Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 132 Just like the battle between the two who stood at the top of the ninja world

Chapter 132 Just like the battle between the two who stood at the top of the ninja world
  "Master Maruta! Is that ugly guy on the other side the enemy?" As soon as Kurotaro came out, he saw the ferocious Susan not far away, and there was a deep contempt in his tone.

Because of its huge size, no matter how quiet its voice is, people around it can hear it clearly.

Everyone looked at Kuro Taro, who was thirty meters long and dark-skinned, and made people get goosebumps at the slightest movement, and couldn't help but complain in their hearts: "You have the nerve to laugh at others, and you don't even care about your own honor. How confident does one have to be to say such a shameless thing!"

"Don't talk nonsense! Be careful of the enemy, he is not easy to deal with!" At this time, Lan Earthworm also noticed the strange eyes of the people around him towards Kurotaro, and his face turned slightly red: "What an earthworm! Why did Young Master Maruta fall in love with such a person? Stuff.”

Hearing Lan Ji's scolding, Kuro Taro's heart trembled, and he suddenly became serious: "Yes! Mr. Lan Ji! How to deal with the opponent later!"

Before the blue earthworms could figure out their tactics, Cheng would not give them time to discuss and plan their tactics.

Originally, this assessment was just for fun, but after seeing the blue earthworm, Cheng became serious.

The last time Earthmaru fought against the third generation in the coup, he used the first generation's wood escape.

This battle is no longer a graduation test for Ganta and the others, but a fateful showdown between Sharingan and Wooden.

Wooden Release and Mangekyou Sharingan, they only have each other in their eyes.

(Hashirama: Madara!)

(Madara: Hashirama!)

Cheng controlled Susan, raised the huge ninja sword in his hand, and slashed in the direction of the blue earthworm.

The "buzzing" sound that broke through the air stung everyone present, and they felt as if a stone was pressing on their chests.

"Woodun: Wood Ingot Wall!"

Facing the oncoming slashing attack, Lan Hao immediately used Wood Release to create a huge Wood Release, protecting it, Ganta and the others behind.

"Are Ganta and the others okay?" Seeing that Cheng was serious, Kiko grabbed Yuda's sleeve tightly, her nails turning slightly white.

"It doesn't matter! The blue earthworm is over there!" Because the earthworm clan rarely participates in battles, they don't have a clear understanding of their own strength.

The Wood Release alone plus their abundant chakra is the foundation for an elite jounin.

In addition to the magical skills, even the average shadow level is no match for them.

The reason why Lan Earthworm is so cautious about Cheng can only be said to be damn fate.

At this moment, the older people seemed to have returned to the Warring States Period.

At this time, the people standing in the middle of the field were not the examiners and students of the graduation examination, but the two men who once stood at the top of the ninja world.

"Boom!" The slash collided with Mu Dun, and the shock wave caused forced the people who were standing closer to retreat.

But Tsunade, who was standing at the front, stood motionless, looking at the two sides fighting in the field with a complex expression.

"It's exaggerated, isn't it?" Orochimaru came to her side at some point, looking at Susan with envy as well, who was like a ghost.

"Tch! Just be careless!" Tsunade said with feigned disdain.

"Haha!" Facing the strong Tsunade, Orochimaru didn't say much.

He looked at the three Maruta brothers standing behind Lan Earthworm, and seemed to say to himself: "This is why I accepted them as students. The psychic beasts with the same abilities as the previous generation of Ninja God, now the Ninja God's Bloodline, it’s exciting just thinking about it!”

As if he had reached his point of excitement, Orochimaru stretched out his long tongue and washed his face again.

"Disgusting! Don't mess around! If something goes wrong with them, I don't have the dignity to ask Yuda to let you go." Although I don't like him very much.

But after all, they were companions since childhood, so Tsunade felt the need to remind Orochimaru.

"Don't worry! I know." Orochimaru didn't take Tsunade's reminder to heart at all. He is crazy but not stupid! "Lord Blue Earthworm! Your opponent is too big, so you will be at a disadvantage. Why don't you change back to your original shape?" Kurotaro felt that his suggestion was very pertinent.

But Lan Earthworm, who was trying his best to resist Cheng's attack, almost couldn't catch his breath after hearing its words.

If it weren't for Kurotaro's previous tricks, there would be no psychological burden for him to return to his original form.

But thinking about the way people looked at Kurotaro before, Lan Wei lost confidence in his own image.

"Don't look there, come here and help." I don't plan to say anything more to this idiot, otherwise I will be completely embarrassed.

"Oh!" Kuro Taro couldn't resist Lan Ji's order.


After the dust dispersed, when people looked at the field again, Blue Earthworm, Ganta and the others were already standing on top of Kurotaro's head.

Both sides of the confrontation were on guard. , looking for that fleeting fighter plane.

"Everyone retreats to a safe distance. The boundary team and medical team are always on standby to prevent accidents."

Seeing that things had reached this point, Hatake Sakumo arranged things in an orderly manner.

"Okay! Being Hokage is different. It's not like before where I only know how to kill people!" Yuda unexpectedly looked at the calm Hatake Sakumo and praised him heartily.

"How about you become the Hokage! Do you think I want this?" Hatake Sakumo didn't appreciate it at all.

If it hadn't been for this guy's unrestrained operation, he would still be a good young man who devoted himself to the prosperity of Konoha.

It's not like now, when I lose myself in mountains of documents all day long.

"Haha!" Yuda laughed awkwardly. Thinking about the scene every time he went to the Hokage's office, it seemed that Hatake Sakumo was really embarrassed.

Seeing that the barrier team had already set up the barrier, Cheng stood above Susan's head and laughed wildly.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Come on! I'm going to prove that the Sharingan is no weaker than the Wooden Gate!"

Looking at Cheng who seemed to be going crazy, Kiko asked worriedly: "Is Cheng okay?"

"Don't worry! This is their old Uchiha tradition!" Yuda thought about the scene before Madara, Obito, and Erzhu each time they enlarged their moves, and complained in his heart: "It seems that Uchiha can't fight without laughing a few times. Right?"

Because Makoto's Susano only has the upper body, although the attack and defense have been greatly enhanced, the movement speed has become negligible.

Fortunately, the venue is not big, otherwise as long as Lan Earthquake kept a sufficient distance, Cheng would have been able to just stare.

One blow had no effect, and Cheng became even more excited: "That's it! This is what makes it interesting!"

Then he took control of Susana again, holding the handle of the knife with both hands, and it seemed that the next attack would be more violent.

Although Lan Earthworm lacks combat experience, he also knows that he cannot let the opponent complete the charge.

"Wood Dun: Wooden Dragon Art!"

"Ang!" A loud dragon roared, and a large sky tree quickly grew on the ground, and then twisted around to form a wooden dragon, circling Susano who was accumulating power and rushed towards him.

"It's too late!" Looking at the circling wooden dragon, Cheng showed a sinister smile.

"Cut!" Susan held the ninja sword in his raised hands and slashed at the wood dragon that was coming towards him.

"Aang!" Mu Long seemed to scream, but the dust and sawdust obscured everyone's sight, and it was unclear what was going on inside.

(End of this chapter)

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