here. Do you really think that our three major families are easy to mess with?"

The leader of the Nongtie clan stared at Wei Wen coldly, as if I had used my trump card and could go solo with Wei Wen at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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