Let you evolve and transform into a golden-horned giant beast

Chapter 82 Questions from Xu Longjing’s soul, Wang Qing couldn’t hold back

Chapter 82 Questions from Xu Longjing’s soul, Wang Qing couldn’t hold back

Xu Longjing's eyelids twitched.

Wang Qing's last sentence almost broke his guard.

Everyone in this building was trembling with fear when they saw her, as if they were walking on thin ice.

The high school student in front of him had no idea what awe was. Not only did he look at her from such a close distance with unscrupulous eyes, he even dared to say that she didn't look like a real person.


That's all, after all, he is young and has not been beaten by this world.

In an instant.

Xu Longjing once again restored Gu Jing Wubo's mentality.

Originally, she planned to wait until Wang Qing's status as an S-class special genius was confirmed before she could officially meet Wang Qing.

But the phone call last night made her change her mind.

Those who come are not good, and those who are good don't.

The big boss at the headquarters did not hesitate to go to Binhai City in person, fearing that it was not just as simple as inspecting Wang Qing, but that he had other plans...

"I am Xu Longjing, the first director of this city's entrance management committee. I came to see you today because I want to have a chat with you."

After Xu Longjing briefly introduced herself, she said as if reading from a manuscript: "Wang Qing, male, fifteen years old this year, father Wang Guanhai, currently studying in the first grade of Binhai No. 1 Middle School, completed his first evolution three months ago, and merged with Pippi Strange genes, the blood test data a week ago was..."

Wang Qing looked calm.

The Entrance Management Committee has already mastered this basic information about him.

The fact that this woman was able to say it word for word just meant that the other person had a good memory, so there was nothing to make a fuss about.

"Three months ago, you were injected with Pepi's evolutionary gene in school."

Having said this, Xu Longjing paused for a moment, glanced at Wang Qing, who was as steady as an old dog, and continued: "A few days after the injection, you purchased another copy of the Pepi Monster gene from the Internet."

Looking at Wang Qing, who was a little nervous, there was a hint of joking in her eyes.

"Wang Qing, although you want to keep it secret, you are too careless. I can easily check these online shopping records with a three-year-old child."

What the hell!

Insult, this is Chi Guoguo's insult!
  Faced with Xu Longjing's surprise attack, Wang Qing was a little confused at first.

But it soon stabilized its position.

The other party only found his online shopping record of purchasing the Pepi monster gene. What does this mean?

What the woman said next made him unable to hold his nerve for a moment.

"Tell me, how many injections have you had in total?"

This sentence made Wang Qing feel cold all over his body, and he felt as if his underwear had been stripped off.

Xu Longjing was not surprised to see Wang Qing not speaking and using silence to deal with her.

When a person's important secret is suddenly revealed.

The normal reaction is to verbally deny, lose control of your emotions, or even become angry and fall into hysterics.

As a high school student from an ordinary family and without any psychological training, Wang Qing was able to stabilize his emotions immediately and just use silence to fight, which is already a pretty good performance.

Xu Longjing opened the drawer, took out a document bag, and threw it on the table.

"Here is a human experiment report that is not open to the public. You will understand after reading it."


Wang Qing glanced at the yellow kraft paper bag that slid in front of him.

On the front are two eye-catching red characters - Top Secret!
  He glanced at Xu Longjing across the desk again. The other person didn't speak, but just looked at him quietly, his silver-gray eyes as deep and cold as ever.

After taking a deep breath.

Wang Qing stretched out his right hand, picked up the document bag on the table, opened the seal, and took out a thick pile of documents from inside. “Report on human experiments on multiple injections of Pipi monster genes.”

Wang Qing's heart skipped a beat when he saw the title of this top-secret document before he saw the text.

It turned out that he was not the only one who had been injected with the Pepi monster gene multiple times.

Keep looking down.

This is an underground laboratory called the "Tower of Evolution", a human evolution experiment using Pipi monster genes.

The experimental subjects were a total of 100 ordinary humans, ranging in age from eighteen to twenty-six years old, half male and female, all of whom had reached the threshold of first evolution.

On the first day, the experimenters injected the Pepi monster gene into 100 experimental subjects.

Five days later, all 100 experimental subjects ended their transformation period, but none of them awakened their talents.

a week later.

The experimenters injected the Pepi monster gene into the 100 subjects again. As a result, one-third of the subjects suffered severe stress reactions on the spot and all died within one day.

The remaining two-thirds of the experimental subjects also experienced varying degrees of stress reactions.

More than half of them suffered irreversible physical damage, some were blind, some were paralyzed, and some fell into madness...

There were only 16 experimental subjects, everything was normal, and they successfully completed the second transformation, and their physical fitness was comprehensively improved.

Another half month later.

The experimenters injected the third injection of the Pepi monster gene into the 16 experimental subjects who had completed the second transformation.

This time, only one survived.

The experimental subject labeled 077 not only unexpectedly survived, but also successfully awakened a talent as his body entered the third stage of transformation.

In one fell swoop, he broke the curse of Pipi's genes being unable to awaken his talents.

The experimenters struck while the iron was hot and after waiting for a month, gave 077 the fourth injection.

As a result, 077's body collapsed on the spot and died suddenly.

At the end of the report, the experimenter also wrote a summary:

[According to experimental data, the limit that ordinary humans can withstand the Pipi monster gene is three injections.

After the third injection, 077 successfully awakened his talent.

It can be inferred from this that the Pepi monster gene is not unable to awaken talents, but because the energy contained is too low, perhaps the inherited alien talent information is incomplete, and it cannot be awakened with one injection, and two more injections are needed...]

This human experiment report not only contains detailed text descriptions, but also black and white photos of human experiments, which look shocking.

While Wang Qing was looking through it, he had only one feeling.

So frustrating.

One hundred human lives were wasted like guinea pigs in iron cages in underground laboratories...

There is nothing worse than this.


After reading the last page, Wang Qing let out a long breath and couldn't calm down for a long time.

At this time.

Xu Longjing, who had been keeping quiet, said:

"For more than a hundred years, the secrets about Pepi Monsters have been studied by countless laboratories. The secret you think is not a secret at all. Now you can answer my question, Wang Qing , how many more injections did you take?”

"Since you want to know so much, I'll tell you."

Wang Qing raised his head, looked directly at Xu Longjing opposite, and slowly uttered two words.

"Ten stitches."

(End of this chapter)

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