Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 113 After working hard for so long, why can’t I take a break?

Chapter 113 After working hard for so long, why can’t I take a break?
  Ten days later, Hatake Sakumo married a woman from the Uzumaki clan.

Because he had confirmed the identity of the Fourth Hokage, the heads of all the ninja clans came to attend the wedding in person on that day, and the daimyo of the Fire Country sent people to congratulate him in person.

Even Hanzo, who was still at war with the Earth Kingdom, sent people over.

Yuda looked at the happy smiles of Hatake Sakumo and the bride, and was filled with emotion: in the original work, Hatake Sakumo won the honor of wearing the half-sleeve of Hokage after World War II, but in the end he fell in the power struggle.

Thinking of this, Yuda gritted his teeth against the dead Danzo and the Third Generation, and Konoha's good cards were beaten to pieces by them.

But when he saw the bride’s blood-red hair, she said, “I’m sure there won’t be any shortage of blue after the 50-50 split, right?”

Yuda and Matt Dai drank a lot of wine with Hatake Sakumo as the best men. During this period, the drunk Dai's explosive strength frightened everyone.

Afraid of hurting him, Yuda and Hatake Sakumo finally joined forces to wear the uniform.

As the bridesmaid, a girl from the Uzumaki clan apologized to Hatake Sakumo and the bride in embarrassment, and finally took Dai by the neck and strode home.

All the guests were sweating coldly as they watched: "What a strong and powerful Uzumaki woman."

Among them, Yuda found that several ninjas from the ninja clan looked at their companions with sympathy. They must have been confirmed to be married to the Uzumaki clan.

"Alas! It seems that the Uzumaki clan has completely integrated into the village." After returning home, Yuda couldn't help but admire Mito's foresight.

"Isn't this obvious? Otherwise, how can the remaining orphans and widows of the Uzumaki clan survive in Konoha without marriage?"

Kiko replied naturally after hearing Yuda's emotion.

"By the way, I took the time to talk to Tsunade today. She promised to leave the children to you for education in the future, but she didn't agree with them having Yuda's last name. But she will come over every year when she gets enlightened." Kiko thought about today's meeting with Tsunade. As they talked, I couldn't help but sympathize with Tsunade.

But at the same time, I felt relieved: it seemed that Tsunade really had no intention of competing with him for Yuda.

Yuda had expected this and was not disappointed.

The next day, the whole village was immersed in the joy of the marriage of the Hokage-to-be, Hatake Sakumo, but at this time, a fierce quarrel was going on in the Hokage's office.

"Why don't you Uchiha just let go of the guard, but you also want to get involved in the top management, so you are not afraid of being overstretched!" A Hyuga clan elder spat at the Uchiha clan leader who returned from the front line.

"Hmph! The Guard has been controlled by our Uchiha clan since the Second Hokage period. This was your decision at that time." The Uchiha clan leader was not to be outdone. He was eating from the bowl and looking at the pot. , the eating appearance is a bit ugly.

It's no wonder that the Hyuga clan is anxious. As one of the most prominent families in Konoha, they have always followed the policy of keeping a low profile and biding their time, so they have never participated in the specific affairs of Konoha. Their presence is comparable to that of the Aburame clan.

This redistribution of power will really be forgotten if we don’t seize the opportunity.

"Then why did the second generation say that we should guard against Uchiha? Why don't you continue to take charge of the guard and stop interfering in high-level meetings." The Hyuga clan may be eager to participate in Konoha's affairs, and their words are sharper than usual. A lot.

"You..." These words were a bit hurtful. The Uchiha clan leader was so angry that he pointed at the Hyuga clan elder and wanted to give him a few big tricks on the spot.

"Okay! The guard is open to everyone in the village, and the Hyuga clan will send one person to serve as the deputy captain." Hatake Sakumo, who was sitting in the main seat, was troubled by their quarrel and made a decisive decision.

"Yes! Lord Sakumo!" The Hyuga clan leader became excited at this time. Although he still has to succumb to the Uchiha, it is already very good for the Hyuga clan.

"Yes!" Although Uchiha was a little unwilling, he could only swallow this breath in order to fight for a position at the top.

"So, what do you think about the Hokage's assistant and several advisors?" Hatake Sakumo said, and kept winking at Yuda, the old god sitting beside him, asking him to fight for it. But Yuda seemed to be asleep, his eyes were closed and he didn't move.

Seeing Yuda like this, Hatake Sakumo could only sigh. He knew that Yuda had no such plan at all.

Regarding the position of Hokage's assistant, all major ninja clans simply ignored it, because in their view, that position was prepared for Yuda.

So regarding the position of advisor, Uchiha and Hinata started a war of words again.

Finally, they saw that the other ninjas were silent and slowly came to their senses.

No matter who they quarrel with, it's useless. In the end, it still depends on what Hatake Sakumo and Yuda want.

Then they looked at Hatake Sakumo eagerly, with strong desire in their eyes.

"Ahem!" Seeing the silence below, Hatake Sakumo coughed: "Due to some problems during the Third Generation period, I decided to make some adjustments to some organizations in Konoha."

As he spoke, Hatake Sakumo picked up a stack of paper, looked at the group of people below and said: "In order to prevent Danzo's situation from happening again, the position of Hokage's assistant is completely cancelled, and the roots are completely banned."

"Buzz..." As soon as the people below heard Hatake Sakumo start to increase his moves, they immediately started talking, and their eyes couldn't help but look towards Yuda's seat.

"Quiet!" Hatake Sakumo loudly stopped everyone's noise, and then explained: "This is a decision made by Yuda and I after discussion, so don't think too much about it."

Although Hatake Sakumo said this, everyone looked at Yuda with doubts.

Yuda opened his eyes and nodded to the people below, indicating that what Hatake Sakumo said was true.

After dispelling everyone's doubts, Hatake Sakumo continued to read: "There are two consultants, and one person from Uchiha and Hinata will be appointed."

"Thank you, Hokage-sama!" The Uchiha clan leader stood up excitedly after hearing this, and even addressed Hatake Sakumo as Hokage-sama. At this time, whoever wants to object to Hatake Sakumo becoming Hokage, they Uchiha are the first to refuse.

This has been their Uchiha's long-cherished wish since the founding of the village! It almost became the inner demon of their clan, and today it finally came true.

Other Uchiha who were qualified to participate in this meeting were also very excited and looked gratefully at Hatake Sakumo who was sitting there. At this moment, he was the god of Uchiha.

The Hyuga clan had known about this for a long time, but they were extremely excited after it was confirmed.

"Orochimaru serves as the director of the newly formed scientific research department, and all expenses are borne by the village. Tsunade serves as the director of the medical department, and Tian Kiko serves as the deputy director, responsible for the village's hospital and medical ninja training."

After hearing these appointments, everyone below looked at each other and couldn't understand Yuda's thoughts.

After making such a big fuss, did you get such a small benefit for yourself?
  As the neutral ones, Hatake Sakumo allowed them to perform their duties, and their positions and functions remained unchanged.

However, on this basis, the sealing class was taken over by the Uzumaki clan. Of course, the ninjas of the previous sealing class were not dismissed, but the class leader became Taku, the new leader of the Uzumaki clan.

But Yuda, who was puzzled by everyone, did not get any appointment and was still an idler.

If Yuda knew their thoughts at this time, he would definitely sneer: "I have worked hard for so long, why can't I rest?"

After all, the ninja world is an extraordinary world where strength is paramount. As long as Yuda's strength is still there, no one dares to look down on him. What difference does it make between being Hokage and not being Hokage?

(End of this chapter)

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