Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 144 Electromagnetic Cannon

Chapter 144 Electromagnetic Cannon

Kushina followed Orochimaru through a dark passage and then took the elevator up some distance.

"We're here!" Orochimaru looked at the nervous Kushina, bent down and rubbed her blood-red hair: "Don't be nervous. When you go in later, listen carefully to those people's requests. If you can do it, agree. If you can't, just accept it. Say no directly and don’t embarrass yourself.”

"I can do it!" Kushina took a deep breath and eased her nervousness.

"Squeak!" The heavy mountain slid to both sides, revealing a huge space.

In addition to various machines and staff, there are also several thick gun barrels.

"This is it?" Kushina looked at the barrel like a giant beast, giving people a sense of oppression from a distance.

"This is what I will ask you to do later. These barrels are made to cooperate with the Tian family's magnetic escape research and development." Orochimaru looked at the shocked Kushina, and his heart was filled with a sense of accomplishment.

Although the principles and ideas were proposed by Tian, ​​he was responsible for the subsequent specific research work.

At this time, seeing my work shocking the world, I felt filled with pride.

"Lord Orochimaru! Who is this girl?" At this time, the person in charge of the workshop saw Orochimaru looking around with a little girl, and ran over to ask.

Perhaps it was Orochimaru's completely different personality here and outside that made the staff here less afraid of him.

"Haha! This is the helper I specially invited. Although she is young, her skills in the sealing arts of the Uzumaki clan are not low."

"Really?" the man asked with joy on his face.

"The only thing missing is the King Kong blockade that can bind chakra in orbit. If this girl can complete it, then our first finished product will be available soon."

"How about it? Can you do it?" Orochimaru turned to look at the thoughtful Kushina.

"Can I take a look first?" Since she was helping Ganta and his family with work, Kushina seemed very cautious. She didn't want to fail the first time she helped and waste Wanta's family's money.

Although she didn't know how much this thing cost, she knew from her observation of the many machines, equipment and personnel on the road that the Yuda family had spent a huge amount of money here.

The person in charge looked at Orochimaru, obviously seeking his opinion.

Everything here is confidential, and he would not dare to bring me, a stranger, into contact with core secrets.

After all, not everyone can be like Orochimaru and let his students come here with just one sentence.

"Why don't you take her quickly! This one may not be an outsider!" Orochimaru thought of the way Kushina looked at Ganta on weekdays, and a smile appeared on his lips.

"Yes!" After receiving Orochimaru's consent, the person in charge happily took Kushina's hand and walked through the ordered equipment to a long track.

"That's it. We need your help to arrange the Vajra Blocking Technique on both sides of the track to bind the chakra input when activating it. Can you do it?" The person in charge looked at her with eyes full of expectation.

Kushina circled the track and roughly estimated her workload.

The entire track is about a hundred meters long. If there are spells carved on both sides, she will have to carve two hundred meters of Vajra sealing spells at once.

Judging by the size of this rail, her chakra is a bit lacking. "It's a bit difficult! I don't have enough chakra." Kushina said with some embarrassment.

After all, this was her first time helping the Youtian family, but she couldn't do it, which made her a little embarrassed.

"Is it just a matter of chakra? Does that mean you can block it?" The person in charge obviously didn't take Kushina's lack of chakra seriously. What he cared about was whether Kushina could block it.

Although this is a sealing technique unique to the Uzumaki clan, not everyone in the Uzumaki clan can learn it.

"Yes! Is this difficult?" Kushina stared innocently at the person in charge with her big watery eyes.

This is not surprising to Kushina, because in her social circle, there are some geniuses.

Besides, after coming to Konoha, she spent most of her time with Ganta and the others. Enzhen was the one the Uzumaki clan had more contact with.

However, Yanzhen also quickly mastered the King Kong Blockade under Mito's careful guidance. So in Kushina's limited knowledge, isn't it something that anyone from the Uzumaki clan can learn if they have the skills?

Looking at Kushina's innocent eyes, the person in charge almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

If King Kong Blockade was so easy to learn, then they wouldn't have found a suitable person until now.

But now is not the time to worry about this. After confirming that Kushina can indeed block the King Kong, the person in charge immediately shouted to a staff member not far away: "Go and get some chakra scrolls! We will use them later. .”

After giving the instructions, he stared at Kushina intently, apparently because he was afraid that she would lose him accidentally.

"Uncle! There is no need for you to be so nervous. You look at me like this, which makes me a little awkward. If there is something wrong with my mentality and I fail later, it will be your responsibility." Kushina was looked at by him Feeling a little scared, I cautiously took a few steps back.

"Ah!" The person in charge also realized that he was a little too nervous at this time. He scratched his head in embarrassment: "I'm sorry! It's mainly because it's hard to find people who know how to blockade the King Kong, so I'm a little too worried. !”

"Oh!" Although Kushina didn't understand why this man was so nervous about her, in order to keep his eyes away from her, she could only respond obediently.

"Here we come! Team leader, are these enough?" At this time, the man who went to get the scrolls ran over, holding several scrolls in his arms.

The person in charge glanced at the scroll in his arms: "That's enough! It's not like we start directly. Let's test it first to see the effect."

As he spoke, he took the scroll in his arms and placed it on the console next to him.

"What kind of scroll is this? Why have I never seen it before?" Kushina looked at the complicated sealing techniques on the scrolls with a curious look on her face.

"Haha! Although we don't know the unique sealing technique of your Uzumaki clan. But under the guidance of Master Yuda, other sealing techniques are no worse than your Uzumaki clan."

As he spoke, he patted a few scrolls around him and said with a proud face: "These scrolls are the chakra saving scrolls we developed. As long as you input your own chakra into them in advance, when your chakra is not enough, , you can use this to replenish yourself with chakra. How about it? Not bad!"

"So powerful?" Kushina picked up a scroll and tried it.

She discovered that her chakra could indeed be stored in this scroll, but when she pulled out the chakra she had stored, the scroll in her hand shattered with a snap.

"Disposable?" Kushina's eyes widened and she looked at the person in charge who had a headache on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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