Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 141 The belated assessment of Orochimaru’s class

Chapter 141 The belated assessment of Orochimaru’s class (thrown out)

After solving Wanta's problem, they went to find their instructor the next day.

When Maruta rushed to the meeting point, he found that Orochimaru and Minato had already arrived.

But Ganta noticed that Orochimaru looked at him a little strangely.

Come to think of it, after Orochimaru got Ganta's blood yesterday, he wanted to study it immediately.

But as an instructor, he still suppressed his impulse and dutifully pointed at Wanta and the others for a long time.

After sending Ganta and the others away, Orochimaru was so excited that he didn't even eat, so he rushed into the laboratory, hoping to study Ganta's blood as soon as possible.

After all, this is the second-generation bloodline of the ninja god Yuda. For Orochimaru, a scientific madman, it is good to be able to endure it until now.

But during the experiment, he discovered to his horror that he seemed to have smoked a little too much. If Yuda or Kiko found out, would they beat him?

But when he thought that he could study Yuda's bloodline, Orochimaru put his worries behind him and began to study with concentration.

Just when he was obsessed with the experiment, the light suddenly dimmed.

Orochimaru, who was trapped in the experiment and couldn't extricate himself, was about to get angry when he looked up and saw Yuda's smiling face.

"It's over! Sure enough, we found him!" Orochimaru wailed in his heart.

You can imagine what happened immediately. If Orochimaru hadn't already completed the software transformation, I'm afraid it would have been gone.

Although Yuda knew that Orochimaru had selfish motives, and it was true that he drew Ganta's blood to study magnetic escape to better guide Ganta, but drawing so much blood at once was excessive.

At the same time, in order to prevent Orochimaru from getting mad, Yuda also warned him.

So Orochimaru looked at Ganta at this moment, as if an evil spirit had seen delicious food but couldn't happily eat it.

Ganta didn't know what Orochimaru was thinking at this time. He came to Orochimaru every now and then and whispered to him: "I'm sorry! Teacher Orochimaru, I was too willful yesterday."

Maybe it's because few people would apologize to him on weekdays. Tsunade, don't mention it. Jiraiya is his enemy. The two of them have been taunting each other since they met.

Hearing Wanta's apology at this time, he didn't get used to it for a while.

But at this time he still had to protect his face as a teacher.

Orochimaru nodded gently and asked Ganta to return to the team.

"Okay, I was delayed because of something yesterday! Let's start the first lesson today." Orochimaru started the formal teaching after seeing Ganta and the others standing.

I observed your strength during the graduation assessment, but I think your foundation is very solid. So what I want to see next is how the cooperation between you is? "

Orochimaru created a shadow clone, and then looked at Ganta and the others: "The next thing you have to do is to work together to defeat him. I have something else to do, so you can train on your own."

Orochimaru was thinking about studying Ganta's blood. He can only let his shadow clone guide his students.

"What should we do now?" Ganta always went straight to it if he could, but he was not stupid. He knew that even a shadow clone of Orochimaru would not be able to deal with him now, so he looked at Minato.

The same is true for Kushina. Hatake Sakumo assigned her to Orochimaru's class, partly because of Ganta's relationship, and partly because he thought his sealing technique could help Orochimaru's research.

As for how to use it, that's Orochimaru's own business.

Seeing the looks in Ganta and Kushina's eyes, Minato thought for a moment. "Wait a minute until Marouta interferes with his line of sight and try to hold him back. Kushina and I will look for opportunities to make a sneak attack and try to get rid of him as soon as possible."

After hearing Minato's plan, Kushina said unhappily: "Why Ganta? He was drained by that monster yesterday... Orochimaru-sensei took so much blood, how can he hold back this shadow clone?" Kushina has been since After seeing Ganta getting his blood drawn by Orochimaru yesterday, I have never had a good impression of him. I almost blurted out, forgetting that there was a shadow clone next to him.

After Minato heard Kushina's complaint, he spread his hands and said helplessly: "In a head-on confrontation, even now I am no match for Ganta."

In fact, Minato and the others have always been curious about why Ganta and his family were so full of energy the next day, no matter how badly they were injured the day before.

Although Ganta likes to show off, he knows that it is the biggest secret of their family, so naturally he cannot talk about it everywhere.

Wanta thought for a while, although in order to continue to be a ninja, he had just apologized to Orochimaru. But he had not forgotten what Orochimaru did to him yesterday.

In order to vent his anger, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! I'll try my best!"

Kushina couldn't think of a better plan. She looked at Ganta with concern: "Then you have to be careful later! In the worst case, just admit defeat!"

"No!" If he gave up, he would have to say goodbye to his ninja career.

"Please, I must win this time!" Ganta said solemnly to Kushina and Minato.

Although they didn't know why Ganta was obsessed with winning this time, the two of them still nodded.

"Can we start?" Orochimaru's shadow clone asked hoarsely when he saw Ganta and the others standing in a triangle shape not far away.

"Come on!" Ganta cheered himself up and shouted towards the shadow clone.

"Latent Shadow Snake Hand!"

The shadow clone was not polite and directly raised his hands, and dense snakes flew out of his sleeves and rushed towards Ganta and the others.

Wanta raised his right hand, and a large amount of iron sand poured out from the gourd behind his back.

He waved his right hand forward, and the iron sand poured out like ocean waves towards the flying snake.

"Boom!" The magnificent scene formed by the collision of the snake tide and the sea of ​​sand made Kushina stunned, and she even forgot to hide it for a moment.

Fortunately, Minato was reliable. He directly pulled up Kushina who was in a daze. After a burst of space fluctuation, the two of them disappeared.

After hiding it, Kushina stretched out her head and looked at Ganta carefully.

"That monster teacher's ninjutsu is so disgusting! I don't want to learn his ninjutsu!"

Looking at the corpse of the snake entangled at the intersection of iron sand and snake tide, Kushina felt her stomach churn.

"Actually, Orochimaru-sensei has very high attainments in ninjutsu. It's not just snake ninjutsu. You can learn a lot of knowledge from him."

Although Minato knew that Yuda wanted him to become Jiraiya's apprentice, since the Third Generation stepped down and Tsunade became pregnant, he had left the village under the pretext of gathering intelligence. No one knew where he was now except for the intelligence that was sent back from time to time.

So Yuda didn't interfere with Minato's class placement this time, and now it seemed that it would be good to follow Orochimaru.

"So what? He doesn't look like a good person anyway:" Kushina's first impression of Orochimaru was very bad. So Minato, who spoke for Orochimaru, was also prejudiced.

(End of this chapter)

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