Let you evolve and transform into a golden-horned giant beast

Chapter 94 I decide my evolution, haha, I understand

Chapter 94 I decide my evolution, haha, I understand

"Consultant Wang, this is your Qi and blood test sheet."

Li Meng, the third-level clerk in charge of testing Qi and blood, handed a Qi and blood test form to Wang Qing's hand. Both his actions and facial expressions were full of respect.

He behaved like this not because Wang Qing was a popular person in front of Director Xu.

But Wang Qing is just too outrageous.

The last two times, he helped Wang Qing do qi and blood tests. Every time he saw the test results, he felt suspicious of life.

Other people's Qi and blood rise at certain times.

This Consultant Wang is good, the increase is 100, which is not too outrageous.

[Average Qi and Blood: 411.2]

Wang Qing took the qi and blood test form, glanced at it, and nodded. The qi and blood in his body indeed exceeded 400.

Qi and blood are broken by four hundred.

According to normal standards, it is equivalent to the level of mid-second order.

Coupled with the innate Qi and blood in his body, it is inherently stronger than ordinary Qi and blood, allowing him to explode with stronger combat power.

Regardless of other factors, his current strength is comparable to that of a late second-order evolver.

If you add ten more transformed bodies, two talents [Tough Skin] and [Gluttonous Stomach], as well as various combat skills learned so far...

He himself was not sure what level his current combat power was.

After completing the gas and blood test.

Wang Qing took another mental test, put on the test helmet, entered the instrument with his consciousness, and started moving bricks...

Soon, the results came out.


Compared with last month, it increased by 30 points.

This result is actually not bad, it can even be said to be quite excellent, but compared with his Qi and Blood results, it is completely inadequate.

Wang Qing shook his head, obviously not very satisfied.

He has been studying the "Twelve-story Tower Contemplation Method" for almost a month, but has made no progress.

This kind of spiritual cultivation is the most test of personal understanding.

And his understanding can only be considered excellent, far from being heaven-defying.

Wang Qing sighed lightly.

Comprehension is basically determined by nature, and it is very difficult to achieve qualitative improvement the day after tomorrow.

It takes great opportunity.

For example, awakening a certain special talent and developing the brain in depth...

With two test sheets, Wang Qing came to the first director's office and met his guardian Xu Longjing who was waiting for him.

"The cultivation of qi and blood is progressing at a rapid pace, but the cultivation of spiritual power still requires hard work."

Xu Longjing read the two test sheets, made a brief comment, and then went straight to the topic, "Since you have broken through the second level, you can start preparing for your second evolution."

"What preparations should I make?"

"First, determine the evolutionary genes you want to integrate for your second evolution."

Xu Longjing took a look at Wang Qing and said: "With your current physical fitness, integrating the third-level evolutionary genes is more than enough. Even the fourth-level evolutionary genes can still challenge you."

The higher the level of the fused evolutionary genes, the greater the strengthening effect on the evolver.

Even primary school students understand this.

Wang Qing naturally understood, and also heard the hint in the director's words.

But he already has his heart set on belonging.

So, he replied: "I'd better choose the third-level evolutionary gene."


Xu Longjing nodded.

For things like evolutionary genes, although the higher the level, the better, but it is not absolute.

The most important thing is to choose the evolutionary gene that best suits you.

"Due to your status as an S-class special genius, according to relevant procedures, the headquarters will send a team of experts to guide you through the second evolution and help you find the evolutionary gene that is most suitable for you..."

Xu Longjing was halfway through speaking. Seeing that Wang Qing was about to speak but hesitated, she asked, "What do you think about this?"

Wang Qing asked: "Can't I choose the second evolution gene myself?"

"You choose?"

Xu Longjing glanced at Wang Qing in surprise and said: "There are thousands of evolutionary genes in the world. How to select the most suitable evolutionary genes among them is an extremely profound knowledge. Even the most authoritative evolution experts in the country , I can’t say I’m 100% sure.”

She didn't say the next words, but the meaning was already obvious.

Wang Qing frowned slightly. He knew that the director was doing it for his own good, but he already knew which evolutionary genes were most suitable for him and did not need anyone's guidance at all.

But it was difficult for him to explain this kind of thing clearly to the director.

His two secrets, the identity of the time traveler and the special ability to see the evolutionary path, must not be leaked.

No matter who the other party is!

"Selecting evolutionary genes is of great importance. Someone from the headquarters will be sent over in a week at the earliest."

After hearing the director's words, Wang Qing nodded silently.

It is imperative that the headquarters sends someone to guide him in his second evolution.

This is an important clause stipulated in the agreement. He cannot refuse it if he wants to. Even as the director of the guardianship, there is nothing he can do.

"We can only play by ear."

