Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 107 How can you be so strong?

Chapter 107 How can you be so strong?

The third generation looked at Kiko who appeared and knew that she was stalling for time.

The third generation was worried about Danzo, but he did not intend to talk nonsense with Kiko.


"Sarutobi! What is going on?" The monkey demon who had just appeared looked at the Konoha ninjas who were watching eagerly around him and asked in confusion.

"There's no time to explain! Monkey demon, transform!" Sandaime urged, looking at Danzo who was still running for his life.

"Haha!" Looking at the third generation holding the ape magic wand, Kiko sneered.

She has always been unable to believe that everything Danzo did was tacitly approved by the Third Generation. In her heart, she still admired the Third Generation, but this time Danzo's attack on Ganta and the others had already touched her reverse scale. Now seeing the Third Generation's actions, it seemed that he planned to protect Danzo to the death.

"Yuda is indeed right! You are the biggest cancer in Konoha!" The image of the third generation in Kiko's heart completely collapsed.



"Kiko-sama!" Because he had to fight against the third generation, Earthmaru did not show his true form.

"Can you handle it?" Kiko asked Haimaru.

Seeing the third generation and the Sarutobi clan who were eager to try, Ushimaru said hesitantly: "If Lord Yuda is here, it should be okay!"

Kiko rolled her eyes at Earthmaru, "What else does Yuda need from you here?"
  The third generation is not an ignorant novice. After seeing that Earth Pill can transform into a human form, he knows that it has mastered the magic of immortality.

Seeing that Danzo was about to be killed by Yuda, the third generation didn't waste any time and rushed over with the monkey wand in hand.

"Woodun: The tree world is coming!"

Seeing the third generation rushing towards him, Earthmaru didn't dare to be careless. When he saw the third generation rushing towards him with the magic monkey stick in his hand, he judged that the third generation was an agile ninja.

So it used the advent of the tree world to limit the activity space of the third generation.


"Who is this? How did you escape?"


The people around were shocked when they saw Earthmaru using Wood Release.

Especially the third generation and Mito Tsunade who knew about the first-generation cell experiment. You must know how much financial, material, and manpower Konoha spent in order to recreate the Wood Release. The Senju clan became the main target of the Wood Release experiment and almost became extinct.

"Damn it! As expected, Danzo was right. Yuda is not trustworthy, and he secretly experimented with wood escape and disturbed the peace of the first generation!"

After Sandai escaped from the entanglement of the big tree, he was forced back.

After the attack was fruitless, he began to pour dirty water on Yuda in an attempt to win back some of the people's hearts.

"Haha! The third generation should know how I got my Mudun. In order to hide the truth from others, the third generation almost wiped out our clan."

Earthmaru was unhappy when he saw the third generation pouring dirty water on Yuda.

Mr. Yuda has been kind to the earthworm clan, so how can he let others cherish his reputation?

"Oh? What's going on, Kiko?" Mito asked curiously after hearing what Earthmaru said.

You must know that Sandai and the others have tried their best to recreate her husband's Wood Release, but they all ended in failure.

What's ridiculous now is that the wooden escape that cannot be reproduced in humans actually appears in Kiko's psychic beast.

After hearing Mito's words, everyone around them pricked up their ears. This is Mu Dun! If Earthmaru's success can be replicated, doesn't it mean that they also hope to have the power of the first generation.

"The Wood Release on Earth Pills is just a coincidence!" Kiko shook her head, and then explained the origin of Earth Pills and them.

Everyone looked at Sandai in surprise when they heard that Earth Wan and the others were the mutated products of eating the failed experimental body of Mu Dun.

"What? The earthworms Naoki and the others caught back then were actually mutated after eating the corpses of Konoha's experimental subjects. Most of those corpses were..." Tsunade looked at the third generation in shock. "Shut up!"

But before she could finish her words, she was stopped by Mito.

What a joke! If people knew that even if the Senju Clan failed to inject the first-generation cells, they could still recreate Mudun by eating their corpses, then the Senju Clan might really be exterminated.

In the ninja world, there is no shortage of perverts who do unbearable things in order to gain power.

"Haha! After all, I was careless at the time and failed to check carefully. Otherwise, so many people in Konoha would not have died in World War II." The third generation shook his head with a wry smile and said with a sad face.

It didn't matter that his strength and calculations were not as good as Yuda's, but when he discovered Earthmaru and the others, he had the upper hand.

"Six Paths Immortal is unfair!" Sandai lamented in his heart.

If he knew what Sandai was thinking, Kiko would definitely spit in his face.

Although Mudun awakened in Earthworm's body because he ate the experimental subject, but without Yuda's long-term transformation and enlightenment on the effect of using beads on it, Earthworm might still be just an earthworm now.

"Hiruzen, save me!"

Just when everyone was still marveling at Earthmaru's wooden escape, suddenly Danzo heard a hoarse cry for help.

At this time, Danzo was caught in the palm of the hand by the Behemoth, and Yuda controlled the Behemoth to dig out Danzo's left eye.

Prevent him from resurrecting again using Sharingan's genjutsu.

At the critical moment of life and death, Danzo appealed for help towards the biggest obstacle to his ascending to the position of Hokage.

After seeing Kiko and Earthmaru's Wood Release, Sandai knew that he was defeated.

Even if hundreds of ninjas from the Sarutobi clan were added, it would be impossible to break through the defense line composed of almost all ninja clans in Konoha to rescue Danzo.

He looked at Mito and Kiko and begged: "Can't we give Danzo another chance?"

"Then just live with Danzo! Even now, I'm still thinking about Danzo. Have you ever thought about what will happen to me and your son?" The third generation's wife, Biwako, came here at some unknown time.

After she was angry with the third generation, she suddenly fell down in front of Mito and Kiko with a bang, crying and begging Mito and the others:

"I know Hiruzen has done a lot of wrong things! I can persuade him to abdicate, and he will never interfere in the political affairs of the village in the future. But Mito-sama, please spare his life for the sake of me and the child! Shinnosuke is still young. , you can’t live without a father!”

At this time, Yuda walked over with the dying Danzo in his hands. Behind him, Jiro carried the unconscious Ganta, and Yuuto helped support him from behind.

"Bang!" Yuda threw Danzo in front of Mito and clapped his hands, as if there was something dirty on it.

After hearing Biwako's plea, Yuda sighed in his heart: "As expected, it is not easy for anyone to become the Hokage's wife."

Biwako's plea made Tsunade, who was pregnant, and Kiko, who was already the mother of several children, look intolerable.

"How is that possible! Mito-sama! Don't agree to her request, otherwise the consequences will be endless!"

How could Uchiha miss the opportunity to beat the drowned dog, and hurriedly objected.

"Shut up!" Mito glared at him, and then asked Yuda: "Yuda! What do you think?"

Pipazi didn't say anything, just crawled on the ground and cried.

Kiko pulled Yuda's sleeve and begged softly: "Yuda..."

She was about to plead for mercy. After all, the third generation had a very high reputation in the ninja world. If he was killed in this way at this time, the entire ninja world would look at Konoha's joke.

But she suddenly turned to the other woman's hand and grabbed Yuda's other cuff.

She looked up and found that Tsunade had arrived at Yuda's side at some point, holding his sleeve and looking at Yuda pitifully.

"Boom!" Xiko's head exploded instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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