Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 167 Jiraiya Akura

Chapter 167 Jiraiya returns to the village

"Let people pay attention to people suspected of being from the Hyuga clan in the ninja world, and report them immediately if they are discovered." Raikage has become much calmer after breaking his arm last time. After discussing with Todai immediately, he decided to explore the thoughts of those moon people first. If it is beneficial to Kumo Ninja, then forming an alliance or something is not impossible.

The Tsuchikage and Kazekage had the same plan.

Because of Yuda's presence, the other four ninja villages were almost out of breath.

The Second Ninja War was triggered by economic resource issues, but in the end it ended hastily because Yuda was too strong. Not only have their own problems not been solved, they have become more and more serious.

At this time, a powerful hidden ninja clan suddenly appeared and refused to deal with Konoha. This gave them hope of overthrowing Konoha.

However, even though they searched the ninja world, they could not find the road to the moon, nor did they encounter anyone from the Otsutsuki clan again.

So they turned their attention to the children of the Yuda family. But this time Yuda came out and became stronger, so they planned to change their approach.


"Jiraiya! Long time no see!"

Just when Jiraiya, who returned to the village for the first time after leaving the village for several years, was lamenting the changes in Konoha in recent years, a voice came from behind him.

"Tsunade! Are you okay!"

After seeing clearly that the person coming was Tsunade, Jiraiya smiled and said hello.

"Have a drink!" the two said in unison.

After a moment of silence, the two looked at each other and laughed.

"It seems that the tacit understanding between us has not faded! It's really good!"

Now that he had let go, Jiraiya acted calmly.

"Go to Ninja's Flavor! I'm treating you! It's been a long time since I've had Ninja's Flavor!" Jiraiya said boldly.

"Of course you invited me! You guys have made a lot of money in the past few years. The bookstores are full of books written by you." Tsunade was not polite and walked directly towards Orochimaru's house with Jiraiya.

After all, they were in the same class, and it was impossible for the two of them to leave Orochimaru to drink.

"Is Sarutobi-sensei okay?" After a while, Jiraiya asked naturally.

After all, when the third generation stepped down, the Thousand Hands clan made great efforts.

It is inevitable to feel a little embarrassed to ask this question to the person concerned now.

"Sarutobi-sensei? It's very good. A few years ago, he gave us another junior brother!"

Tsunade replied nonchalantly.

At the beginning, she was worried that the teacher would not give up and secretly cultivate forces in an attempt to make a comeback.

But when she discovered Yuda's layout, she was completely relieved.

Even the third generation has to admit that the current Konoha is the Konoha that the first generation hoped for.

Therefore, under Pipazi's persuasion, he completely gave up the power he had secretly cultivated and settled down to be a retired old man.

"You are so old and strong! You are almost fifty and you have a son." Jiraiya complained.

This is also to cover up the embarrassment just now.

"Haha! How about you, didn't you even look for one outside?" Tsunade looked at Jiraiya with a smile, a frank look on her face.

She is very satisfied with her current situation. She has her own children, a grandmother who loves her, and a younger brother who can bully her from time to time.

If she really married Yuda, her family would have been turned upside down by her attitude towards life.

"Bang bang bang!"

After smashing the door of Orochimaru's house for a while and finding no one inside, Tsunade could only say to Jiraiya regretfully: "It seems that there are only two of us today." Jiraiya shrugged and turned towards Jiraiya. Walking in the direction of tolerance.

People who knew him greeted him along the way.

"I didn't expect that so many people would remember me after not coming back for so long."

When he arrived at the door of Ninja's Flavor, Jiraiya said with a sigh.

"Okay! Stop being poor! Those are your book fans." Tsunade pushed Jiraiya away and walked straight in.

"Tsunade-sama! Welcome!" Minato, who was working part-time as a waiter, saw Tsunade and stepped forward to greet her.

Tsunade waved her hand from a distance: "We are all acquaintances, don't be so polite, you can go about your business."

"I want a private room and the best food and wine. I'm going to treat you today." Tsunade said in a very loud voice as it was a rare opportunity for her to be generous in the Taste of Ninja.

"Who is it? Who dares to treat Tsunade-sama to dinner in the Taste of Ninja? You are not afraid of going bankrupt!"

"Shh... keep your voice down, we'll find out later. Let me see which unlucky guy it is?"

When the customers in the store heard that someone invited Tsunade to eat at Ninja no Taste, they all started talking.

"What's going on?" Jiraiya, who just came in, was confused by the atmosphere in the store.

Why are everyone looking at me with pitiful eyes?

When Minato on the side saw Jiraiya, he quickly came up and led him towards the private room that Tsunade wanted.

"What's going on?" Jiraiya asked Minato quietly.

"Tsunade-sama has a big appetite in recent years, so most people can't afford to treat her to Ninja, so everyone is very curious." Minato looked at Jiraiya who was full of curiosity and explained to him kindly.

"Hey! What did I think was going on? She was making such a fuss over how much she could eat and spend." After confirming that it was not his problem, Jiraiya breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's right! How much are the drinks and dishes that Tsunade ordered? I'll pay the bill now so I don't forget it after drinking too much."

"One hundred and forty-three thousand taels!"

Minato said a number quietly, and instantly poured a basin of cold water on Jiraiya.

"How much?" Jiraiya stopped reaching for his wallet and looked at Minato in disbelief and asked again.

"One hundred and forty-three thousand taels!" Minato looked at the surprised Jiraiya and began to sympathize with this unfortunate guy.

"Why so many?" Jiraiya didn't care about paying the bill. He pushed open the door of the private room and looked inside and found that Tsunade had already drank.

"What did you order? A meal costs more than a million?" Jiraiya sat down next to Tsunade and asked quietly.

"Ah! It's nothing. I just picked the best one and ordered two tables, and asked for the best wine by the way." After Tsunade saw Jiraiya, she may have felt that she was a little too much, and even poured him a glass of wine with her own hands.

"It's just the two of us, can we finish eating?" Jiraiya said carefully.

"What two people? I ordered those for myself. I don't know what you like to eat. You can order them yourself later."

"You eat so much by yourself! What happened to you in the past few years?"

Jiraiya looked at Tsunade seriously, obviously afraid that she would encounter some difficulty and turn her grief into appetite.

"Nothing? It's just that the strength increased too quickly, so it consumed a little more."

There was nothing wrong with this, but Jiraiya couldn't help it.

Originally, he had the same strength as Tsunade and Orochimaru, but now Tsunade told him that she needed a lot of food supplements because her strength had grown too fast. This made him sit still.

 I had a high fever yesterday. After taking medicine in the afternoon, I planned to take a nap and get up at night to update. Who knows, I slept until the early morning of the next day. Sorry, old friends.



(End of this chapter)

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