Wang Qing secretly thought that no matter what, he must be responsible for the second evolution of his genes.

Just like choosing Pipi Monster in the first place.


The two talked for more than ten minutes.

Before the second evolution, Wang Qing still has a lot of preparation work to do.

He just completed his first evolution four months ago. In less than a year, he will have to fuse the evolutionary genes again, which will put a huge load on his body.

This load is all-round, not just physical, but also spiritual...

"Take it."

After finishing the conversation, Xu Longjing took out a palm-sized black diary and handed it to Wang Qing.

"This is?"

Wang Qing looked at the diary in his hand. The black cover looked a little old, but it was extremely well-preserved.     "See for yourself."

After Xu Longjing finished speaking, she waved her hand and said, "Okay, you can go back."

"Director, goodbye!"

After walking out of the office, Wang Qing immediately opened the diary in his hand and took a sneak peek.

Good guy, it turns out to be the director’s training diary.

"I didn't expect that a serious person like the director would also write a diary..."

Wang Qing muttered, then took a closer look.

The content of this practice diary records the entire process of the director's practice of the "Twelve-Storey Tower Contemplation Method".

This is not the point.

The point is, the director was only eight years old when he practiced this method of contemplation!

I saw this sentence on the first page of the diary: "Today I turn eight years old, and my father is going to teach me the method of contemplating the twelve-layered tower..."

After going home.

Wang Qing spent one night reading the training diary given to him by the director three times from beginning to end.

Not a lot of space.

But some of the cultivation experiences recorded in it made Wang Qing unable to help but savor it carefully, and he often felt like he was enlightened...

He finally understood why the director gave him such a private diary.

It turned out that it was all to help him.

Wang Qing closed the diary in his hand, calmed his mind, and sat cross-legged.

"Adjust breath and practice Qi, adjust body and form, adjust mind and spirit, supervise promotion and demotion, it's all included..."

A series of extremely obscure formulas echoed in his mind.

His consciousness gradually fell into chaos, just like before, as if he was dreaming a dream without beginning and end, unable to find the way forward...


The director's voice sounded like a bell in his mind.

"Jinjin jade liquid moistens the heavy building, and the third eye opens to see your heart!"


A dazzling golden light pierced the darkness.

Wang Qing's consciousness broke free from the chaos, and the road ahead became bright.

"Haha, I understand!"

After shouting, Wang Qing's consciousness was projected into his spiritual sea like a swallow returning to its nest.

The so-called contemplation method is to concretize one's own mental power by freely imagining the scenes of the universe and nature...

To put it simply, it is to shape one's own mental power.

Wang Qing looked at his spiritual power.

A huge mass, white, like a white cloud or a ball of cotton.

He thought about it.

The cloud-like mental power kept changing, and finally turned into a white stick.

"too ugly."

Wang Qing had another thought.

The white stick turned into a big tree, and then turned into a white monster...

Changes came and went, but he was not satisfied.

"What should I change?"

Wang Qing suddenly had trouble choosing.

The first level of the Twelve-layer Tower Contemplation is to realize the spiritual power. Once it is determined, it will be completely finalized and cannot be repented of.


He remembered the vision he had after evolving innate air and blood.


Wang Qing thought, and his mental power turned into a white sun, rising from the ground and hanging in the spiritual sea.

"Yeah, it looks pretty good."

After Wang Qing looked it over, he smiled with satisfaction. From now on, his mental power will be like the sun quietly in his own spiritual sea.

The next three days.

Wang Qing devoted himself to practicing the Twelve-Storey Tower Contemplation, and his consciousness constantly visualized the sun in reality.


As he continued to visualize, the white sun in the spiritual sea continued to grow. It was only the size of a disk at the beginning, and now it is the size of a basin.

Moreover, the color has also changed slightly.

It is no longer the colorless white, but has a hint of red.

Reality versus spirit.

This is the secret of the twelve-layered tower concept.

three days later.

Wang Qing rushed to the management meeting with his notebook and took a mental test first.

Good guy.

After breaking through to the first level, his mental power skyrocketed from the previous 280 to 490, almost doubling.

The idea of ​​viewing the Twelve-Storied Tower is indeed a bit outrageous.


Wang Qing rushed to the first director's office, personally returned the notebook to the guardian Xu Longjing, and thanked him in person.

If it weren't for this training notebook, he wouldn't have known how long it would take for him to achieve a breakthrough.

Regarding Wang Qing's gratitude, Xu Longjing didn't say much, but just asked: "What is your spiritual manifestation?"


After Wang Qing answered, he asked: "Director, what about you?"

After Xu Longjing was silent for a few seconds, she replied reluctantly: "The moon."

Wang Qing suddenly laughed

Sun and moon...

(End of this chapter)

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