Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 120 The worst case scenario is that my son will be used to pay off the debt.

Chapter 120 The worst case scenario is that my son will be used to pay off the debt.

"Huh? No! Why did I promise to let Tsunade and Orochimaru be my son's instructors?" Yuda suddenly came back to his senses and looked at Hatake Sakumo with some surprise.

Good guy, this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes has also learned to use words to guide other people's thoughts. The position of Hokage is really training!

Then he Yuda sneered and looked at Hatake Sakumo and Tsunade Orochimaru: "So?"

"Ahem!" Seeing that Yuda did not fall into his own language trap, Hatake Sakumo coughed awkwardly.

"What I mean is that after Ganta and the others graduate, let Tsunade and the others be their instructors!"

"Why? I can take it myself!" Yuda obviously didn't want to turn the fantasy in his mind into reality, so how could he agree.

"Yuda! Don't look down on me, I'm very powerful!" When Tsunade saw Yuda's refusal, she was immediately unconvinced.

"Yuda-kun! I don't think I will waste your talent! Please believe me." Orochimaru's attitude was very sincere.

"No! Why are you always staring at my useless sons? Naoki and the others are pretty good too!" Yuda was a little confused as to why one or two of them kept staring at his children.

Tsunade and Orochimaru didn't speak at this time, and both looked at Hatake Sakumo who was sitting there.

"Ahem! I didn't accidentally let it slip. I showed off Jiro's talent in front of them, so..." Hatake Sakumo couldn't continue.

"So you just use my son as a tool for competition, right?!" At this point, Yuda still didn't understand why his sons were being targeted.

It turns out that it was all caused by the damn desire to win.

"Yuda-kun! The use of your magnetic escape in technology is beyond your imagination. Leave Maruta to me, and I will do my best to help him develop the application of magnetic escape. This is also to explore new technologies!"

Orochimaru spoke with great emotion, as if Yuda was blocking the progress of science and technology by not letting Wanta worship him as his teacher.

"Although Kiko's medical ninjutsu is good, I think my medical ninjutsu can also be used as a reference!" Tsunade was originally unhappy with Yuda's opposition to his child worshiping herself and Orochimaru as his disciples: "Why should Hatake Sakumo? Yes, but not the two of us!"

But when I thought about going to Yuda's house once a year from now on, it would be hard to make the relationship too tense, so I explained it.

In fact, it's not surprising that Tsunade has a cold attitude towards Yuda. Ever since that night, Yuda has really been avoiding him.

Unless she really can't avoid it, Tsunade may not even be able to see Yuda even once.

"That's what people said, why do you really mean it to me!" Tsunade couldn't help but cursed.

"No! I still don't know that those boys submitted early graduation applications. You are planning to kill them first and then show them off!" Yuda was a little anxious because of the three of Hatake Sakumo, and he was a little confused about one-on-three!

"How about I go back and ask clearly first, what if they don't plan to graduate early?" Yuda planned to delay, avoid this time, and defeat them one by one.

"I don't believe you don't know what your own son's strength is. These are the comments made by Ganta and his class teachers about them. Take a look." As he spoke, Hatake Sakumo took out another report, not intending to delay him. opportunity to go down.

If Yuda was fooled this time, Tsunade and Orochimaru would be annoying themselves to death. "Haha!" Looking at the helpless Yuda, Hatake Sakumo felt very proud: "Although I can't defeat you alone, and you have pushed me to this position, we can find a few more people. The main thing is to take surprise, and to It's overwhelming. Now let me see how you respond?"

"You said you, a teacher, have nothing to do and why are you making a small report?" Yuda was helpless, watching Ganta and his class teacher praising Ganta and the others in the report.

It seems that if they are not allowed to graduate early, everyone here will be the sinners of Konoha and delay the growth of the next generation of Konoha's pillars.

She also said that she really couldn't teach those sons of heaven, and begged the Hokage to take them away as soon as possible!

Yuda felt a little embarrassed when he saw in the report that Ganta and his class teacher used an extremely humble tone and begged the Hokage to approve Ganta and his graduation application.

"What did those boys do at school?"

"Alas! I know you don't want your children to be exposed to the cruelty of the ninja world prematurely! But after all, they will become ninjas in the future, and these things will happen sooner or later." At this time, Hatake Sakumo started to pretend, a look I don't want Ganta and the others to graduate early.

"But some of them, especially my three nephews, are so outstanding! This year at school, except for Naoki and Xinjiuna, all the other students were beaten once, and even the teachers who protected the calves were beaten once. I was also beaten by some of them." Hatake Sakumo seemed to be devastated that Ganta and the others had to graduate early.

"So what else do you think they can learn in school? Only by letting them be with stronger people will their talents not be wasted! So Yuda, what do you mean?" After saying this, Hatake Sakumo still looked sincere. looked at Yuda.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

"Sakumo said well! It would be good for me, Ganta and the others, to be under the disciples of a strong man!" Tsunade couldn't help but applaud Hatake Sakumo's wonderful speech, and glared at Yuda triumphantly after it was over.

"Did he mean that? Why didn't I hear it?" Yuda complained in his heart after hearing Tsunade's summary.

Orochimaru also stretched out his tongue to wash his face at this time, looking at Yuda eagerly.

Although he is not as extreme now, his desire for power has not diminished at all.

As long as he can accept Ganta this time, then he can get a glimpse of the mystery of the new ninja god's bloodline, so how can he not be impatient.

Yuda was now forced into a corner, and in the end he could only glare at Tsunade and Orochimaru: "I can give it to you, but take it easy and don't let me spoil it!"

Finally, she warned Tsunade in an uneasy tone: "Especially you, don't mortgage my son to the casino!" There seemed to be a hint of begging in his tone.

"Pfft!" Hatake Sakumo seemed to have thought of something and couldn't help laughing.

"Sorry, I usually don't laugh unless I can't help it!" Hatake Sakumo apologized quickly.

"What are you talking about? Am I that unreliable? At worst, I can use my son to pay off the debt!" Tsunade was embarrassed by Hatake Sakumo's smile and retorted to them.

"Haha!" Hatake Sakumo laughed even harder this time, and Orochimaru, who had always followed a cold line, showed a smile on his open mouth.

"What are you talking nonsense about, you tiger bitch?" Yuda became even more panicked after hearing Tsunade's promise. It would be better to use Yuuto to pay off the debt, so that at least Yuuto could escape.

(End of this chapter)

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