Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 115 The sexy tricks of Crouching Dragon and Phoenix

Chapter 115 The sexy tricks of Crouching Dragon and Phoenix
  Naoki looked at the scroll in his hand in surprise. After a brief battle with the third generation, it was not publicized that Earthmaru had the upper hand with Wood Release.

But everyone knows in their hearts that the psychic beasts of the Tian family have the ability of wood escape.

Although he was greedy, thinking about Yuda's strength and Danzo's fate could only put away the fear in his heart.

Shengshu had never chosen Slug to be his psychic beast before. On the one hand, Slug was really not suitable for him, and on the other hand, he had no intention of defeating the earthworm clan.

Although the Wood Release of the Earthworm clan was not exposed at that time, Ganta often showed off Kurotaro in front of them, which made all his friends jealous.

When she discovered that she could also sign a contract with the earthworm clan that she longed for, Shen Shu felt a little unreal.

"Is it because of my sister?" Naoki couldn't think of any other reason for Yuda to do this.

"You brat! What are you thinking about? This is your gift as a teacher. You will have to rely on yourself in the future." Yuda looked at the rope tree covered in circles, smiled and rubbed his head.

Seeing that Nao Shu was still hesitating, Yuda joked: "If you're not satisfied, forget it, I'll see if there's anything else I can give you." He said, pretending to take back the scroll in Nao Shu's hand.

"What a joke! How can I get back what I gave you?" Seeing that Yuda was really planning to take back the scroll, Naoki hugged the scroll and took a few steps back, then ran away.

"Thank you! Brother-in-law, teacher!" Shengshu's joking voice floated from a distance.

"Gah!" Yuda was embarrassed when he heard Nasuki's name, which aroused curiosity among Maruta and others who had just entered the door.

"Humph! How could Naoki do this? He's clearly taking advantage of us." Wanta felt very unhappy when he heard Naoki call him dad, why he suddenly became half a generation shorter than Naoki.

"That's right!" Shingo, who had already started basic training with them, quickly agreed with his elder brother after seeing his sister's unhappy expression.

Apparently they didn't know at this time that they were about to have two more half-brothers and sisters.

Yuda looked around like a thief, and when he found that Kiko hadn't come back yet, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Kiko has accepted the reality, she always feels strange when she hears the mention of Tsunade in front of Yuda.

"You guys are going to school in a few days, why are you still here? Why don't you hurry up and go to training."

In order to alleviate the embarrassment, Yuda could only suffer from his eldest sons.

"Training?! It's time to have dinner soon, haven't you finished training?" Maruta was unhappy when he heard this, pouting and looking at Yuda angrily.

Jiro pulled him behind him a few times, but Wantari, who was feeling sulky, ignored him.

"Haha! Do you think the wings are stiff?" Yuda showed a dangerous smile.

When Yuuto saw Yuda's expression, he immediately ran out: "I know!"

Seeing Ganta still pouting there, Jiro could only shake his head, sighed and followed Yuuto out.

"Bang!" A loud bang spread throughout the Yuda family.

"Ah! It hurts! I'm sorry! I'll go right away!" "Huh! I feel much better now!" Yuda looked at Kyoko and Shingo who were shivering, picked up Kyoko and comforted her: "Don't be afraid Kyoko, Kyoko is very sure It will make dad angry, right?"

"Yeah!" Feeling that the dangerous aura on Yuda's body had dissipated, Kyoko returned to her usual liveliness.

It’s just that Shingo stared blankly at the two of them, acting like a loving father and a filial daughter, and felt that this scene was very familiar. Suddenly I felt that life had lost its fun.

By the time Kiko came back from the medical department, it was completely dark.

Looking at the three Ganta brothers who were still running around in the training ground, especially the big bump on Ganta's forehead, he stopped them strangely: "Why are you still training? What time is it?"

As he spoke, he helped Wanta treat the big bump on his forehead: "Why are you so careless! Run slower next time during training." Although his tone was a little reproachful, it was full of love and concern.

Maruta burst into tears as soon as he heard Kiko's words. If he didn't show his sadness at this time, how could he ask his mother to help him regain his place?

But before he could speak, Kiko told them after treating him: "Okay! Go take a shower quickly and come over for dinner later."

Looking at his mother's quickly disappearing figure, Wanta was left messy in the night wind.

Seeing that Ganta was still in a daze, Jiro couldn't help but push him: "Don't show up! Take a shower quickly. Something big must have happened!" After saying that, he ignored Ganta and hurried to take a shower with Yuuto. .

"So, was my attack in vain?" Wanta didn't care about playing tricks anymore and hurriedly chased Jiro and the others.

"Whose idea was this? Why did you find out now?" Yuda was a little stunned after hearing the news that Kiko brought back.

What a crazy idea, in order to prevent the Land of Earth from invading again, the Land of Grass was allowed to rebuild the Ninja Village in the name of establishing a joint prison.

"I heard that it was the intention of the former elder to move to Koharu. In order to make the Tsuchikage agree to her request, she even promised to reduce or reduce their war compensation after the war." Kiko was also a little speechless, how could such a thing happen so easily.

Although the establishment of ninja villages in the Kingdom of Grass is not a threat to Konoha, the entire Kingdom of Grass is now occupied by Konoha.

If there is no such thing, then in the future, the commissioned tasks from the Country of Grass can only be handed over to Konoha, which is also a large part of the income!
  "That's not right! Wasn't she dismissed before the war was over? Why would the Country of Grass establish a ninja village?"

"Having seen the third generation appear at Sakumo's inauguration ceremony, the Country of Grass was happy to pretend to be stupid. Besides, the Daimyo of the Country of Grass also greeted the Daimyo of the Country of Fire. This is Sakumo's first visit to the Daimyo. It’s not easy to refute his face.”

Yuda and Kiko still remember their only imperfect mission, and they no longer expect the integrity of the Grass Country, but they really have to admire their ability to find every opportunity.

But Yuda suddenly thought of the situation in the Kingdom of Grass in the original work. It seemed that they finally built a bliss box in order to take revenge on Konoha.

"Do you want to intervene? It might be something from another world!" Yuda thought.

But he immediately gave up the idea. No matter how powerful Satoru was, he was no match for Otsutsuki. He was simply useless.

At this time, Ganta and the others, who had already changed their clothes, walked in with a few younger brothers and sisters. Kyoko immediately threw herself into Yuda's arms and acted like a baby, making Yuda laugh. The coquettish manipulation of Konoha's Crouching Dragon and Phoenix chick just now was also caught by him. Leave it behind.

"Dad! I want to hug you too!" At this time, Yuda's youngest daughter Eri saw her sister's happy look and shouted softly towards Yuda not to be outdone.

(End of this chapter)

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