Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 151 Boy, you are an adult now, you have to learn

Chapter 151 Boy, you are an adult now, you have to learn...

At night, the silver moonlight spread all over the village. The shadows of the trees sway in the wind, making the village even more desolate.

But the blood flowing on the ground and the corpses scattered here and there gave this remote village a somewhat eerie atmosphere.

"Hey!" The sound of friction between the sword blade and the scabbard broke the silence.

"Jiro! Has the enemy been dealt with?" A crisp but cold voice came from the darkness.

"Solved! Where's the rope tree?" A slightly immature but cold voice responded.

"He was still comforting the hostages in the cellar!"

This was when the moon lifted up the clouds that had obscured him, and the brighter moonlight shone on the faces of the two people talking.

I saw one of them, a boy about ten years old, whose silver hair shone brightly in the moonlight. He was carrying a big gourd behind his back and a short blade in his waist.

The other girl was obviously a little older, but she was only thirteen or fourteen years old. She had blond hair and a round face with glasses, and she looked very gentle.

But at this time, her face was very cold, revealing a murderous aura, and she was obviously stimulated by something.

"I'll go around and see if there are any fish that have slipped through the net. You can help Shengshu deal with the hostages. After all, most of them are women, and it's not convenient for Shengshu to be a man."

After Jiro finished speaking, he turned and entered the woods.

Nonoyu looked at Jiro's disappearing figure and sighed.

It has been three years since Yuda started her retreat. Except for her master, Kiko, who hurriedly left the retreat to meet everyone when she gave birth to Shiyu, she has not been seen since then.

If it weren't for Uchimaru Kurotaro and the others who would bring back Yuda's letters from time to time, and the annual epiphany would arrive on time, would they all have thought that Yuda had completely disappeared?

But the backbone of their family seemed to have been ripped out, and the atmosphere at home became very dull.

If Grandpa Suzuki and his master hadn't enlightened everyone from time to time, Ganta and Kyoko would have almost destroyed their home.

But it's not without its benefits. According to the method passed down by Yuda, Ganta and the others' emotions have become much more stable. At the same time, they have become a lot more mature after leaving Yuda's protection in the past few years.

Just like Jiro just now, in order to take care of her, he almost killed all the bandits in this village by himself. Several of the leaders were ninjas, and the commander had the strength of a Jonin.

However, compared to Jiro's strength, these opponents are still too weak.

"What you did this time was just as good! It's very much like your father's style back then."

After Jiro dealt with the last enemy who pretended to be dead, a voice came from the tree next to him.

Jiro didn't even need to look back to know who it was.

"Grandpa Suzuki, you are still so elusive. Every time you complete a mission, you appear!" Jiro put away his ninja sword with a smile and turned to look at Suzuki lying on the tree.

At this time, Suzuki was completely different from three years ago, as if he had rejuvenated his youth. His gray hair had become jet black and shiny, and all the wrinkles on his face had disappeared.


Suzuki suddenly appeared in front of Jiro and scratched his head in embarrassment.

Perhaps as the body recovers, the mentality changes back to what it was before.

Looking at Jiro who looked at him with contempt, Suzuki looked at Jiro seriously and said seriously: "Boy! You are already an adult and you must learn to complete tasks alone!"

"Tch! If you don't participate in the distribution of our bounty, then I will believe it!"

Jiro ignored Suzuki's performance and turned around to join Nonou and the others.

"It's so cute!" Suzuki looked at Jiro's back and couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, he seemed to see the original Yuda.

After Jiro's figure completely disappeared, Suzuki's expression became indifferent. He turned to look at the woods behind him and shouted coldly: "Come out! How many times have I asked you if you are bored?"

"Whoa!" Three figures with treasonous forehead protectors surrounded Suzuki, while holding kunai and staring at him carefully.

Looking at the silent people, Suzuki chuckled.

"It turned out to be cannon fodder! The big fish must have bitten Jiro's hook."

The expressions of the three people remained unchanged, just staring at Suzuki.

"It seems they are planning to drag me here." Suzuki nodded clearly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Suzuki's figure disappeared.


The sound of a sharp blade cutting through flesh was heard, and the two people surrounding Suzuki quickly turned their heads to look.

I saw another accomplice falling limply to the ground. Suzuki was holding a bloody kunai in his hand and looked at the two of them with interest.

"You are worthy of being cannon fodder, but you are so weak! I don't know where you got the courage to take this order."

Since Suzuki moved into the Yuda family, not only has his body recovered, but his strength has also been illuminated by the beads. Coupled with the once-a-year epiphany, he has also entered the realm that he was fascinated by before.

As long as several children from the Tian family perform tasks out of the village, he will secretly protect them.

In the past three years, he had eliminated countless people who had their ideas, from various forces.

Just for the high bounty, these people came one after another, and he admired the persistence of these people.

Seeing that their accomplices were dismissed after just one meeting, the remaining two people were more careful and had meaningless sadness on their faces. They must have formed a temporary gang again.

"I'm still waiting to see Jiro's performance, but I don't have time to waste here with you."

At this moment, a "rumbling" sound was heard not far away, like a torrent rushing down.

Apparently Jiro's side also started to take action.

"Then we'll see you in the next life!"

Although Suzuki was not worried about Jiro and the others' comfort at all, how could there be no audience for such a wonderful performance?

Before the two of them could recover, a silver light flashed before their eyes.


The two of them almost fell to the ground together, and Yingying's blood flowed from their necks, leaving little ink marks in the moonlit mountain forest.

Suzuki put away the kunai, without even looking at the fallen enemy, and appeared at the place where Jiro was fighting.

"Hey! No wonder you are so bold, it turns out these guys are here to join in the fun!"

Suzuki stood on the treetop not far away and paid attention to the fierce battle in Jiro's place. When he saw the appearance of the enemy clearly, he was also shocked.

"The S-class rebel ninjas Akisa and Kuroiwa suddenly appeared two years ago, as well as the former Kumo ninja's sword master, and now the S-class rebel ninja Hikaru. It's really a big deal!"

Seeing that Jiro and the others could still cope with it, Suzuki simply sat cross-legged on a branch, enjoying the free special effects blockbuster with great interest.

"Jiro! Why don't you just obey them! It's not a bad thing. Look, as soon as we leave the village, these people are chasing after us like dog skin plaster. Can we still complete the task properly!"

Although Naoshu said so, his hands were unambiguous. He just wanted to ease his mood.

After all, it was the first time he had seen the tragic scene in the cellar just now.

(End of this chapter)

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